s^ ssm
…§甲 :r盂fHl
右聲轴 罷i
-g袒-F -—w*y
6. A. Nice to meet you, toe.题,
B. (iood luck. C. L-et me sec. 7. A, lhirry up' B. Sure, I'd love to. C. Sony. I m late. S, A, Yes. 1 do,
B No, he doesn't. C. Yes. 1 can.
9. A. No pmhlcm. H Here yon are. C. Thanks a lot. 10. A. Five kilometers.
B. Once a day.
C. In three weeks.
第三节 町对话及问题.选择最棣答案。听音前你有10秒榊的啖题时同,注惫听齒臥(共 5小题.翔小題2分*满分】0分)
11 A. Because they arc funny. J2. B. Because they are cuie. C. Because they are friendly.
A. Last week. B. Last month. C\\ Last year. 13. A. Mikt teacher, B. Mike's friend. C. Mike's sister. 14. A. He is sad.
B, He has a cold. C. He is tired.
15. A. For less than 7 hours.
B. For 7 hours.
C. For more than 7 hovirs.
16. Times tables (乘法「;決)rniiy be __ fbr English students.
A. difficult
B. easy
C so-so
17. When will all students in the UK take the Chinese times table test?
A. In 2000,
B. In 2012.
C. In 2020.
)& In China, the times tables go from number _______________.
A I to 9
B 1 lo 12
C.】to 18
]9. Who must remember more numbers when learning times tabksH,
A Chinese students.
B. English siudents
C. American students?
20. As for English people, which is NOT the opinion on the times table test?
A. They think the test niay bring pressure to English students. B. ilicy think the lest will be helpful for English students to leam math. U They think the test is meaningless to English students.
第二部分 英语知识运用(共二节,满分25分) 第一节单项填空
从A、歇G D四个选项中选出能填入空白处或替换划线部分的量佳答案?(共15小题,每小题[分,满分15分) 21. 一 Hi, Lucy. ______ is your birthday?
My birthday is on May 2nd. A.
What B. Why C. When D. Where
Tuny, dc?n t 匚皿 Sorrv^ I won Bt do h
A, in 旳
D by
23 Hcrw was the vofteytmll game yesicixtey?
C.to _ Ohf it WHS ftnlosnc! We __________ 的 nuich fun. A. have R El
24. — IVTmi dries your brotlicr look like? C. arc having
D” will have
A, Me k outgo mg H. He i$ really Lail and thin C. He is a student
D. He is m hospital 25. After we dcaned up the room, it looked
than before.
A. tidier B一 ttdie^t G worse C. worse D. worst 26- . _______ I have lost everything in this terrible earthquake. I have not lost my life. A. Because
B一 So
C. AUhaugh
D. I f
27. The government will lake 恥”的 to
lhe problem of hea^y extracuiTkiilzir burdenb
(滦外负担)on primary and mtddk school .students.
扎 deciding
B. decide
C. living
D solve
28r — Reading a good book makes me happy.
— _________ r II also hwlpjj me a lol A. I dertft tliink so B. 1 think su 29. TTae most beautifu] thing about kamin^
C. Vm jfniid not D. No way A. anybody
B. jwjniebndy
is that
” cah lake it away from you. C.
轴-— ________ ?
every body
D, nobody
Yes, /'d \上已 some beef noodles. A. May J hake your order C. What club do you want ro join
B May 3 borrow your mkr D. What size would you like
31. Stephen Hawking, a great scientist, had a strong will (意志、His serious iilnes* never
________ him ................. living a meaningful and colorful life. A. learned; from B protected; from C. saved; from 32. — Excuse meh could you ptease tell me ____________ ?
D, slopped; Iram
—【山 on Center Street ^nd across from the bank.
A wher can 1
血d the library
B. where E can find lhe jib眄
C how far the library is from here D. how far is the iibraQ froni here 33. — Have you watched the movie named Amazing China (电厉害了’ 我的国)? —Stire, I have. ---- ------------ achievements our country has made!
A-What a
B Wkiig C. What □. How
34【”邮 is getting k> be 他丽咖 at drawing pictures. A. a big hand & fiist-hand J5 -1
Mt 89 hiking with you this weekend because I A」have more impona^ things to do c
inexperienced D. experienced hgyt C !'m free
jxh^r 自血 to fry.
B, I have some fish to eat D I need to cook tish
英语试起 S * W 3 t it fl FK I
第二节完形填空 U B, C三个选顼中透出能填人空白处的附賂案“ f共⑷小臥毎小题I 4桶 分10分) ” spaCeSpace travel is nothing new. The first spaceship with a human was senl 叩 ------------- ----- in 1^61. Since then, people have not only traveled to 椚叫.—32 nrumy ol th亡m hawc 讷M lived there tn space siAlions for some bme. 、 int0in 17I ThlS皿 Soviet I mon (苏联)sent the …38— 如仙 叩叱 將\ station 杠 called Salyut I. h E _ as a place where people could 叹 while they observed space and itid ex perinienh. The lirst 1ulgroup ol astronauts 匚' 嘉、、.\\ he JSEct I nion went on to make seven more Salyui space stations. At about the same tune, the United States had 40 own spate station, called Skylnb. AsironZns 吐 in ih诚 sp3cc stations for n short lime, Itowcver, it wasn't until the late 1980s when the Soviet Union sent the Mir space station lhal people began to ^*ve ‘ space for a 42 lime. Living in space staiions seems io be fun* but astronauts tneu many problems, of them 43_ food. All the 44 on space stations are put together on Emh and 穿 there bv spaceship. Because lhe food has to last a long time, a lot of it has lo be stored m ^Ans-: space stabon does not liave a fridge, but it has a cool room to keep fruit and vegetables 伙血 Asrronaufs 畑崗 many other foods _^5__ 比沁d meat that 曲 not need spec汕 36, A. into 37. A. or 3& A* ones 39. A. found
care- B. with
B. but B. one B. was built B. they B. played B. shorter & is H* vegetable B. at last
C. of C. unless Ct first C\\ was brought C. its C. took C, longer C. are C\\ meals C. next to
斗0. A. them
4L A- lived 42. A. more 43. A. am 44, A. apple 45. A. sueb as
第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题,满分35分) A Disnc) has made many cartoon movies. The princesses (公主们)in the movies arc often girls lavonlc characters. I-rom Snow White to Moanu, every princess leaves a deep impression (印鞭)on people. However, have you noticed that Disney
princesses arc changing? In the early Disney curtoun movies, princesses like Snow White, Cinderella and .Aurora from Sleeping ficiiutv arc Hsuully good-look mg and kind-hearted. Hut they h^ve to depend on others to get out ot trouble an
為网.P^pic 呵|】h、x 山(皿 princrssc!;. Inn mon- tirul more yirls know lhey have UJ fi&ht for th如 wn happiness Disney
has noticed lhe change. So the princesses in im newer mevia don t jujU have g(xid look,-
W行由 fT-Ori1 血m、med cunmple. She 找皿 bnm 帖 R prince站 and she 他宓肿ng on aijvtnruro ( \\ ; ,.;r y She spends
hr】 days piaclicing urclscry (躬芯贰:k Eing her h(wp :nuL experiencing Ole world around her She loves her family, but she wants !O 山kc control ot her
own life,
Seme time ago, Disney even put up their L40 new rulu\\ for being a modem princes^ The ruks include: Care for others; Live healthily; Don't jud^c a book by its cover; Be honest; Be a ftiend you can twsl; Believe in yourself; Right wrongs; Try your best; Be loyal and Wver give up.
Si one of lhe rules arc about lhe IJQRS of H princess. Anyway, one's inner beauty K more valuable. Den t you think so?
根据妊文内容,刿断句子正(T)迓(F)o (共5小题?每小题I仔分,满分工$分) 4tv Snow
White is a good-looking and kind hearted girl
47, All Disney princesses can get out of difTicully J nd lind happiness by themselves. 4K. The princesses in Disney's newer movies just have good looks. ■49. Merida s aints to take conlrol of her own life.
50. Disney h』、found it mare valuable (o have inner beauty than to just have good looks.
Thirteen-ycarold Cind> had been bullied (欺汝)at school for about two years. Her bag, kr、、j,id mobi I亡
phone luki been stolen. She liad also been knocked off her bitycle, kicked anti punched (以萨爭击).
Cind\\ irjed to fight back, but it always seemed to be her, not the bulhes, who got into trouble. She became so afraid of
going to school that she started to be absent liom her classes.
f-jnalJv. her headmasier set up a special plan, asking students to look after one another He gave C'ind* the courage to play
the guitar tn a school concert, which gave (. indy new confidence iind hclpvii her receive respect from the other sludurUs. tiradually, the bullying began to stop
Cindy s story is not uncommon, but help in always there All schools in the UK itour have to follow strict bullying policies
(玫策).There are many ehnndes and organizations giving suppori lo young people, such as BuElyingUK and Childknc. So
remember one very important piece ot advice: U vim jrc being bullied, don't put Lip>vi【h ii icll someone.