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北师大版高中英语必修二教案:unit4 L3 Virtual Reality

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北师大版高中英语必修二教案:unit4 L3 Virtual Reality

《3 Virtual Reality》教学指导


■ To practise using first and second conditionals. ■ To assess whether websites are real.

Resources used

Grammar Summaries 2. and 3. Mini-Grammar 2

Possible problems

■ Students may use will after if in conditional sentences.

■ Students may need to revise zero conditionals (If plus imperative). There are revision exercises in the Language Powerbook.


The London Science Museum has an excellent interactive website.

Virtual holidays are still something from science fiction but will soon be technically possible. Lesson 13 has notes on virtual reality.


Routes through the material

■ If you are short of time, set some of the exercises for homework and omit Exercises 6 and 8. ■ If you have time, do the Option activity.

■ If you have two periods for this lesson, a suitable natural break is after Exercise 4.

Language Power: pages 58?C59. Mini-Grammar: 2.

Before you start

Exercise 1

■ Ask students to look back at Lesson 1 and find the definition of virtual reality (Exercise 4, definition 2). Students then discuss which of the uses are possible at present (All except virtual holidays).

Exercise 2

■ Students look at the two websites and decide which is the real one (The Science Museum). ■ Students then discuss questions 1?C3 in groups before reporting back to the class. When reporting back to the class, students should give reasons for question 3, e.g. Why did you like to go to a virtual reality University? Because I can study in a world-famous university.

Exercise 3

■ Students read the questions, then read the dialogue to find the answers. Answers

1 She has to finish her project.

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北师大版高中英语必修二教案:unit4 L3 Virtual Reality

2 He’ll go camping if the weather is good. 3 no 4 no

5 He would like to go to a world-famous university.

6 She thought she would be able to go anywhere she liked.

■ Remind students that the important words in a sentence are stressed. Then have them read the dialogue aloud in pairs, stressing the important words in each sentence. Voice your opinion

Exercise 4

■ Students talk about the advantages and disadvantages of a virtual university. The text doesn’t provide enough information, so ask students to use their imagination. You may divide the class into groups and draw two columns on the blackboard. Encourage each group to add their ideas on board.




Exercise 5

You may wish to remind students of the zero conditional (see Language Power for exercises on page 57) before practising the first and second conditionals.

Note that other terms may be used for conditional clauses in some grammar reference books, e.g. real/open conditions (1st conditional) and unreal/hypothetical conditions (2nd and 3rd conditionals).

■ Students read the sentences in italics in the dialogue and decide which situations are being talked about (b).

■ Refer students to Grammar Summary 2.

■ Students look back at the conditional sentences in the dialogue and read them aloud. Write the beginnings of some of the sentences on the board and add more prompts, e.g. If I don’t finish my homework, … If the weather’s good , … If it rains, … If you/I go to …,

If I pass the examination, …

■ Students then complete the conditional sentences talking about themselves.


Exercise 6

■ Check answers by asking students to read the sentences aloud.

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北师大版高中英语必修二教案:unit4 L3 Virtual Reality


