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Shengyang is in the northeast of China. In spring, the weather is changeable(多变的).Sometimes it’s warm, and sometimes it’s cold. In summer, it’s hot. But I like it very much because I like swimming. The autumn in Shengyang is very nice. It’s neither too hot nor too cold .In winter, it’s very cold. You can see heavy snow everywhere. I like snow. I like to make snowman with my friends. Unit8

Is there a post office near here?

【写作话题】本单元以问路指路为话题,向他人问路或指路。 【写作题目】假设你叫李雷, 这个星期天是你的生日,你准备在家举办一个生日聚会,聚会在六点钟开始。你邀请了你的一些朋友参加,Susan 也在其中, 可她不知道去你家的路。你家住在Bridge Street,乘坐六路或八路公共汽车在Bridge Street站下车,下车后直走,然后在第一个十字路口右拐,左边有一个邮局,你家就在邮局的对面,房子是红色的,很容易找到。请根据所给信息给Susan写封邮件。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Susan,

This Sunday is my birthday. I’ll have a birthday at my home. It starts at 6p.m.. Would you like to come? I’ll ask some of my friends to come. My home is on Bridge Street. You can take a No.6 or No.8 bus, and get off on Bridge Street. Go straight ,and then turn right at the first crossing .You can see a post office on your left. My home is across from the post office. It is a red house. You won’t miss it. Yours, Li Lei


What does he look like?

【写作话题】本单元以外表为话题,描述人的外貌爱好服饰等。 【写作题目】根据以下信息用英语写一则寻人启事。

Peter,今年四岁,今天在商店和妈妈走散。中等个头,短头发,小圆脸,大眼睛,上身穿白色的T恤,下身穿白裤子,脚穿一双黑色的运动鞋,还背着一个蓝色的小背包,请看到他的顾客把他领到广播室。 【优秀满分范文】 Ladies and Gentlemen,

we are looking for Peter. Peter, a four-year-old boy, was missing in the shop. He is of medium height, and he has short hair. His face is round, and his eyes are big. He wears a white T-shirt and white trousers, and a pair of black sports shoes. And he has a blue bag.

If someone finds him, please bring him into the Broadcasting Room. His mother is there. Thank you. Unit10

I’d like some noodles.

【写作话题】本单元以买东西服务用语为话题,谈论价格数量等。 【写作题目】根据以下信息为朱老大饺子屋( Zhu Laoda Dumpling House )写一则广告。

提示:(1) 本店饺子品种齐全,个大味美(2) 现有两种特价饺子:鸡蛋蔬菜饺子每10个3元;牛肉饺子每10个5元(3)欢迎光临本店。地址:光明路118号。电话:685-8588。


Zhu Laoda Dumpling House

Would you like to have dumplings? At Zhu Laoda Dumpling

House ,we have all kinds of dumplings and they are all large and delicious. Now we have two great specials! Special 1 has eggs and vegetables and is just 3 yuan for 10. Special 2 is only 5yuan for 10 and has beef and vegetables.

Welcome to our house! The address is No.118 Guangming Road .Our telephone number is 685-8588.


How was your school trip?



提示:(1)坚持运动,锻炼身体(2)多读好书(3)旅游观光(4)当一名志愿者(5)帮助父母。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Li Ping,

I had a good time during my summer vacation. Here is my vacation to show you.

First I did sports and learned to play table tennis. It’s good for my health. Then I read some books .After that I enjoyed an interesting sight for two weeks. Also, I volunteered to serve in the volleyball game. Of course, at home I helped my parents do some cooking , washing and so on.

I think I had a wonderful time during the vacation . Did you have a nice summer vacation ? P lease tell me ! Yours Tom Unit12

What did you do last weekend?


【写作题目】根据下面提示写短文: 上周星期天,刘明贺他的朋友在山脚下野炊。他们中的一些人正在做游戏,一些在跳舞,他们感到很放松。突然,刘明看到一头山羊正在跑。他对此很感兴趣,平且开始追它跑了很长一段时间。当他想起他的朋友们时,他不知道他在哪儿。他迷路了。在那时,一个农夫过来,在他的帮助下,刘明又找到了他的朋友们。他感谢这位农夫平且向你告别。 【优秀满分范文】

Last Sunday, Liu Ming and his friends went for a picnic at the foot of the mountain.

Some of them were playing games. Some were dancing. They felt very relaxed. Suddenly, Liu Ming saw a goat running . He was interested in it and began to run after it for a long time . When he thought of his friends again, he got lost. At that time, a farmer came. With his help ,Liu

Ming found his friends again. He thanked the farmer and said \to him



