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subway地铁 after lunch午饭后 newspaper看报纸 go home 回家 every day 每一天 watches TV看电视




2.本篇小作文给我们做了要求和提示,依据要求我们可以判断Uncle Bill差不多每天都在做着这样的事,因此我们应该用一般现在时来写这篇文章。


同时还要注意,这篇文章的主语都是Uncle Bill, 动词要记着用第三人称单数。


Uncle Bill’s Day

Uncle Bill is a teacher. He teaches math. He works in a school. He usually goes to work by subway. He has two classes in the morning. He often read newspaper after lunch. He goes home at 5:30 in the afternoon every day. He watches TV in the evening. He goes to bed at 10:00. He is very busy every day.

其它题目:“My day”“My mother’s day”“Li Lei’s weekend”等。

写作专题:My bedroom(空间介绍类) 写作指导

My bedroom



1. 表示室内房间的单词

bedroom 卧室 living room 客厅,起居室 study 书房 kitchen 厨房 bathroom 浴室;洗手间


bed 床 phone 电话 table 桌子 desk 书桌 sofa 沙发 end table 茶几 lamp 台灯 closet壁橱 fridge 冰箱 computer 电脑 clock 时钟 photo照片

3. 表示方位关系的单词 front 正面

in front of 在.......前面 between 在........中间

above 在(或向).......上面 beside 在旁边(附近)

behind 在(或向).......后面




重要句型 :

There be…..+介词词组(on,next to,behind,over,under等) It’s….

The…is on the…

参考句子: There is a bed and an end table. There are two end tables(茶几) and a desk. There is a picture on the wall.

There are some clothes in the closet(壁橱). The computer is on the desk. The books are in the shelf.

Near the bed, I can see a pretty lamp.

My room is quiet. I can read books in my room.




My bedroom

I have my own bedroom. It’s big and clean(总述房屋概况).There is a bed, a desk and a closet. There are two end tables near the bed. I can see a computer and a blue lamp on the desk. Near the desk, there is a big closet. There are many clothes in the closet. (分别介绍空间布局) I like my room very much. (套话)


My bedroom

My room is small, but it’s very nice(总述房屋概况).There is a bed,a desk, a closet and a shelf.There are two end tables near the bed. The computer is on the desk. The books are on the shelf. The closet is behind the door.(分别介绍空间布局)

I like my bedroom.(套话)


My house

I live in a small house.It’s a small green house.In the house we have a dining room, two bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen.We watch TV in the living room.We have meals(吃饭) in the dining room (餐厅). We sleep in the bedroom. We wash faces(洗脸) and have baths(洗澡) in the bathroom.

写作专题: My mother (职业介绍篇)


My mother (我的妈妈)


1. 表示外貌特征的单词(形容词)

young(年轻的) old(年老的) tall(高的) short(矮的) strong(强壮的) thin(瘦的) long hair(长发) short hair(短发)

big/small eyes(大/小眼睛) big/small nose(大/小鼻子)


kind(和蔼的/亲切的) strict(严格的) smart(聪明的)

active(积极的/活跃的) quiet(安静的) funny(逗人的/滑稽可笑的)

3. 表示交通方式的单词

on foot(步行,走路) by bike(骑自行车) by car(开车) by subway(坐地铁) by bus(乘公交) by taxi(乘出租车)

4. 表爱好的动词短语或单词

listen to music(听音乐) play football(踢足球) play basketball(打篮球)

play ping-pong(打乒乓球) collect stamps(集邮) play the violin(拉小提琴) play the piano(弹钢琴) play computer games(玩电脑游戏)

singing(唱歌) dancing(跳舞) painting(画画) reading(阅读) music(音乐) cooking(厨艺)

5. 表示职业的单词

teacher(老师) students(学生) doctor(医生) nurse(护士) farmer(农民) driver(司机) actor(男演员) actress(女演员) singer(歌手) engineer(工程师) policeman(警察) worker(工人)

cleaner(清洁工) businessman(商人) cook(厨师) fisherman(渔民) work(工人) postman(邮递员) businessman(商人)

scientist(科学家) police officer(警察) pilot(飞行员) coach(教练)

head teacher(校长) reporter(记者)

2写作思路: 1.介绍人物职业: My mother(或者是其他人) is years old. She\\He is a .(表示职业的单词) 2.简述人物性格爱好: She\\He is from .She\\He is (and .(表示外貌特征的形容词) She\\He has .She\\Heis very (and ).(表示性格特征的形容词) She\\He likes . 3.聊一聊上班交通方式: She\\He goes to work . (表示交通方式的词) 3范文模板:

My mother is 45 years old. She is a teacher. She is from Shenzhen. She is thin and tall. She has big eyes and long hair. She is very kind. She likes singing and dancing. She goes to work by bus.

写作专题:My Holiday (我的假期)


My Holiday\\last Weekend (我的假期\\周末)

写作专题:My Favourite Teacher (我最喜欢的老师)


My Favourite Teacher (我最喜欢的老师)



