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小升初英语毕业模拟 测试题

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小升初英语毕业模拟 测试题



( )1. A.45KG B.45metres ( ) 2. A.science B.scientist ( )3. A.kitchen B.chicken ( ) 4. A.August B.July

( )5. A.wear B.bear ( )6. A.next weekend B. last weekend 二、选出你所听到的句子意思相符的图片.

7.( ) 8.( )

A. B.

A. B. 9.( ) 10.( )

A. B. A. B. 三、听问句,选答句

( )11. A.Size 6 B.I’m 1.60 meters. ( )12. A.It’s Monday. B.It’s in January. ( )13. A.She is funny and hard-working B. She likes reading. ( )14. A.I went the forest. B.I am going to buy some clothes. ( )15. A.I went to Sanya. B. I am going to Shanghai. 四、听小对话,选择正确的答案。 ( )16. Is it cold in Lishui?

A. Yes, it is. B.No, it isn’t. C. It’s cold.

( )17. Where is Amy going?

A.The bookstore. B. The cinema. C. The hospital.

( )18. Why does Sarah like oranges?

A.They’re sour. B. They’re sweet. C.They’re fresh.

( )19. When does Mike usually go to school?

A. At 6:00. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:00.

( )20. Who is taller?

A. Chen Jie. B.John C.Mike

五、听小短文,判断正误,正确的为A,错误的为B ( )21. Peter is a teacher.

( )22. Miss Green is young and kind. ( )23. Beef is Peter’s favourite food.

( )24. They have math,PE and art on Tuesdays. ( )25. Peter often plays basketball on Saturdays.


一、选择划线部分发音不同的一项 ( )26. A.name B.have C.make ( )27. A.let B.bet C.be ( )28. A.cute B.mud C.cut ( )29. A.cook B.look C.moon ( )30. A.what B.whose C.when 二、选出不同类的一项

( )31.A.year B.fall C.winter ( )32.A. horse B.hen C.farm ( )33.A.parents B.brother C.sister ( )34. A.thirty B.thirtieth C.twelfth ( )35. A.chair B.teachers’ desk C.fan 三、看图,读句子,选择最佳答案

( )36. It’s 9:30 p.m. It’s time to________ A.art class B. go to school C. go to bed

( )37.--- Where is your father,Mike? ---- He’s in the _______ He is sleeping. A.bedroom B.living room C.study

( )38. Look at the traffic lights! It’s _____.Let’s slow down and stop! A.green B.yellow C.red

( )39. Can you wash your socks? _____ But I can clean my room. A.Yes, you can B.Yes, I can C.No, I can’t. ( )40.My father is a ______.He works in a hospital. A.doctor B.farmer C.teacher

( )41. Is she quiet? ---No, she isn’t. She is very_____. A.quiet B.afraid C.worried

( )42.-My favourite class is _______.In this class I can play football. A.PE B.math C.science

( )43.My English teacher is kind. My maths teacher is ______,too. A. smart B. kind C. strict. ( )44.-Wu Yifan won the race.He is so _____ A.sad B.angry C.excited

( )45.---When is your birthday? --My birthday is on Christmas Day.It’s in ___ A.October B.December C.November 四、选择恰当的句子补全对话 A: Hi,Betty.________46 B:He’s my uncle.

A: Wow!He’s tall and strong.________47____ B:He is a businessman. He often goes to other cities. A: What’s his hobby?

B:______48____ He can play it well. A:That’s cool.____49_____

B: Sometimes he works here in Hangzhou, but sometimes he works in Shanghai. A: ____50___

B: He goes to work by car. A: How exciting!


Today is my birthday. I have a good time all day.

A. What does he do? B. Who is this man? C. He likes playing football. D. Where does he work? E. How does he go to work?

This morning , I got up early. Then I went to the supermarket with my mum. We bought lots of delicious food and fruits. We also bought a big birthday cake. It looked like a rainbow. It was beautiful, I like it very much.

In the afternoon, my friends came to my home by bus. They gave me their cards and gifts. We ate the birthday cake and delicious food. Then we played games in the garden. Zhang Peng had a race with Mike. But Mike ran faster than him. Wu Yifan played with my dog. Sarah and Amy took pictures. I read the emails on my new iPad. It was my birthday gift from my grandparents. Oliver said,”Dear Chen Jie, I’m sorry I can’t go to your birthday party. I’m in Australia now. I’ll go back soon. I’ll buy a gift for you. Happy birthday!”

After dinner, my friends went home. I watched TV with my mum and dad. Dad bought me a new bike. I liked it very much. Mum gave me a pretty dress. I’ll wear it tomorrow. It was a great birthday for me. ( )51. The birthday cake was _____ A.colourful B.white C.yellow

( )52. Chen Jie’s friends went to her home______. A. by subway B. by bus C. by train ( )53.______ was not here today.

A. Oliver B. Wu Yifan C. Sarah ( )54. Chen Jie’s family watched TV together_______

A.in the morning B.in the afternoon C.in the evening ( )55. What did Chen Jie’s father buy for her birthday? A. A book B. A bike C. A toy ( )56.Which one is not right?

A. Zhang Peng didn’t run faster than Mike. B. Chen Jie iPad was a gift from her friends. C. Chen Jie didn’t wear her new dress at the party.


57.I have a new __________

58.There is a cat ________ the chair.

59.I’m going to buy a ________ tomorrow.

60.J_____is the first month of a year.

61.Don’t be a ______. You should take a deep breath.

62.I like w_____best, because I can make a snowman.

63.My father is a _______(渔民).He works on a boat.

64.My uncle usually goes to work by ______(地铁)


65.is, where, post office, the (?)

66.the, next , is, to, it, hospital (.) 67.last, did, what, you, do, weekend (.) 68.should, he, a, deep, take, breath (.)

69.often, you, do, Sunday, listen, music, to, on (?) 八、书面表达

假设你是Tom,上周六是你的生日,请以”My Birthday”为题,写一篇英语小短文来描述一下你的生日吧。


小升初英语毕业模拟 测试题


