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【奥鹏】[福建师范大学]福师《大学英语(2)》在线作业一 试卷总分:100 得分:100

第1题,The higher the standard of living,____________. A、the greater is the amount of paper is used B、the greater amount of paper is used C、the amount of paper is used is greater D、the greater the amount of paper is used

第2题,It is ______ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it. A、so unusual B、such unusual C、such an unusual D、so an unusual

第3题,The temperature____________, the chemical reaction is being speeded up. A、raised

B、being risen C、rising D、raising

第4题,It is vital that enough money____________to fund the subject. A、be collected

B、must be collected C、is collected D、can be collected

第5题,With John____________there's more room in the house. A、to be away B、been away C、away D、was away


第6题,The patient isn't out of danger. He is ____________than how he was yesterday. A、no better B、worst C、not worse D、not more

第7题,We didn't know his telephone number, otherwise we____________him. A、would have telephoned B、must have telephoned C、would telephone D、had telephoned

第8题,Although I had read the book assigned by the professor several times, it didn't make any__ to me. A、meaning B、importance C、sense


第9题,I found ___ to answer all the questions within the time given. A、no possibility

B、there was impossibility C、impossible D、it impossible

第10题,This is ____________ I want to tell you. A、it B、that C、which D、what

第11题,To____ an entry visa is very difficult now.


A、appeal for B、apply for C、apply in D、appeal in

第12题,____________right now, she would get there on Sunday. A、Would she leave B、If she leaves C、Were she to leave D、If she had left

第13题,-Hi, is Mary there, please? -______

A、Hold on. I'll get her. B、No, she isn't here. C、Yes, she lives here. D、Yes, what do you want.

第14题,The Red Army seized the land and _____ it to the poor peasants. A、attributed B、distributed C、contributed D、assigned

第15题,The country is faced with great problems, starvation____________the top of them.

A、has been B、is C、being D、is being

第16题,My aunt has lived in New York ______ 1995.



