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Unit1 Changes in the Way We Live

1. The farmers _____ vegetables to the market on a truck every morning. A. haul B. pull C. drag D. tow

2. Internet service providers should develop security__ ___ services for their customers. A. progress B. improvement C. advancement D. enhancement 3. The doctor suggested ______ ___my diet with vitamins E and A A. adding B. adding to C. supplementing D. making up 4. A car went past and _____ her with water. A. sprayed B. splattered C. splashed D. spattered

5. Public evening classes allow people to earn a living during the day and _____ vocations and intellectual interests in their spare time. A. go after B. pursue C. find D. seek 6. I grew up in a large _____ . A. household B. house C. room D. family

7. Before being processed into lumber, the wood must be ____ carefully to prevent warping. A. heap B. stuffed C. piled D. stacked

8. We are all born good, but can be taught to be ____ . A. badly B. well C. wicked D. better

9. The editor has ____ the book with black-and-white photographs. A. pictured B. illustrated C. portrayed D. photographed 10. Scientists continue to push back the _____ of knowledge. A. boarder B. limit C. edge D. boundaries

11. The widespread use of Spanish in some American cities has ______ a public debate over language use in the country. A. turned out B. illuminated C. stimulated D. generated 12. A ____ of 2 percent is paid on long-term investments. A. fee B. tuition C. premium D. tax

13. He ____ his body so that he could listen to what the little boy was saying. A. lower B. descend C. decrease D. fall

14. They no longer ____ the local department store because of its poor service. A. present B. patronize C. participate D. penetrate 15. Who do the police of the crime. A. suspect B. respect C. inspect D. prospect 16. If we budget carefully, we ' ll be able to afford a new car. A. calculate B. figure C. budget D. figure out

17. Many schools have tightened their ______ and test scores for admission have been rising. A. orders B. rules C. requirements D. regulations

18. They couldn ' t resist _______ at him in those funny clothes. A. to laugh B. to be laughed C. laughing D. being laughed

19. In my view students should resist the _____ to take part-time jobs in their first two years at college. A. attraction B. appeal C. temptation D. attention

20. They suspected that an explosive device had been left somewhere inside the building. A. device B. design C. decision D. detection

21. He makes a big ____ from selling waste material to textile company. A. benefit B. profit C. interest D. rate

22. We have ____ most of the money in shares in British companies. A. raise B. invested C. rose D. arose

23. The dialect is spoken _______ in the rural area. A. generally B. primarily C. commonly D. directly


1. The doctor suggested ______________________________________ 在.(我的饮 食中补充维生素 E 和 A).

2. (当地政府已采取一些措施 ) _____________________ toe nsure that all the people will get through the winter.

3. (总的来说 ) ______________ , it 'psr obably not advisable to change the company' s name.

4. I heard her speech, _______________________ 但_( 我还没理解透是什么意思 ).

5. We oppose any plans to ________________________________ (_. 削减教育预 算的计划) .

usually run faster than women, ______________________ (主要是因为他们的肌 肉力量更大 ).

7. 他以获利价出售了他的房子。 _____________________________________ 8. We have a problem with the computer system, ____________________ (. 但我 觉得问题比较小 .) 9. The toys have to ___________________ before they can be sold to children. 达( 到严格的安全标准 )

Unit2 Civil-Rights Heroes

1. We have ___________ the system of exploitation of man by man. A. stopped B. cancelled C. abolished D. removed

2. President Clinton __ $16 million for the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. A. loaned B. compensated C. authorized D. exploited 3. One hundred —————soldiers were released by the federal army. A. captured B. to be captured C. capturing D. being captured 4. Duty ——the soldiers to volunteer for the mission.

A. enforce B. compel C. impose D. press 5. He made a prediction that business would improve the next year. A. confidential B. confident C. confide D. confidant 6. The police said their ______ were aroused because Mr. Owens had other marks on his body.

A. beliefs B. suspicions C. convictions D. credits

7. The large crowds lingering in the streets were quickly __________ by heavy rain. A. dislocated B. disguised C. detached D. dispersed

8. By moving the radar beam around slowly in circles, we can _____________ the surroundings.

B. expose C. exploit D. expand A. explore

9. The Prime Minister is determined to A. a good relationship with China. forgive B. forge C arrange D. motivate

10. Mr. Thompson gave all the public library document of his grandfather to the 's according to his grandfather A. historical B. will.

D. organic historic C. practical

event in a remote part of Eastern 11. In 1914, an apparently insignificant Europe——Europe into a great war.

D. plunged A. inserted B. imposed C. pitched

12. , as the government was attacking American policy ,American jeans and videocassettes were the hottest items in the stalls of the market. A. Initially B. Presumably C. Ironically D. Automatically

13. The new Afghan government is trying to _________ its people _______ from poverty with international help.

A. exposed ? to ?B . present ? with C?. liberate ?from ? D. insure ? against

14. He was sent to Washington on a diplomatic . A. employment B. excursion C. mission D. duty

15. Although they plant trees in this area, the tops of some hills are still— —? A. bare B. vacant C naked D. blank 16. The new postman ________ through the mis,t trying to find the right house. A. brought B. saw C. observed D. peered 17. A to this problem is expected to be found before long. A. result B. response C. settlement D. solution 18. The of the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium. A. area B. position C. spot D. site 19. We'll try our best even if there 's only a ________ hope of success. A. slim B. faint C. dim D. slender

20. The drop-out children from primary and secondary school in the remote areas for schooling.

A. starve B. advocate C. enroll D. anticipate 21. Our company decided to _________ the contract. A. destroy B. stop C. assure D. terminate 22. Some diseases are _______ by certain water animals. A. transplanted B. transformed C. transported D. transmitted 23. the slaves, escape meant a journey of hundreds of miles through unknown countries, where they were usually easy to recognize. A. Aside from B. In addition to C. In spite of D. As for 24. At huge _______ , Henson and his wife set off with their children. A. risk B. height C. rate D. cost



