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He is cool.课件

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1)基本能够听懂,会说,会读词汇:cool, little, cute.

2) 学会用“This is my big brother.”以及“ He is cool..”的语言结构。

1、 2技能目标:学会描述人物的性格特征。


1)词汇:cool, little, cute.

2)学会用“This is my big brother.”以及“ He is cool..”的语言结构。



五、教学方法:听说法,游戏法,情景教学法等。 Teaching Steps: Step1: Warmer 1、Greetings T: Hello, children. Ss:Hello, Miss Yi. T: How are you?

Ss: I’m fine. Thank you. And you?

T: I’m good. Thank you very much. How is the weather today? Ss:It’s a cloudy day. 2、Revision

1) 复习形容词:nice,clever,naughty,shy

fat-thin / tall –short


3)T:Boys and girls, let’s say a chant, ok? Ss: OK!

T&Ss: Father and mother help each other. Brother and Sister play together.

3、Play a game. – 接龙游戏

T: Boys and girl, let’s a game,ok?

Ss: OK!


e.g. S1: I’m Xiaolan. I’m a bit shy.

S2: Xiaolan is a bit shy. I’m Xiaoyong. I’m very naughty. S3: ??

Step2: Presentation

1) Lead in—呈现新单词

T: 同学们,Panpan 正要把自己的家庭成员介绍给大家,大家可以去认识他们。听过Panpan的介绍,小朋友们也可以试着介绍一下自己的家庭成员。Hello, children. I’m your friend Panpan. I’m a bit fat and very clever. Today, I’d like to introduce you my family. Look, this my father. He’s very tall and he’s very clever.This is my mother . She’s very nice. This is my big brother . He’s cool.(引出课题:Unit2 He’s cool. )This is my little sister. She’s cute.(老师戴头饰扮演Panpan)A. 出示单词卡cool,然后让学生说出汉语,(Repeat 3 times), 并用体态语让学生对”cool”一词心领神会。

B. 出示单词卡little,然后让学生说出汉语,(Repeat 3 times), 并用体态语让学生对”little”一词心领神会。

C. 出示单词卡cute,然后让学生说出汉语,(Repeat 3 times), 并用体态语让学生对”cute”一词心领神会。

2) 单词操练:cool, little, cute 开火车读或玩“大小声游戏”。


1)T:Boys and girls, let’s play another game—‘Do as I say, not as I do’,ok?




T:Now, let’s play another game,ok? Ss:OK!

(Including these words: naughty,shy,clever,nice cool,cute.) e.g.S1:Are you naughty?

S2:No,I am not.(S2在S1身后做shy的动作) S1:Are you shy?

S2:Yes,I am.(S2在S1身后做shy的动作 ) Step4:讲解课文

1) 听课文录音,全班同学跟读课文。 2) 全班朗读课文。 3) 讲解课文。

4) 教师说课文的人物,学生说出该人物的对应的形容词。 T:Panpan’s father. S1:He’s very clever.

T:Panpan’s mother. S2:She’s very nice.

T:Panpan’s big brother. S3: He’s cool.

T:Panpan’s little sister. S4: She’s cute.

T:Panpan’s friend. S5: He’s very naughty.

5) 将课文编成一个chant来帮助学生记忆。

This is my father. He’s very clever.

This is my mother. She’s very nice.

This is my big brother .He’s cool.

This is my little sister. She’s cute.

This is my friend. He’s very naughty.

Step 5.Producation

1) Introduce my family/friends: 介绍家人或朋友.让学生带来家人或朋友的照片/图画,向全班或组员介绍.(e.g. S1: Look!This is my family. This is my father.He is very nice. This is my mother. She is a bit fat and very clever. This is my big brother . He’s cool. )

2) Say the poem.

This is a little girl,

And she has a little curl.

And when she is good,

she is very ,very good.

And when she is bad,

she is very,very bad!

P.S.一边跺脚一边用愤怒的语气大声说: “very,very bad”,微笑着用温柔的语气说: “very ,very good”,同时竖起大拇指等。


T: Time is up. Class is over. See you next time. Ss: See you.

T: Have a super nice day! Homework:

1、 听磁带朗读课文20分钟,家长签字。

2、 抄写单词:cool,little,cute.

3、 制作好友像册:用一张空白的纸,在左侧贴上一张好友的照片或画一张像,在右侧写出好友的名字,并用简单的句子对好友的性格,外形进行描述,例如“:She’s a nice girl.She’s very tall.”等。


Unit 2 He's cool.

mother father sister brother friend

This is ... He's / She's ...

He is cool.课件


