Describe a skill you learned
I'm a business student, and I'm currently doing a lot of case studies and assignments which my professor expects me to hand in, and they don't allow us to hand in things which are handwritten. I bought myself a computer a year ago, and after three months I found that my typing skills were just too poor; in fact, I was wasting most of my time just typing things in. So I decided to take a three-week typing course.
The course was open to everyone and it was offered at a private, business skills school. I was very worried when I took the class that I'd be the only man in the class, but it turned out that there were 2 other men, although they registered with their wives. The instructor was quite young-a secretary who could type up to 110 words a minute. She types about as fast as some people play the piano.
资料来源:教育优选 http://www.jybest.cn/
Basically, the main trick was having faith in your ability to type without looking at the keys. So, the instructor would call out individual letters, and we had to quickly hit them without looking down. Actually we used a keyboard without letters in the beginning, because the temptation was too great to look anyways.
After the course I was able to type at about 30 words per minute-not enough to get me a job as a secretary, but enough to make my
assignments go a lot faster. I felt very proud to increase my speed ,and I felt the skill was very useful to learn. By typing faster I was able to spend more time on the actual work of studying information and putting more work into my overall analysis.
资料来源:教育优选 http://www.jybest.cn/