First,旅游的第一站就是机场。面对着各种“鸟语”标识不知道怎么办?安检和海关板着脸问你问题该怎么淡定回答? 机场关键标识: 机场班车:shuttle bus
国际出发厅:International departure gate 航站楼:Termial 登机口:Gate 海关盘问例句:
海关:What’s in your bag? I need to open your case and have a look. I need to check your case. (你的行李里有什么?我需要查看一下。)
参考回答:This case only has my personal things. (这些只是我的私人用品) 海关:Do you have anything to declare? (你有什么需要申报的吗?)
参考回答:I have nothing to declare. (我没有需要申报的东西。)/ Am I allowed to bring this on the plane? (这个允许带上飞机吗?)
海关:This is allowed on the plane. (这个可以带上飞机。)/ These are prohibited. I will confiscate these goods. (这个禁止带上飞机,对不起我要没收。)
Second,从机场出来,下一站的目的地就是酒店,那么该怎么走呢? 搭乘公共交通
换乘:Do I have to transfer? Where should I transfer? (我需要换乘吗?应该怎么换乘?) 对方的回答可能包括以下要点: Get on the subway on... (请在……上地铁)
Take Line X in the direction of …, and transfer to Line Y at T… (乘坐X号线……方向列车,然后……转乘Y号线) Get off at …. From … to …isX stops. (在……站下车,从……到……总共X站)
Where is the nearest subway entrance / bus stop? (请问最近的地铁口/公交车站在哪儿?) Which stop should I get off? (请问我应该在哪站下车?)
How long does it take from here to … by bus? (从这里到……坐公交车需要多久?) Excuse me, Where is …? (请问,……怎么走?) How can I get to…?
What is the quickest way of getting to …? (请问,去……最快的路线怎么走?)
到了酒店开始选房间,一般酒店的房间有这3种: twin room/double room/standard room(标间) king/queen size bed room(大床房) suite(套房)
如果需要咨询酒店服务,可以问这些问题: Does the price include breakfast?(含早吗) Can you add a bed for me, please?(我想加床)
Do you have wifi here? Could you give me a free wifi router, please?(有免费wifi吗) Can you send housekeeping to Room 101?(能来清理房间吗)
Do you have different styles of breakfast room service?(能送早餐上门吗) Do you have morning call service?(能帮我叫早吗) Is there a place to store our luggage?(我能寄存行李吗) Can I pick up my luggage?(我能拿走行李吗) Can I have a late check-out?(我能延迟退房吗) pick up service, taxi, shuttle bus(有接送服务吗)
Third,在酒店整顿好行李之后,就可以真正开始享受自由的异国之旅啦!想试试国内吃不到的当地特色吗?别急,订餐厅你需要会这些句子: I would like to make a reservation of 5 people. (我想预定一个5人餐桌)
I would like to be seated by the window, please. (我想要一个靠窗的位置,谢谢)
I’d like to have a private room, please. (我想定个包间,谢谢) May I order a booth? (你们餐厅有包厢吗?)
How long will you save the seats for us? (这个餐桌位置可以保留多长时间?)
订好位子来到餐厅,开始点餐吧!要看懂菜谱,你需要知道这些词汇: Start/ Nibbles/Appetizer/Entrees(前菜)
Main/Main courses (主菜,以猪肉、鸡肉、牛肉、鱼或素食为主) soup(汤)
Sweets/Dessert(甜点) drinks /beverages(饮品) Wine(酒水)
如果实在不知道点什么,可以环视周围,参照别桌的菜:I will have what he’s having. 最后还有一个终极大招,如果可行一切无鸭梨! Do you have a menu in Chinese? 请问你们提供中文菜单吗?
medium rare(3-4分) medium(5-6分) medium well(7-8分) well done(9-10分)
吃完饭要买单啦,买单时可以说这几句话: Bring me the bill please.(我要买单)
Can I pay by check or credit card? (能用支票或信用卡吗) 如果只能用现金,对方会说:
Sorry, we only take cash… Here is your change. (对不起,我们只收现金……找您的钱)
Are there any sales happening today? Are there any sales going on this weekend? (今天/这个周末有打折活动吗?)
Do you have any buy one/two/three get one free deals? (这里有买一/二/三送一吗?) Do you have any free samples? (这里有免费小样送吗?)
Are you having any gift give aways?
不过,毕竟促销不是年年都有,人人都能碰上。真遇到草长得很高的东西,还是得硬着头皮买……Wait!我们是中国人,是许多奸商的目标,怎么办?别忘记问一句“Can I have a discount(能给我打折吗)”。来学几句砍价例句,莫当人傻钱多急先锋! 卖:It cost 120 pounds. (这个卖120磅。)
买:It’s too expensive. It costs an arm and a leg. (太贵了,贵得要命!) 卖:OK, I’ll say 100 pounds. (好吧,100磅卖给你。)
买:Can you make it lower? How about 70 pounds.(能再便宜点吗?70磅吧。) 卖:You’re killing me here! (你这是让我血本无归啊!)
买:This is my final offer. Take it or leave it. (我最多出这个价格了。要不要随便你。) 卖:All right! You win! You drive a tough bargain. (好吧,给你了!你砍价真厉害。)
怎么样?是不是觉得华尔街英语老师们总结的很精辟,这么多的英语实用口语和句子能帮助你攻克出国旅游的语言障碍吗?不要害羞,勇敢大胆地用英语说出来吧,你不说老外怎么知道你想做什么呢?如果你对自己的英文没自信,可以来华尔街英语找一位和蔼可亲的外教,提升你的口语能力,以后再出国旅行和老外对话,完全没压力,Make it big!