Q:Describe a professional skill youve developed in your most recent job.
A:I'm most proud of my new skills in applying database technology,for example,in our mailing services.What used to take us days of manual sorting now takes five minutes through a quicksearch feature.
Q:Why is service such an important issue?
A:Service is a major contributor to customer satisfaction.Just as important as,or maybe even more important than,cost.If a customer isnt receiving a level of service that meets or exceeds his or her expectations,that customer wouldn't be a customer for very long.In addition,that customers experience with your company may affect how potential customers in the marketplace view your company.People do talk and share information.This may affect not only profits but future sales as we
ll.In many instances service may be the one thing that distinguishes a company from the competition.A bad reputation for service may compromise a companys position in the marketplace.
Q:Tell me about a time when you had to deal with an irate customer.How did you handle the situation?
A:My customer service position at the telephone company involved dealing occasionally with irate customers.When that happened,Id try to talk in a calm,even voice,in order to get the person to respond in a businesslike manner and focus on trying to resolve the situation.Most times I was able to rectify the problem and pacify the customer,but I remember one incident in particular in which the caller became verbally abusive.I tried to remain calm and professional and not to let my personal feelings enter into the situation. I didn't respond to the abuse,I just made a note of it and continued to help the customer as best I
could.When the abuse persisted,however,I politely asked him to call back and ask for my manager,because at that point I knew I couldn't resolve the problem.
51问:你的私人生活是否存在对你的职业造成影响的问题? 答:我总是很注意把自己的私人生活与职业生活分开。我认为在给病人治病时,重要的是保持客观。一个临床医生应该能够控制自己的感情而不带偏见地给病人看病。假如你把个人的问题或感受发泄到病人的身上,那只能对病人造成伤害。这个问题对于在医疗服务领域工作的人尤为重要。面试官想知道作为一个独立个体,你是如何完善你的人格的。假如你有不能克服的个人问题,这些问题就会影响你和你病人的关系,也有可能影响你对病人的诊断,同时影响你的治疗方案和治疗建议。使面试官深信你能把私人的感受和职业行为分开来。例如,假如你不能积极处理好危急关头的事情,你就不可能真正帮助你的病人面对创伤问题,因为那会引发你太多个人的强烈情绪。
Q:Are there any issues from your personal life that might potentially have an impact on your professional career? A:Im always careful to separate my personal life from my professional life.I believe it's important to remain objective when treating patient s.A therapist should always be able to take an emotional step back in order to make an unbiased assessment of a patient.It only hurts the patient when you try to project your own issues and feelings onto that patient.
Q:When have your skills in diplomacy been put to the test? A:A customer came in once and demanded money back for an evening dress that had apparently been worn.She claimed it was a different color after dry cleaning and that the cleaner said the fabric was faulty.I quickly told her wed happily return her money,even though I didnt think she was being honest.I decided it was more important to keep other customers from hearing her and maybe doubting our high quality merchandise.
Q:Tell me about a time you had to extend a deadline. A:Two weeks into a job,it was clear that our client expected us to add more feat ures as we went along.I renegotiated with the client,outlined his goals,and showed him a price structure similar to a menu,from which he could choose more features at a higher cost and in a longer time frame.He opted for something in the middle that he understood would cause a three week adjustment to the schedule.
54问:你想努力提高或改变什么方面的个人技巧或工作习惯呢? 答:我必须学会拒绝。我过去常爱帮助别人,甚至到了别人滥用我的好意的地步。现在我向能有回报的人提供帮助。总的来说,交换是比较公平的。随着时间的推移,我们办公室人员的合作也大大提高了。这个问题与“叙述你在最近的工作上是如何改进职业技能”相似。可是,在这里你很可能想谈及从最早的工作或在相对较久远的时间里,你技能的发展,但要使面试官相信这种特殊的工作习惯不再是一种工作阻碍了。
Q:What personal skill or work habit have you struggled to improve?
A:I had to learn to say no.I used to be helpful to the point that other staff abused my goodwill.Now I offer to help by countering with something I'd like help on in return.On balance I beileve the tradeoff is more equitable,and cooperati on in our office has improved over time. 55问:你在桌上放什么书?
答:我放一本好的字典在桌上,我也会放一本strunk and white,这是一本好的参考书,能查找高中或大学里学过但又忘掉的语法知识,或者在遇到特别困难的情形也可使用。招聘者可能有兴趣判定你对你的职业有多重视。一本好字典和好的参考书对于一个从事写作的人来说是手头必备书,你可能也会把喜爱的小说放到桌上。 Q:What books do you keep on your desk?
A:I keep a good dictionary on my desk.I also keep Strunk and White,which is a good reference for looking up all the grammar rules that you learned in high school and college but forgot,or for particularly difficult situations. 56问:你愿意到另外一个城市定居吗?
Q:Would you be willing to relocate to another city? A:Id prefer to be based here, but it's certainly apossibility Id be willing to consider.
Qoes the frequent travel required for this work fit into your lifestyle?
A:The frequent travel in this consulting positionis no problem for me or my family. My wife is an airline flight attendant, so neither of us follows the typical ninetofive routine. 58问:你的脑袋是什么颜色的?
答:我的脑袋是红色的,因为我总是充满激情,我时刻都在为新的计划和主意而燃烧。小心你随时都会被问到一些滑稽的问题。面试官的目的不是想难倒你,而是发现这一刻你会作出什么反应。当问一些标准的问题时,因为人们准备过了,面试官就很难去真正了解一个人。例如,一个广告业招聘者,就会尽可能避免这种情况。回答这种问题不存在对或错。实际上,招聘者不会真正在乎你的回答。他只是不想听到如:“我不知道,我想它是蓝色的,因我是这样想像的”这样的回答,关键是要看你是否有创意和如何思考,一定要解释你为什么这样回答。 Q:What color is your brain?
A:My brain is red because Im always hot.Im always on fire with new plans and ideas.
Q:If you got on an elevator where everyone was facing the back,what would you do?
A:I think Id face the front anyway and say aloud,“It's really much more comfortable facing forward,you know.”
Q:Consider the following scenario:Youre working late one evening and are the last person in the office.You answer an
urgent telephone call to your supervisor from a sales rep who's currently meeting with a potential client.The sales rep needs an answer to a question to close the sale.Tomorrow will be too late.You have the expertise to answer the question,but it's beyond your normal level of authority.How would you respond? A:I'd get all the pertinent information,taking
welldocumented notes.I'd then answer the question based on my knowledge and the information provided.I'd leave my supervisor a note and fill him or her in on the details then next morning.I'd be sure to explain my decision,as well as the thought process behind it.
Q:Why do you think that some companies with good products fail?
A:Employees who are involved in the design and/or manufacture of a product must totally understand and believe in the product nd use it on a regular basis.Only in this way can they continually modify and improve it to the customer's
satisfaction.Any roduct must be constantly finetuned to meet the changing needs and demands of the consumer.Only by getting the employees nvolved with the product and excited about it can this improvement occur. 62问:你的应变能力如何?
Q:How resourceful are you?
A:At one time,for all of our new product launches,our chief engineer would release a press statement about its virtues.But when I was given responsibility for a new launch,I decided to get three of our largest customers to videotape an endorsement or use in our marketing campaign.The result was a far higher level of credibility,and we exceeded our sixmonth sales quota.We now use personal endorsements routinely when we launch our products.
答:在我做暑期实习生期间,我被派去对一主要公共设施的所有通讯费用基准进行调查研究。我必须取得属于几个不同部门的员工的一致意见。遗憾的是,因我是实习生,被拒绝合作。我不得不和每个员工单独会面,并说服他们,我现在所做的一切最终都是有益于他自己的部门及整个公司。经过一个月的努力,我终于说服了他们,计划得以圆满地实施,最后拿到了因努力而挣得的奖金。 这是个考查领导能力的问题,不过尽可能别用你被指定为领导者的例子。可能的话,描述你没有真正职权的一次经历,但你运用你的说服能力获得人们对你的支持。描绘你努力的目标和你的努力的结果。大家为什么会信任你?
Q:Give me proof of your persuasiveness.
Auring my summer internship I was assigned the task of conducting a benchmarking study for all the
communicationexpenditures for a major utility.I had to get the consensus of employees in several different
departments.Unfortunately,they resented the fact that I was just a summer intern,and they refused to cooperate. I had to schedule individual meetings with every employee and persuade each one that what I was doing would be ultimately beneficial to his or her own department and to the company.After a frustrating month I finally got everyone's cooperation,the project went flawlessly,and in the end I received a bonus for my efforts.
Qescribe a time in your work experience when theexisting process didn't work,and what you did about it.
A:The orderentry system at the telecommunications company where I worked was a mess.Orders weren't being processed properlyor in a timely manner.I did a work flow analysis to identify the bottlenecks,and then I convinced my boss that we needed to spend one hundred thousand dollars on a totally new systemHe reluctantly agreed,but with the caveat that“This had better save us money.”After one year,the project had paid for the investment twofold.
答:通常我是那种很有远见而且喜欢授权给下属的领导,但是我希望我下达的命令能立刻执行。当我被派去负责一项扩大产品出口的任务时,9个人来协助我一起工作,接着我开始授权。我很快意识到,尽管这群员工有很好的国际背景,但他们对我计划的反应却不太令人满意。实际上,他们想参与计划的设计。我同意花半天的时间与他们谈论,然后我意识到他们也有很好的点子。使计划进展的惟一方法是鼓励工作组的全体人员为我们的出口问题提供解决方案。我想这些人会一致认为,在必要的时候,我能灵活地、乐意地去改变我的领导风格。你回答这个问题时应强调你能让不同的人都感到称心,所以能产生较好的工作关系。叙述要具体,你如何主动改善不理想的情况?其他参与者对你会有什么评价? Q:Describe a time you had to alter your leadership style. A:I'm normally a strong leader who has good vision and enjoys delegating,but I expect my orders to be carried out promptly.When I was assigned a project to increase our product exports and was given a committee of nine people to work with,I immediately assumed I had the best plan and began my normal routine of delegating.I quickly realized,though,that this group of employees,with international backgrounds,wasnt responding well.In fact,they asked to have input into my plan.I agreed to spend half a day talking with them,and then I realized that they,too,had good ideas.The only way to move ahead on the project was to encourage the entire group to offer solutions to our export problem.I think these people would agree that
I'mflexible and willing to modify my leadership style when the need arises.
Q:How would a former colleague or subordinate describe your leadership style?
A:My colleagues would probably say that my leadership style is the strong,silent type.I dont make a big deal about being in charge or making decisions.I try to involve everyone around me in the decisionmaking process and in carrying out a plan of action.My colleagues truly believe that I bring a lot of positive energy to our group and that I help motivate others.
答:我的一项才能是解决复杂的问题,并且使问题的难度降到最低,我也擅长教导别人。因此是不管什么时候遇上复杂难题,别人总是设法让我找出解决办法,然后教他们如何去继续。所以我发现在这种情况下,我是有影响力的领导人。但在高级行政管理部门,我不是一个特别有影响力的领导。我的爱好是处理、解决一些实际情况和数据。当有其他问题,如政治上的或感情上的因素要考虑时,通常我宁愿别人带头,而我决心做个好队员。除此以外,所有其他情形下我都以一个正常领导者的身份出现。描述你作为一名富有创造力的领导,你所有的经历和人们对你的信任的一些情景。在这些情景中人们为什么倾向于听从你的领导?这是应得权力的问题,而不是完全权力的问题。相反地,假如你需要讲述你是个能提供帮助的人而不是领导的情形时,你能确认这种问题,尽管你不太注意继续做下去,或者你觉得自己太固执己见了或偏向于公平地管理集体。之后用你已经把领导人这个角色扮演得很好的事例作结束。 Q:Describe the situations in which youre most comfortable as a leader.
A:One of my talents is to take complex issues or problems and break them down into the simplest parts.I'm also good at teaching other people.As a result,whenever I'm faced with a complex problem,other people tend to let me find a solution and instruct them on how to proceed.As a result,I've found that I'm an effective leader in this kind of situation.I'm not a particularly effective leader,though,in a highly charged poltical
environment.My perference is to deal with facts and data.When there are other issues like political or emotional factors to consider,I often prefer that someone else take the lead,and I simply resolve to be a good team player.In all other situations I normally surface as a leader.
Q:Describe your comfort level working with people ofhigher rank and people of lower rank.
A:The person that delivers our mail twice a day has become a good friend.Ive invited him to my house to meet my family,and we often go to baseball games together on the weekends.I can also relate well to my general manager.We both have common interests,which include sailing and elk hunting in winter. 69问:在你最近的一份工作里,最值得夸赞的是哪方面? 答:我最喜欢的就是作为一个招聘者,当你招聘到最佳的人选时那种成功的感觉。我总是对新招聘来的员工和他们的经理进行定期检查。良好的发展报告使我倍受激励。面试官感兴趣的是求职者对工作的适应程度。什么是你做得特别好的?且在下一份工作中你想做得更好的是什么?作总结时侧重你在你的事业中探索的新经验。你的回答应该与你正在面试的职位密切相关。
Q:What were the most rewarding aspects of your most recent job?
A:My favorite aspect of being a recruiter is the feeling of accomplishment you get when you know youve made a good match.I always make periodic checks on the recent recruits and their managers.Positive progress reports keep me motivated.
答:我的工作现在受到限制,因为这个产业已处于停滞状态。实际上这也磨炼了我在维持市场方面的技巧。通过一些令顾客满意的活动稳定顾客,这些活动能提高我们的名气,使我们在竞争中获胜。简单地讲一两个原因,说明为什么现在的工作不能使你有所发展。思考一下这个问题:“为什么你准备辞去现在的工作?”最重要的是保持积极的心态,侧重你工作中做得好的和你想强调的东西。 Q:What are the limitations of your current job?