1.沉稳'不急躁,胜不骄败不馁,从容不迫,不浮华,举止得体,不紧张. 2.机敏'能够快速反应,应变.
3.诚实'不知道就是不知道,不掩饰,这点非常重要. 4.会倾听'能听懂对方说的是什么,问的是什么. 5.懂思考'能够发现问题,提出问题.
7.有主见'有自己的见解,敢于反驳对方的观点. 8.虚心'这点就不用说了吧?呵呵
面试经典问答大全(中英文双版)(强推) 1、问:为什么在这个行业里你能做得特别出色?
Q:Why would you be particularly good at this business? A:I was a pastry chef,so I understand dessert products well and can help you with new product development.Recent preservatives have come a long way toward eliminating texture difference in pastry dough.This means we can investigate many more products than before. 问:你是如何关注当前时势的?
答:我仔细研读《华尔街日报》、《时代周刊》、《慈善机构投资者》和几家共同基金时事通讯。我还有一大群分析家朋友。 通过描绘一些符合你目标的出版物或贸易团体来证明你对该企业或职业领域的兴趣。 Q: How do you stay current?
A: I pore over the Wall Street Journal, the Times, Institutional Investor, and several mutual fund newsletters. And I have a number of friends who are analysts.
2、 问:为什么你认为你对该行业会保持长久的兴趣? 答:撇开晋升的机会不说,该行业的技术变化得如此快,所以这里有广阔的就业机会。我尤其对多方面应用多媒体作为培训手段感兴趣。你对该行业的发展前景有什么期望或设想?它使你不需晋升就可以获得发展吗?这家企业里什么使你最受鼓舞?你可以提供什么证据来证明你的兴趣来源于你极度的好奇——可能回到几年前的时间去找这个证据——而不是目前这些你可能放弃的一时兴致?
Q:Why do you think this industry would sustain yourinterest over the long haul?
A:The technology in the industry is changing so rapidly that Isee lots of room for job enhancement regardless of promotions. I am particularly interested in the many applications for multimedia as a training tool.
Q: Where do you want to be in five years?
A: I'd like to have the opportunity to work in a plant as well as at the home office.I also hope to develop my management skills,perhaps by managing a small staff. 4、问:描述你的理想职业。
Qescribe your ideal career.
A:Id like to stay in a field related to training no matter what happens.I was too interested in business to work at a university,but I believe that teaching is somehow in my blood.Ive been good at sales because I took the time to educate my clients.Now I look forward to training the new hires. 5、问:如果你有无限的时间和经济来源,你会怎样使用它们呢? 答:我希望能参加几次不针对金融专家的有关金融管理的行政研讨会。我还希望能让我的部门放长假,把每一个人都派去参加外界的一些活动。最后,我很可能去旅游并考察一下外国竞争者,同时一路享受当地的美食,您呢?虽然娱乐的事情谈起来很有诱惑力,但一定要紧扣工作或与行业相关的事务,或者紧扣与你应聘的这份工作的技能相关的努力上。例如,你正在应聘教书工作,你可能对义务教授成年人读书识字的项目感兴趣。这就证明了你对自己的工作领域的激情,即对教育重要性的一种信仰,即使是作为一种兴趣而毫无报酬都无所谓
Q:If you had unlimited time and financial resources,how would you spend them?
A:Id love to be able to take several executive seminars on financial management that arent geared toward financial experts.Id also love to be able to shut down my department long enough to send everyone through an Outward Boundtype program.Finally,Id probably travel and look at foreign competitors,and enjoy the food along the way.What would you do?
Q:If this were your first annual review with our company, what would I be telling you right now?
A:Youd be thanking me for a job well done and would be explaining how you look forward to continuing to see good work from me. Furthermore, I would anticipate your explaining how you really appreciated my putting in extra time on some key projects and how my creative thinking helped come up with some innovative solutions to existing problems.
Q:Tell me something about yourself that I didnt know from reading your resume.
A:You wouldnt know that Ive managed my own small portfolio since I was sixteen,but I believe that its important for you to understand my interest in investment sales. Ive averaged a 12 percent return over the past eight years. 8、问:告诉我你了解这家公司的什么。
Q:Tell me what you know about this company. A:I served as an intern analyst to a restaurant last summer,so I followed all the steakhouse chains closely.What youve done especially well is focus on a limited menu with great consistency among locations;the business traveler trusts your product anywhere in the U.S.Im particularly interested in your real estatefinance group and expansion plans.
们的供销运作是很棒的,但还有没有一些可提高的服务项目呢?叙述通过你个人与公司代表们的接触后,你的兴趣又是如何增长的。为面试进行而富有创造性地思考。例如,在你面试之前,和一些零售商或公司生产线上别的供销点的工人交谈。他们能告诉你一些什么?给出一到两个你所了解到的例子来解释你为什么对这家公司感兴趣。什么是你可以用来证明你兴趣的最有力的例子? Q:What have you learned about our company from customers,employees,or others?
A:I actually called several of the key accounts mentioned in your brochure.Two of the customers I spoke with explained why they continued to buy from you year after year.Your distribution operation is phenomenal.Are there any service improvements you think could still be made? 10、问:为什么你想在这里工作?
答:我几年前就错过了你们公司的一次招标,之后我意识到电脑产品变得越来越相近了,且零售价格的竞争愈趋激烈,以致服务成为了一家公司在竞争中脱颖而出的最好的方法。贵公司在所有的竞争者中享有最好的服务记录,而我相信从长远看,它将主宰这个行业。你的准备和调查研究工作应在这里明显表现出来。给出一到两个你对该公司感兴趣的原因,并表明什么最激发你的兴趣。什么是你可以叙述来表明你个人对该公司的认识的最有说服力的事情呢?它的产品还是它的员工?答案包括公司的信誉、对该工作本身的描述,或者是跻身于该企业的欲望。 Q:Why do you want to work here?
A:I lost a bid several years ago to your company.I realized then that products in the computer industry are becoming increasingly similar.Theyre so similar now,and retail prices are so competitive,that service is the best way for a company to distinguish itself from the competition.This company has the best service record of all its competitors,and I believe it will dominate the business in the long run.
Q:What particular aspect of the company interests you most?
A:Iam most interested in your Latin American
developments.My father was an army officer,so we lived for three
years in Latin America.I know youhave just entered joint ventures with two processing companies there.What are your plans for the next few years?
Q:What do you think of our newest product and ads? A:It seems that your new ads are trying to show that breakfast time is family time,with a certain wholesomeness.Are you doing this to balance against the recent bad press about highfat foods,without attacking the issue directly?
13、问:告诉我你认为我们公司在业内有什么突出的优点? 答:以你们的低价策略和总部设在低消费区的运作,即使是在不景气的年份,相对实力和你们最相当的竞争对手而言,你们也还是处于有利地位。描述你认为公司做得非常好的事情,尤其是相对其竞争力而言。解释经济实力对一个公司来说是何等的重要。 Q:Tell me what you think our distinctive advantage is with in the industry.
A:With your lowcostproducer status and headquarters operation in a low cost area of the country,you seem in a better position to be able to spend aggressively on R&D,even in a down year,compared to your closest rival.
14、问:作为一家企业,你认为我们哪些领域最易受攻击? 答:你们的现金状况和强大的生产阵容使你们成了一个吸引人的收购目标。这是我惟一最担心的事情。我曾为一家与别的企业合并的机构工作过,但我知道我能安然渡过风暴。公司与其竞争对手相比做得不够的地方。解释经济实力对于一个公司来说是何等的重要,如果你热衷该企业,那么你对该工作的前景很可能早就胸有成竹了。
Q:Where do you think were the most vulnerable as a business?
A:Your cash position and strong product presence make you an attractive target for a takeover. Thats my only major comcern. Ihave already worked for one organization that merged with another,but I also know I can weather the storm. 15、问:如果你来经营这家公司,你会有什么不同的做法?
答:我可能会进行调查研究,看是否低价卖掉轻工制造业而开始一个有挑战性的供应商关系项目。有建设性地表明你对该行业有足够的知识,有说服力地回答这个问题。获得这种知识的方法之一是通过与大量的公司内部人员交谈。这就是为什么这个问题能很快把那些“闲逛者”从认真的工作候选人中淘汰出来的原因。你同样可把问题调转,请教招聘者的意见。这样你可能会学到有价值的东西。 Q:What would you do differently if you ran the company? A:I might investigate whether to sell off the
lightmanufacturing businesses and start an aggressive supplierrelations program.
答:实际上我铁心要找一份餐馆经理的职位,所以我只是应聘餐馆管理培训项目。我最近面试过几家大型国有快餐连锁店,如SUPER BURGER和CLACKEYS CHICKEN。通常情况下,应聘者会通过说出一些与本行业无关的大公司及一些完全不同类别的工作名称来,给面试官留下印象。大错特错!面试官想听到的是你在面试的是同行业里同类公司(诸如他们的竞争者)的同类工作。这就证明你肯定是在找你兴趣范围里的工作,因此聘用你的风险会比较低。
Q:What other firms are you interviewing with,and for whatpositions?
A:Actually,Ive definitely decided to pursue a career as a restaurant manager,so Iam applying only for restaurant managementtraining programs. Ive recently had interviews with several other large national fastfood chains,such as Super Burger and Clackey's Chicken.
17、问:你认为你的资深能力完全超出这份工作所需的能力吗? 答:不是。我的经验和资历只能是使我做得更好,并且,在我看来,我的设计技能有助于我多卖一些书。我的商业经验能助我高效率地管理艺术部门,由此我可为公司省钱。最后,我认为我能够吸引更好的自由职业作家,因为我有很多行业关系。既然公司的投资想获得更高的利润,那么我的资历更有益于公司。再者,我能和我的上司建立长期的合作关系,如果我做得好的话,我期望能扩大我的责任范围以利用我其他方面的技能。大多数的人都没预料到他们会被问到他们是否有丰富的工作经验。这个问题很容易就给面试人选来个出其不意。准确地说这就是面试官的目的(企图/意向)。这位候选人毫不犹豫地回答了这个问题并对他自己的能力表现得完全自信。
Qo you believe youre overqualified for this position?
A:Not at all.My experience and qualifications make me do my job only better,and in my opinion,my good design skills help to sell more books. My business experience helps me run the art department in a costefficient manner, thus saving the company money.Finally,I think Im able to attract better freelance talent because of all my industry contacts.My qualifications are better for the company,too,since youll be getting a better return for your investment.Again, Im interested in establishing a longterm relationship with my employer,and if I did well,I would expect expanded responsibilities that could make use of even other skills.
18、问:如果我们的竞争对手给你一份工作,你将会怎么做? 答:我会拒绝。我对这个行业里的其他公司不感兴趣,我想在耐克公司工作是因为我曾穿着耐克牌的产品,在多次赛跑中获胜。正因为我对使用耐克牌产品有真实的经历,我认为我有足够的说服力把公司的产品卖给零售商。面试官试图断定面试者是否真正对该行业和公司感兴趣,或者他是否随便地挑选公司。对比你对该公司及其竞争者的认识,谈及你所接触过的公司产品或接受过的公司服务。从长远看,你认为哪一家经营者是最具生存能力的,为什么?这也同样是你询问面试官的见解的好时机。
Q:What would you do if one of our competitors offered you a position?
A:Id say no.Im not interested in other players in this industry. I want to work for Nike because I won a number of races wearing the Nike brand.Because of my positive experience with Nike,I know Id be convincing selling your product to retailers. 19、问:为什么你准备辞去现在的工作?
Q:Why are you ready to leave your current job?
A:My interest lies in returning to the banking industry.I can work in humanresources management in many
environments,but I believe that my experience as a lender prepares me exceptionally well for recruiting new lenders into the training program.
答:我读书时是幸运的,我遇到了很优秀的老师,我也想成为那样的老师,他不仅仅是鼓励孩子们如何学习,而且要树立一种能激励别人也想从教的榜样。从长远来看,那是我们在教学舞台上改变我们的教育能力的最好机会。面试官会想知道你对公司的产品和服务所抱的信心。运用个人的经验来证明你的兴趣和实力。在面试一份你理想的工作时,你的动机就是做你喜欢的事情而获得报酬。面试官会想知道你的兴趣是否和该特定的工作一致。 Q:What motivates you to do this kind of work?
A:Ive been fortunate in my own schooling;I had wonderful teachers.I want to be that same kind of teacher,who not only encourages kids to learn but also sets an example that inspires others to want to teach.In the long run,thatsour bestchance of turning around the quality of education in this state. 21、问:做这份工作,你想要什么样的工资待遇?
Q: What salary would you expect for this job?
A: Based on your job description, which mentions that you prefer someone with a master's degree in engineering, I hope you
Consider the fact that my skills meet your highest standards. Therefore, I'd expect a salary at the high end of your pay range for the position classification. Can you give me some indication of your range?
Q:What new skills or ideas do you bring to the job that other candidates arent likely to offer?
A:Because Ive worked with the oldest player in this industry,I can help you avoid some of the mistakes we made in our established markets.I think that retaining your core customer base is more important than securing new accounts right now 23、问:前一份工作里,什么是你希望完成但却不能完成的事情? 答:我曾被一笔预算困住,以致不能实施印制广告等市场活动,我想开发互动传媒,因为那些8~25岁的人对以计算机为载体的媒体有兴趣。回答这个问题应与回答:“为什么你准备辞去目前的工作?”用同一种方法。保持积极的态度谈及过去那份工作中你喜欢的东西和你在该工作上的才能,要避免过多地谈过去那份工作的缺陷。 Q:What would you like to accomplish that you weren't able to accomplish in your last position?
A:I was hampered by a small budget that limited our marketing efforts to print ads and other traditional resources. I'd like to explore interactive media,because the
eighttotwentyfiveyearold category responds to computer based media.
Q:How have your career motivations changed over the past few years?
A:When I started in sales,I didnt realize how much I'd miss it if I left.Now I want to stay close to the field
organization,even though I'm looking for marketing jobs.Your firm attracts me because the accountteam concept would keep me in tune with customer needs. 25、问:我为什么要聘用你?