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SECTION 1: True and False For each of the following, place a “T” if the statement is “true”, “F” if the statement is false. (20 marks)

__F____1.When the price setter stresses the supply or cost side of the pricing problem, they are using competition-orientation pricing.

____T__2. All activities involved in selling renting, and providing goods and services to ultimate consumers for personal, family or household use are known as retailing.

___F___ 3.Any paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization, good, service or idea by an identified sponsor is called: publicity

___F___ 4. The main reasons a firm segments its markets is to refine sales forecasts and allow for more product differentiation.

____F___5. The retail position matrix makes use of these two dimensions:width and depth of product line.

_____T___6. The purchase of a bottle of water is a low-involvement purchase.

___F___ 7.During the introduction stage of the PLC, sales gradually increase and competition becomes tough.

___F___ 8 “Marketing” is best described as “selling”

__T____ 9. The marketing objective for the maturity stage of PLC is to maintain brand loyalty.

____F___10. In introduction stage, a company retains the product but reduces marketing support costs it is in what stage of the PLC.

SECTION 2: Multiple Choice. (Total 40, 2 Marks/Question) Right answers are highlighted.

1. Between classes, many college students stop at conveniently located vending machines for their favorite candy bar and soft drink. Their choices are generally made quickly and with little or no effort to consider alternative product offerings. The college students described here are most likely involved in __________. a) limited problem solving situations b) routine problem solving situations c) extensive problem solving situations d) intensive problem solving situations



装订 线………………………………………………… e) unlimited problem solving situations Ans: b

Feedback: Routine purchase decisions involve low-priced, frequently purchased products. Consumers typically spend very little effort or time seeking or evaluating alternatives. Purchase decisions resemble habitual responses and are typical of low-involvement decisions.

2. The anxiety felt because the consumer cannot anticipate the outcomes of a purchase but believes there may be negative consequences is called __________. a) a negative antecedent b) perceived risk

c) temporal uncertainty d) spatial uncertainty e) buyers' remorse Ans: b

3. Because the average consumer operates in a complex environment, the human brain attempts to organize and interpret information with a process called __________. a) selective retention b) selective attention c) selective exposure d) selective perception e) stimulus discrimination Ans: d

4. Questions such as:”What ads do you remember seeing yesterday?” are an example of what type of post-test? a) Aided recall b) Unaided recall c) Inquiry test d) Attitude test.

5. __________ is a favorable attitude toward and consistent purchase of a single brand over time.

a) Brand bias

b) Brand discrimination c) Brand loyalty d) Behavioral loyalty e) Selective perception Ans: c

6.A market segment would have a collection of prospective buyers that are: a) Ready to buy


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b) Showing unfilled needs c) Relatively heterogeneous d) Relatively homogeneous.

7.KFC in Japan sells tempura crispy strips. In northern England, it stresses gravy and potatoes, while in Thailand it offers fresh rice. In Holland instead of potatoes, KFC offers customers a potato and onion croquette. In France, KFC sells pastries alongside its chicken. These examples illustrate that KFC exhibits an understanding of and appreciation for the __________ of other societies. a) demographics b) symbols c) customs d) sensitivities

e) selective perception Ans: c

Feedback: Customs are what is considered normal and expected about the way people do things (including what they eat) in a specific country. KFC serves food that suits the tastes of its target markets in each of the countries listed.

8.The framework to relate the market segments of potential buyers to products offered or potential marketing actions by the firm is called: a) Action grid b) Relation grid c) Product grid d) Market grid.

9.When a firm distributes to two or more different types of channels for the same product, this is called:

a) Double channel duty b) Dual network c) Split distribution d) Dual distribution

10.Which of the following is NOT a criterion used in forming segments? a) Potential for increased profit

b) Similarity of needs of potential buyers within a segment c) Competitive position

d) Potential of marketing action to reach a segment

e) Simplicity and cost of assigning potential buyers to segments Ans: c

Feedback: Competitive position is a reason for selecting a market, not for segmenting it. The five criteria to be used in forming segments include (1) potential for increased profit; (2) similarity of needs of potential buyers within a segment; (3) difference of




