Vocabulary in Machine Tools Thread rolling tap:挤压丝锥 Dryrun 空转
Groove cutting machine: 开槽机 Gripping angle:咬入角 Deviation:偏差 Leader: 引带
Nesting:嵌套 (subroutine nesting:子程序嵌套) Plug base (socket):插座
Trigger location: 启动器定位 Calibration:校准
Backup : 备用(standby) Air blast: 喷气
Nominal bore: 公称口径 Reaming: 铰孔 Jig (fixture): 夹具 Reaming stand: 铰孔架 Parameter string: 参数串
Refractory:耐火的 (refractory material; refractory protection 防火装置) Call up a subroutine: 调用子程序 Helix: 螺旋形
Measuring probe: 测量探头 Scrap: 废料、碎片 Indexing head 分度头 Mold insert 模具嵌件 Extrusion die: 挤压模 Trim die 翻边模
Distortion 变形;扭曲
Incremental : 增量的,递增的 Line segment: 直线段 Interpolation: 插补
连续轨迹运动:continuous-path movement 工作台:machine table 刀具:cutting tool
离散的脉冲信号:discrete impulse signal
闭路系统的配置:Configuration of a closed loop system 连续的多种信号:continuous and varied signal 象限:quadrant 原点:origin
直线运动右手法则:The right-hand rule of linear motion Y-基准:Y-datum
增量定位模式:incremental mode positioning 尺寸标注法:dimensioning 缺点:drawback
打沉头孔:countersink 扩孔:counterbore 硬质合金:carbide 顺铣:climb milling
逆铣:conventional milling 直柄:straight shank 椎柄:tapered shank 麻花钻:twist drill 柄尾:Tang
峰角:point angle 槽长:flute length
内冷却钻:a coolant-fed drill 双断屑槽:double chip breaker 单凭经验的方法:rule of thumb
电钻和中心钻:spotting and centering drill 短粗的:stubby 丝锥:tap
安全柄:mounting arbor 套筒绞刀:shell reamer
直槽绞刀:straight fluted reamer 头锥:taper tap 二椎:plug tap
三椎:bottoming tap
手用丝锥:hand tapping tools
螺旋槽丝锥:spiral fluted tapping tools 无槽丝锥:fluteless tapping tools 倾向于:prone adj. 整体绞刀:solid reamer 一贯地:consistently 固定器:retainer 刀杆:arbor
套筒式立铣刀:shell end mill 圆形:circular 六边形:hexagonal 正方形:square 平行四边形:parallelogram 菱形:diamond 三角形:triangle 外围/界限/周边:periphery 轮廓:profiling/contour 扇形凹口:scallop
刀具进给方向:tool feed 热轧:hot rolling
加工痕迹:machining marks 表面刀痕:surface breakout 皮屑:scale
刀架:tool holder
刀体适配器:tool body adapter
V形轮廓:V-flange 保持头:retention knob 夹头:collet 卡盘:chuck
同心度: concentricity
转塔式换刀装置:a turret head tool changing system 刀库:tool magazine
托盘交换系统:pallet loading system 条形码:bar code
对顶角:vertical angles
同位角:alternate interior angles 夹角:included angle 斜三角:oblique triangle 退火:anneal 虎钳:vise
压缩盘:Zip diskette
软盘:diskette/ floppy disc 作业准备单:Setup sheets 毛坯:part blank/ stock 量规:tram
手动按钮:jog button 空运行:dry run
不切实际的:impractical 表示/意味:signify 模态的:modal
线形插补:linear interpolation 参考平面:reference plane 编程轨迹:programmed path 偏移矢量:offset vectors 开出凹槽:notching n. 刀具前角:rake angle 床身:bed
主轴箱:headstock 尾架:tailstock 轴肩:shoulder 螺距:thread pitch 使烧结:sinter
固有的、天生的、内在的:inherent 过切:overcutting
切削不足:undercutting 阴极:cathode 绘图仪:plotter