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This time I felt a lot more confident when I went in for the interview.

\I brought some writing samples to show you.\also worked every summer at a bed-and-breakfast.\worked a lot with our guests.I booked reservation over the phone,got them what they needed,and handled any complains.\

Making a good first impression is the most important part of a job interview.

Arriving on time and being confident are the most important parts of a job interview. It's very important that you are being confident and you're being clear in your answers and listening carefully

Not fidgeting(坐立不安,烦躁) and being confident are the most important things in a job interview.

Writing a thank-you note is the most important thing you want to do after a job interview/ And go in there with a firm handshake.

Graduation.What a big day!Your life is about to begin!And then your parents say...\tell you!Looking for your first job out of college can be pretty hard.Reading all the job listing is so annoying.Even trying to figure out what the actual job is can be difficult.Searching through the want ads can be so boring.And writing your resume is really hard work.


\—the whole process is pretty tough.


\the assistant's position.\

“对不起,让你久等了。嗯,请坐。”“我有你的履历表,你在助理的职位感兴趣。” \“是啊,是啊”

\sale position.\

“嗯,这个职位的合适人选必须非常外向。毕竟这是一个销售的位置。” \性格外向的人).Definitely.\“嗯,我是一个非常外向的人(性格外向的人)。绝对。”

\what you're talking about.\


\I'm really self-confident.Um I know what I'm talking about and I think I can project that\“嗯,我真self-confident.um我知道我在说什么,我想我能项目” \“那么,什么样的技能将你带到这个工作吗?”

\I realize that I'm completely overqualified for this position.I mean,um,in my last job,I was running the whole place.\

“嗯,我意识到我完全完全能胜任这份工作。我的意思是,嗯,在我上一份工作中,我跑了整个地方。” \


\skills.Um what else do you want to know about me?\

“是啊,他们五人。所以,我当然可以做这项工作,没问题。我也有很好的计算机技能。嗯,你还想知道我什么?” \“嗯……”

Even though I was trying really hard,even though I had sent out about 300 resumes,even though I asked all my friend and relatives if they knew of anything.I wasn't getting anywhere!Despite all my best efforts,I was still unemployed.


\(顾问)?I'll pay for it.Anything to help you get a job!\

“拜托,你为什么不去看职业顾问(顾问)?我会付钱的。什么帮你获得一份工作!” \“萨曼莎,我是菲利斯斯坦。欢迎”“哦,嗨,phyllis.nice见到你。”

So I figure,heck,why not?I met with Phyllis Stein,a professional job coach. 所以我想,哎呀,为什么不呢?我会见了菲利斯斯坦,一个职业教练。

\interview by doing research on the position and the company.And latter,she coaching me on my interviewing skills.


\the video and see what we could learn from that.OK?\interview having not practised with some of the questions that are pretty standard.\“我要假装是你的面试官,然后我们会停止回放,看视频,看看我们能从中学习。好吗?”我不认为你应该进入未实行了一些漂亮的标准问题接受采访。” \“告诉我关于你自己。”

\—my mom is a social worker,and my dad is an engineer.\“嗯,我的父母,我的妈妈是一个社会工作者,和我的爸爸是个工程师。” \“你的准备是非常重要的。”



\“有一个全方位的,都与你如何表现自己的事情” \“为什么我应该聘用你?”



“哦,好的。,嗯,我是一个很外向的人,我喜欢,我喜欢的人很多。我负责好了。” \“你得想想面试官实际上是在寻找。”

\“萨曼莎,你遇到的一个主要问题,您是如何解决的?” \“我真的没有任何问题的。”

\(归结为) to preparation,presentation, and understanding what the interviewer is looking for \“你。现在你在录像带上的模拟面试一下。”我认为它归结(归结为)准备,演示,并了解面试官在寻找“ (Watching the videotape) (观看录像)

\of answering it is not telling about yourself ,but telling your relationship to the job.\may need you to be able to be a troubleshooter.You use some examples in your life from being a troubleshooter.\dealing with problems.You need to be sure that you stay,sort of ,on target with preventing,presenting yourself in the strongest possible way.\

“另一种回答是不告诉自己,而是告诉你的关系的工作。”所以,他们不在乎你的父母,你想生活在剑桥。他们可能需要你能解决问题。你可以使用一些例子在你的生活从一个疑难解答。”一个人谁是在一个贸易展助理是做事情,处理问题。你需要确保你保持,种,在目标与防止,呈现自己的最可能的途径。” This time I felt a lot more confident when I went in for the interview. 这一次当我去面试我感到自信多了。

\have developed strong communication skills.In college I worked on the school paper and I brought some writing samples to show you.\a lot with our guests.I booked reservation over the phone,got them what they needed,and handled any complains.\


Making a good first impression is the most important part of a job interview. 制作一个好的第一印象是面试中最重要的部分。

Arriving on time and being confident are the most important parts of a job interview. 到达时间和自信是面试中最重要的部分。

It's very important that you are being confident and you're being clear in your answers and listening carefully


Not fidgeting(坐立不安,烦躁) and being confident are the most important things in a job interview. 不要坐立不安(坐立不安,烦躁)和自信在面试中最重要的东西。

Writing a thank-you note is the most important thing you want to do after a job interview/ 写一封感信是你面试后要做的最重要的事情/ And go in there with a firm handshake. 和去握手。

Listening in

\are from that we can unravel the logic behind who succeed and who doesn't\

This is the basic idea of an intriguing book called Outliers, by the American journalist Malclom Gladwell.The book explores the factors which contribute to people who are extremely successful in their careers, for example, the role the family , culture and friend play. Gladwell examines the causes of why the majority of Canada ice hokey players are born in the first few months of the calender year,what the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates did to achieve his extraordinary success,and why the Beatles managed to redefine the whole of popular music in the 1960s.

Gladwell points out that the youth hockey league in Canada recruits from January the first, so that players born early in the year are bigger,stronger and better athletes than others born later in the year.And because they have this advantage at the start of their sports career,they're given extra coaching,and so there's a greater chance that they'll be picked for an elite hockey team in the future.

He calls this phenomenon accumulative advantage(积累优势),a bit like the idea that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.Success depends on the process by which talented athletes are identified as much as it does on their own abilities.

Another aspect which contributes to success is the 10000 hour rule.Great success demands an enormous amount of time for practise and training.For example,the Beatles performed live in Hamburg Germany more than 1200times over four years,much more than the 10000 hours Gladwell claim is necessary for great success.So by the time they returned to England,they had developed their talente and sounded completely different from any other group.

In the same way,Bill Gates had thousands of hours' worth of programming because he had access to a computer at his high school.He also became a teenager just at the right time to take advantage of the latest developments in computer technology.

Outliers has met with extraordinary sucess,matched only by Gladwell's own career for 25 years in journalism.As a result, many citics have seen it as an autobiography, in which the writer appears to be apologizing for his own personal achievements.But the ides that you have to be born at the right moment,in the right place and in the right family,and then you have to work really hard is a thought-provoking way of revisiting our traditional view of genius and great achievement.It's certainly worth reading,as long as you don't take it too seriously.

\from that we can unravel the logic behind who succeed and who doesn't\

“它没有足够的问成功的人喜欢……只是问他们来自哪里,我们能解开背后的逻辑,谁成功,谁不” This is the basic idea of an intriguing book called Outliers, by the American journalist Malclom Gladwell.The book explores the factors which contribute to people who are extremely successful in their careers, for example, the role the family , culture and friend play.


Gladwell examines the causes of why the majority of Canada ice hokey players are born in the first few months of the calender year,what the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates did to achieve his extraordinary success,and why the Beatles managed to redefine the whole of popular music in the 1960s.


Gladwell points out that the youth hockey league in Canada recruits from January the first, so that players born early in the year are bigger,stronger and better athletes than others born later in the year.And because they have this advantage at the start of their sports career,they're given extra coaching,and so there's a greater chance that they'll be picked for an elite hockey team in the future.


He calls this phenomenon accumulative advantage(积累优势),a bit like the idea that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.Success depends on the process by which talented athletes are identified as much as it does on their own abilities.


Another aspect which contributes to success is the 10000 hour rule.Great success demands an enormous amount of time for practise and training.For example,the Beatles performed live in Hamburg Germany more than 1200times over four years,much more than the 10000 hours Gladwell claim is necessary for great success.So by the time they returned to England,they had developed their talente and sounded completely different from any other group.


In the same way,Bill Gates had thousands of hours' worth of programming because he had access to a computer at his high school.He also became a teenager just at the right time to take advantage of the latest developments in computer technology.


Outliers has met with extraordinary sucess,matched only by Gladwell's own career for 25 years in journalism.As a result, many citics have seen it as an autobiography, in which the writer appears to be apologizing for his own personal achievements.But the ides that you have to be born at the right moment,in the right place and in the right family,and then you have to work really hard is a thought-provoking way of revisiting our traditional view of genius and great achievement.It's certainly worth reading,as long as you don't take it too seriously.

异常会见了非凡的成功,只能与格拉德威尔的自身职业生涯的新闻25年。因此,许多公司把它看作一个自传中,作者似乎对自己的个人成就的道歉。但是,你必须在正确的时刻出世思想,在正确的的地方,在正确的家庭,然后你必须很努力的工作是一个耐人寻味的重新审视我国传统的天才和伟大成就的看法。这当然是值得一读的,只要你不要太当真。 Listening in 2

P:Hi,we are talking about typical working hours in the US and in Brazil.Eric...um...you're from the States,tell me what are the typical working hours in the States?

E:Er...traditionally people go to work at 9o'clock in the morning and they finish at about 5,so sort of a 9to 5.

P:And,and Penny I...I know you're English but you work in Brazil,what are the hours in Brazil?



