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  中文摘要   体育教育是高等教育的一个重要组成部分,围绕“以人为本”的指导思想,高校开设校公选课体育类课程,与公共体育课相结合,能为大学生建构合理的体育知识结构和能力发展,提供一份完整的体育“课程菜单”.高校开设校公选课体育类课程能够最大限度地发挥学生参与体育运动的积极性和主动性,为学生终身体育意识的培养提供良好的环境,如何有效地开展校公选课体育类课程的教学是当下大学体育教学一个有待研究的课题。   本文运用了文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法和逻辑分析等研究方法,以苏州市7所民办高职院校校公选课体育类课程为研究对象,从苏州市民办高职院校校公选课体育类课程的教学目标、课程设置、师资队伍、学生选课的需求、教学场地器材以及教学评价等方面入手,对其现状进行分析与研究,浅析改革发展建议,为促进苏州市民办高职院校校公选课体育类课程的改革发展提供参考。   研究结果表明:1、苏州市各民办高职院校将校公选课体育类课程的主要目标定位在“培养学生体育兴趣爱好和培养学生终身体育意识”上。2、各民办高职院校每学期开设的校公选课体育类课程有着较大差异,主要是以传统的体育运动项目为主,只有部分院校开设的项目比较齐全且新颖;教师在申报开设校公选课上,比较容易和宽松。3、在开设校公选体育类课程的体育教师中以中青年教师为主;其中男女教师比例约 2:1,中级职称的教师所占比例最大,副教授级以上的教师开课少。不少教师在承担繁重的公共体育课的情况下,坚持开设校公选课体育类课程。4、在各民办高职院校的校公选课体育类课程的教学中,运动技能的传授仍是主导,而理论课的学时数偏少。虽然各民办高职院校对此类课程的成绩评定内容的权重各有不同,但主要还是以平时成绩、知识技能、身体素质和理论知识四个部分为主。 5、大部分学生对校公选课体育类课程的学习动机是正确地积极地,逐渐认识到体育的更多功能价值,这与各民办高职院校开设此类课程的初衷相吻合。大多数学生对教师的思想品德、专业技术水平给予了充分肯定。6、各民办高职院校体育场地器材不能满足教学的需求,课程教学质量难以保障。   通过对研究结果的分析与思考,本文提出了苏州市民办高职院校对校公选课体育类课程改革发展的建议:一是苏州市民办高职院校应转变观念,与时俱进;二是制订校公选课体育类课程管理办法,引导学生科学选课,完善选课机制;三是加强校公选课体育类课程的课程建设,优化课程设置,丰富课程资源;四是多维度深化教育教学改革,不断加强教学质量监控,提高校公选课体育类课程的教学质量。   关键词:民办高职院校校公选课 体育类课程 现状   Abstract   Physicaleducation is an important part of higher education, around the guidingideology of “people-oriented”, building a new system of physical education curriculumthrough the combination of compulsory and elective courses, thereby it provides acomplete sports “course menu” for college students to construct reasonable sportsknowledge structure and the ability of development. the elective courses for physicaleducation in colleges and universities has greatly motivated students in ordinary collegesand

universities, which provides good environment for the cultivation of the students'   sportsconsciousness of lifetime, so as to achieve the purpose of the exercise, strengtheningphysique. How to effectively carry out the elective physical education in universities is animportant subject to be studied in the future.   Thispaper uses the methods of documents, questionnaire, interview, logic analysisetc., taking the optional physical curriculum of 7 private vocational colleges as the researchobject from Suzhou, analyzing and

studying the current situation of the elective physicalcourses of private vocational colleges in Suzhou by considering teaching objectives,courses construction, teaching staff, students' requirements of choosing courses, teachingsite and equipment as well as the teaching evaluation etc., studying the deficiencies andachievements in their physical curricular development, which offers a reliable reference topromote a healthy

development for the elective physical courses of private vocationalcolleges in Suzhou.   Theresearch suggest that: 1.The objectives of elective P.E. courses are put emphasison “developing students' interest in sports and cultivating the students' consciousness oflifelong sports” in Suzhou private colleges. 2. The opened elective P.E. courses varygreatly from school to school. The traditional course is the principal of P.E courses; thecourses opened are complete, new and original in a small part of private college. Applyingfor elective courses is relatively easy. 3. Most of physical education teachers in Suzhouprivate vocational colleges are young and middle-aged teachers. The teachers withprofound knowledge who are skilled at class teaching are very few. The proportion of maleand female teachers is about 2:1, teachers with intermediate title accounted for the largestproportion, and teachers with bachelor degrees are more than that research-typed teacherwith master degrees. The teachers are lack of non- degree training and

continuingeducation opportunities, and the teaching task is very heavy. The level of scientificresearch is low. 4. The theoretical P.E. courses have not been given due attention, thetheory courses take less proportion of the total class hours. It is lack of diversification ofstudents' P.E

performance evaluation system. The assessment of the usual performance isvery vague. It is also lack of monitor system to ensure the fairness of students' grades. 5.The students' learning motivation is gradually

realizing more functions of sports valuecorrectly actively, which codes with the original intention of private colleges. The studentshave given the full affirmation to the teachers' moral qualities and professional skills. 6.   Sportsfacilities in Suzhou private vocational college can not meet the needs of teaching, sothe teaching quality is difficult to guarantee.   Throughthe analysis of the research results, this paper puts forward suggestions onthe curriculum reform and development on public elective P.E. course of PrivateVocational Colleges in Suzhou: 1. Suzhou private colleges should transfer ideas and keepup with times. 2. Make rules and regulations to lead students to choose elective coursesscientifically. Improve course-choosing system. 3. Enhance the course construction andenrich course recourses. 4. Deepening teaching reform from different ways,

strengthenmonitoring teaching to improve the teaching quality of P.E. elective courses.   Keywords: Private Vocational Colleges the elective courses P.E. curriculumthe current status 目 录   1引 言……1   1.1研究的背景及意义 ……1   1.2相关概念的界定 ……2   1.2.1民办高职院校……2   1.2.2校公选课的内涵及其作用……3   1.2.3校公选课体育类课程的内涵及其作用……3   1.3文献综述 ……5   1.3.1关于民办高职院校体育教育的研究……5   1.3.2关于高校体育选修类课程现状的研究……5   1.3.3关于高校体育选修类课程不同运动项目的研究……6   1.3.4关于高校体育选修类课程的其它实证研究……7   2研究对象和研究方法……10   2.1研究对象 ……10   2.2研究方法 ……10   2.2.1文献资料法……10   2.2.2问卷调查法……10   2.2.3访谈法……12   2.2.4数理统计法……12   2.2.5逻辑分析法……12   3研究结果与分析……13   3.1苏州市民办高职院校发展基本情况 ……13   3.2苏州市民办高职院校校公选课体育类课程的基本情况 ……14   3.3苏州市民办高职院校校公选课体育类课程的管理现状分析 ……15   3.3.1教学主管部门领导对校公选课体育类课程价值的认知……15   3.3.2课程设置状况……16   3.3.3课程教学管理现状……18   3.4苏州市民办高职院校校公选课体育类课程的教学现状分析 ……19   3.4.1校公选课体育类课程的师资现状……19   3.4.2校公选课体育类课程的教学目标……22   3.4.3校公选课体育类课程的理论课情况……23   3.4.4校公选课体育类课程教学评价情况……24   3.5苏州市民办高职院校校公选课体育类课程的学生学习现状分析 ……26


2021苏州民办高职开展公选体育课程的情况探究范文  中文摘要  体育教育是高等教育的一个重要组成部分,围绕“以人为本”的指导思想,高校开设校公选课体育类课程,与公共体育课相结合,能为大学生建构合理的体育知识结构和能力发展,提供一份完整的体育“课程菜单”.高校开设校公选课体育类课程能够最大限度地发挥学生参与体育运动的积极性和主动性,为学生终身体育意识的培养提供

