【期刊名称】《中外健康文摘》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)042
【摘要】目的:分析我院产科病区1563例出院病人的抗菌药物应用情况。方法:调查我院2013年01月~12月产科全部住院病历,总结其抗菌药物应用情况(2013年05月~12月联合干预产科抗菌药物)。结果:实施药品管理后,产科抗菌药物平均应用费用为(192.11±234.51)元,明显低于管理前的(288.45±40.16)元,经统计学处理,两组数据差异具有统计意义,使用金额排前5名的药物有注射用五水头孢唑啉钠、头孢呋辛钠、注射用头孢唑啉、0.5%甲硝唑注射液、注射用头孢曲松钠,此外,2013年我院产科共1例患者并发感染。结论:联合干预抗菌药物,可提高其合理使用率。%Objective: to analyze the Department of obstetrics in our hospital 1563 cases of discharged patients using antibiotics. Methods: in our hospital in 2013 01 months ~12 months of al inpatients, summarizes the application of antimicrobial agents (05 2013 ~12 months intervention with antibiotics in obstetric department). Results: the implementation of the drug administration, the average cost for obstetric antibiotic application (192.11 ± 234.51) was significantly lower than that before the yuan, management (288.45 ± 40.16) yuan, statistical y, statistical y significant differences between the two groups of data, using the amount of the top 5 drugs were injected with five head cefazolin, cefuroxime sodium