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辽宁省辽阳市高考英语二轮复习 单项选择训练(18)

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第**** ***套

31.Neil _______ in Xiamen for five years before he finally decided to go back to Scotland.

A. has been C. is

B. was

D. will have been

32. With world economic crisis worsening, people _______ the government for more unemployment benefits.

A.apply for C.appeal to

B.go for D.approve of

33. I really appreciate _______ to help me out.

A.you for lending me the money C.you to lend me the money

B.your lending me the money D.it that you lend me the money

34. The house rent is expensive.I’ve got about half the space I had at home and I’m paying _______ here.

A.as three times much C.much as three time

B.as much three times D.three times as much

35.In the survey they listed twelve kinds of food _______would affect the work of the brain.

A.which the experts believed B.that were believed C.the experts believed that

D.the experts believed

36.But when I got _______ the town ought to have been, all I found was a gas station. A.where B.which

C.what D.that

37.— We did not see him at the lecture yesterday.

— You _______ him, since I went to an international conference with him.

A.mustn’t have seen

B.can’t have seen D.needn’t have seen

C.couldn’t see

38. The world’s largest Jiaozi was made, _______ an incredible 480 kilograms.

A.weighing C.to weigh


D.being weighed

39. The hotel was nice; the weather was warm; the beaches were beautiful. _______ I’d say it

was a great vacation.


A.Completely C.Actually

B.Eventually D.Altogether

40. Yesterday I had a word with the CEO of the company, _______ who used to teach at Beijing University.



C.the one


41. — Jim, do you have the time?

— _______.

— Never mind. Thanks anyway.

A.Of course, I do. The time is 10:30 B.Sure. But I’m afraid it’s too late for me C.Yes, it’s half past nine D.Sorry, but I left my watch home

42. They urged that measures _______ immediately to protect the endangered animals.

A. should take C. would take

B. must be taken D. be taken

43. Wang Lin failed to be admitted by Hong Kong University last year, and only then _______ the

importance of English.

A.he finally realized B.he had realized C.did he realize D.had he realized

44. — Have you found the novel I lent you two weeks ago?

— Sorry, I can’t find it _______, but I’ll give it back to you later. A.for the moment C.in a moment

B.at no moment

D.at any moment

45. Everyone thinks he’ll go far in this company because he has all the qualities necessary _______ success.




D.on 41—45 DDCAB

参考答案 31—35 BCBDA

36—40 ABADC




16.---So you are running __ clothing shop?

---Yes, but I don’t want to make it ___ shop only for rich people. A. the, the B. a, a C. a, the D. /, the

17. John ___ such a thing about you. He never speaks ill of you behind your back. A. can't have said B. might not have said C. couldn't say D. mustn't have said

18.It was seven o'clock ____I got to school this morning, ____ made our teacher very angry. A. when; that B. that; that C. that; when D. when; which 19Her husband earns ____ she while they do the same amount of work. A. twice as many as B. as twice much as C. twice more money as D. twice as much money as 20This dictionary is _____ to me, but that one is _____ .

A. great help; helpful B.a great help; of little use C.important; of few importance D. very helpful; of no any use

21The students discussed the experiment that they would like to see ____ next year. A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out

22Not until I was standing on the edge of death ____ how much I wanted to live. A. I realized B. did I realize C. I had realized D. had I realized 23. we must ___ to the public the simple fact that drug are dangerous. A. get across B.get away C.get back D.get behind

24. his composition was so confusing that I could hardly make any ____ of it. A.meaning B.message C.information D.sense

25. Road accidents victims____ almost a quarter of the hospital patients. A. make off B. make up C. make out D. make for 26. Everything he _____ to his country.

A. had was contrbuted B. had been contributed C. had to be contributed D. had contributed

27.The army has _____ grain. They are in a very difficult situation. A. run down B. run out of C. run off D. run into

28.____ the factors already referred to, people sometimes feel insecure because their motives


辽宁省辽阳市高考英语二轮复习 单项选择训练(18)


