A. B. C. D.
that fashion is anything but separated from the daily life of ordinary people. that no thi ng completely absurd and un realistic can fin ally become fashi on.
that fashi on is what society accepts and has an eleme nt of social san cti on behi nd it. that if a particular choice rema ins confined to an in dividual it can 27. The word affluenee ” in Passage B is closest in meaning to _______ .
A. versatility B. wealthi ness C. peculiarity D. charisma
28. Accord ing to Passage B, which of the followi ng attributes may probably be more importa nt tha n others for an in dividual to be favorably received now?
A. A wide range of eruditi on. B. Loyalty to his or her frie nds. C. A passi on for popular no vels. D. Good virtues such as hon esty.
29. Which of the following is NOT true about the author
' t be called fashi on.
' s attitude towards fashion according to Passage C?
A. B. C. D.
The author thinks it a waste of time mentioning a list of examples of irrational fads. People are mad about fashi on and therefore lose their own good judgme nt. The author n ever allows himself to be carried away by the fashi on tren ds. Behi nd the behavior of keep ing up with fashi on is a n eed to stay in the crowd. 30-31. Decide whether the stateme nts are True or False accord ing to the three passages.
30. All the three passages agree that fashi on plays a role in the in terplay of class relati ons that it satisfies the con trary desires for no velty and for con formity.
True (
) False ()
31. None of the three passages are denying conventional social values in people what' s considered good about things or people.
True (
) False ()
' s judgment, for examp
Part IV Read and Create
In Part IV, you will read a passage and then write a short essay according to it. You should write with clarity and logic. (Time allowed: 40 minu tes)
Question 32 (Suggested completion time: 40 minutes)
Direct ions: Read a passage from Discourse on the Method of Rightly Con duct ing the Reas on and Seek ing the Truth in the Sciences. Write a short essay according to the passage.
… And as a multitude of laws often only hampers justice, so that a state is best governed when, with few laws, these are
rigidly adm ini stered; in like mann er, i nstead of the great nu mber of precepts of which logic is composed, I believed that the four following would prove perfectly sufficient for me, provided I took the firm and un waveri ng resoluti on n ever in a sin gle in sta nee to fail in observ ing them.
The first was n ever to accept any thi ng for true which I did not clearly know to be such; that is to say, carefully to avoid precipita ncy and prejudice, and to comprise no thi ng more in my judgme nt tha n what was prese nted to my mind so clearly and disti nctly as to exclude all gro und of doubt.
The sec ond, to divide each of the difficulties un der exam in ati on into as many parts as possible, and as might be n ecessary for its adequate soluti on.
The third, to con duct my thoughts in such order that, by comme ncing with objects the simplest and easiest to know, I might ascend by little and little, and, as it were, step by step, to the knowledge of the more complex; assig ning in thought a certa in order eve n to those objects which in their own n ature do not sta nd in a relati on of an tecede nee and seque nee.
And the last, in every case to make enumerations so complete, and reviews so general, that I might be assured that no thi ng was omitted.
The long cha ins of simple and easy reas onings by means of which geometers are accustomed to reach the con clusi ons of their most difficult dem on strati ons, had led me to imagi ne that all thi ngs, to the kno wledge of which man is compete nt, are mutually conn ected in the same way, and that there is no thi ng so far removed from us as to be bey ond our reach, or so hidde n that we cannot discover it, provided only we absta in from accept ing the false for the true, and always preserve in our thoughts the order n ecessary for the deducti on of one truth from another. And I had little difficulty in determining the objects with which it was necessary to commenee, for I was already persuaded that it must be with the simplest and easiest to know, and, considering that of all those who have hitherto sought truth in the sciences, the mathematicians alone have bee n able to find any dem on strati ons, that is, any certa in and evide nt reas on s, I did not doubt but that such must have bee n the rule of their in vestigati ons.
32. Answer the topic questions with no less than 300 words. You should write in YOUR OWN words: Wha t is the main issue that Descartes explores in this part of the text, and what Wha
' s his method?
OWN un dersta nding of the methods proposed by Descartes?