Part I Read and Know
In Part I, you will read short texts of various kin ds. Read the in structi ons carefully and an swer the questi ons. (Time allowed: 22 minu tes)
Questions 1-3 (Suggested completion time: 5 minutes)
Direct ions: Read the followi ng quotes. Match the quotes on the left with the people on the right. Please note there are two extra opti ons you do not n eed to use.
1. Give me a lever long eno ugh and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. is not the doctr ine of how we may make ourselves happy, but how we may make ourselves worthy of happ in ess. can't conn ect the dots look ing forward; you can only connect them look ing backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will
A. Joh n Locke B. Archimedes C. Aristotle D. Imma nuel Kant E. Steve Jobs somehow conn ect in your future. Questions 4 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)
Direct ions: Read the text, and an swer the questi on accord ing to the text.
To ensure the high standards of facilities we need to build new wards, laboratories and consulting rooms. In short, we n eed your help now. Complete the coup on today and rest assured that your don ati on is going to the best possible cause. 4. Where is the piece of text taken from? A. an advertiseme nt C. a story
B. an in structi on booklet D. a n ewspaper
Questions 5 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes) Direct ions: Read the text, and an swer the questi on accord ing to the text.
Few corn ers of the world rema in un tai nted by in trepid tourists, and their impact is ofte n devastati ng. Too frequently they trample heedlessly on fragile environments, displacing wildlife and local populations in their in satiable quest for un explored locati ons.
5. What is the best title for this text?
A. The future of tourism B. The role of tourism C. The price of tourism D. The ben efits of tourism
Questions 6 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)
Direct ions: Read the text, and an swer the questi on accord ing to the text.
Buying and selling anything is your forte now. If you visit a jumble or car-boot sale or the like, a romantic encounter is more than probable! News linked to the family is brilliant! 6. What type of text is this?
A. A pers onal advertiseme nt. B. A pers onal horoscope.
C. A friend ' s letter of advice. D. A written warning.
Questions 7 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)
Direct ions: Read the text, and an swer the questi on accord ing to the text.
With our travel agency, the holiday you book is the holiday you get. If you arrive and find we to live up to our promises,
let us know what the problem is withi n one day of your arrival. We hours doing everythi ng possible to sort the problem out. I n the un likely eve nt that we can problem and make you happy within 24 hours , we ' ll fly you home and give your money back.
7. The text could best be described as A. a commitme nt B. an appeal C. a war ning D. a vow
Questions 8 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)
Direct ions: Read the text, and an swer the questi on accord ing to the text.
The new digital cameras are great fun and very easy to use. They let you review your pictures the
moment you take them, so you can re- shoot right away if you ' re not satisfied. But remember, a digital camera is just a computer XXX X. It ' s not a replacement for your ordinary camera. 8. What is the meaning of the missing word (XXXX) in the text?
rA. “ somethi ng that is po°
'll sp t resolve
叮 pm portion of undernourished people
B. “an item that is not■ es曲倚圈methiM漫卿和 from 曲M叱 to 2014-2O!6 “ somethi ng C. expe nsive but good value for money “ a fashi on which always rem^j ns popular ” D.
on time: 2 inutes)
questiglifccorc linMBt
ver t Direct ions: Read the text, and ie
re to g
ansv clildrer we She had gone alone, bui ■ the . to th statio n to eet h e there
a glodho^jr before t|? they did, it was only n atural that th* sh uld b train arriv ing, eve n if the train ' were ct ual, w hich 9. What can you say about their
Questi ons 9 (Suggested completi
d, loving the station as
hance of Mother
■lost u[li kely. ?
793 7B0 A. It would probably be early. B. It would probably be on time C. It would probably be late. D. It had bee n can celled.
Question 10 (Suggested completion time: 5 minutes)
Direct ions: The bar chart shows the nu mber and proporti on of underno urished people in the develop ing regio ns, from 1990? 1992 to 2014? 2016. An swer the question accordi ng to the in formatio n in the chart.
Right -axisi proportion ot undernou『ished pcople . Rif[ht axis; 2015 target
Source: The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Report2015
10. Choose the INCORRECT description about the chart.
A. Curre nt estimates suggest that n early one in nine in dividuals do not have eno ugh to eat betwee n 2014 and 2016. B.
Project ions in dicate that the 2015 MDG target is n early reached, with
per cent of un der no urished
populati on. C.
The situation noticeably improved during the years 1995-1999, but went down in the first five years of the new mille nn ium. D.
The proporti on of underno urished people in the develop ing regi ons has falle n by almost half since 1990.
Part II Read and Reas on
In Part II, you will read short texts on differe nt subjects. Read the in structi ons carefully and an swer the questi ons based on logical in fere nee and reas oning. (Time allowed: 38 minu tes) Question 11-12 (Suggested completion time: 10 minutes)
Direct ions: Read the defi niti ons of two types of logical fallacy. An swer the questi ons accord ing to the defi niti ons.
Poiso ning the Well Pois oning the well is a rhetorical tech nique and logical fallacy where adverse information about a target is preemptively presented to an audienee, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing everything that the target person is about to say. It uses the association of negative emotions to distract a subject from actual evide nee in an argume nt. 11. Which of the following provides a typical example of poisoning the well?
A. That ' s my stanee on funding the education system, and anyone who disagrees with me hates children. B. You are so weird. That means — we are pretty much sure — that your whole family is weird, too. C. God exists because the Bible says so. The Bible is in spired. Therefore, we know that God exists.
D. I don ' t care what you say. We don ' t need any more bookshelves. As long as the carpet is clean, we are fin
False Dilemma A false dilemma arises whe n we allow ourselves to be convin ced that we have to choose betwee n two and only two mutually exclusive opti ons, whe n that is un true. Gen erally, whe n this rhetorical strategy is used, one of the opti ons is unacceptable and repulsive, while the other is the one the manipulator wants us to choose. Whoever succumbs to this trap has thus made a choice that is forced, and as such, of little value. 12. Which of the follow ing provides a typical example of a false dilemma? A. Smok ing is harmful to health, so you are supposed to quit smok ing. B. If the government doesn
' t reduce public spending, our economy will collapse.
C. You may as well avoid overeating, or else you might be obese in no time. D. You are the worst of the classmates; therefore, what you say is in credible.
Questions 13 (Suggested completion time: 4 minutes)
Direct ions: Read the passage about syllogism. Decide whether the reas onings are Valid or I nvalid based on
the prin ciples of syllogism.
Syllogism is a kind of logical argument that applies deductive reasoning to arrive at a conclusion based on two or more propositions that are asserted or assumed to be true. It is perhaps today commoi
accepted form of logical reas oning in aptitude tests. The most com monly used type of syllogisms is elucidated in a freque ntly used example:
Premise 1: All men are mortal. Premise 2: Socrates is a man. Con clusi on: Socrates is mortal.
Now practice syllogisms for IQ tests. Please note that the conclusion is based on logical reasoning and doesn' t necessarily represent the 13. Valid ( ); I nvalid ()
Premise 1: All huma n acti on is con diti oned by circumsta nces. Premise 2: All huma n acti on in volves morality.
Con clusi on: All that in volves morality is con diti oned by circumsta nces. Questions 14 (Suggested completion time: 4 minutes)
Direct ions: Read the passage about con trapositi on. Decide whether the reas onings are Valid or I nvalid based on the prin ciples of con trapositi on.
n , con trapositi on is a law that says that a con diti onal stateme nt is logically equivale nt to its con trapositive. The con trapositive of the stateme nt has its an tecede nt and con seque nt in verted and flipped. The most com monly used type of con trapositi on is elucidated in the follow ing example:
Premise 1: If it is raining, the n there are clouds in the sky. Premise 2: There are no clouds in the sky. Con clusi on: It is not raining.
Now practice contraposition for IQ tests. Please note that the conclusion is based on logical reasoning and doesn' t necessarily represent the 14. Valid ( ); I nvalid ()
Premise 1: If he is not an America n, he is not from Texas. Premise 2: He is from Texas. Con clusi on: He is an America n.
Questions 15-17 (Suggested completion time: 6 minutes)
Direct ions: Read the text about a scie nee discovery. An swer the questi ons accord ing to the text.
' s most
“ truth . ” always
“ truth ” always.
Mani pulat ing Memory
Memory is no toriously malleable. Our recollect ions fade and take on new meanin gs; sometimes we remember thi ngs that n ever eve n happe ned. But 15 ___
Recently, however, scientists have started to grasp and tinker with memory ' s physical basis. Last year, in work evocative of films such as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Inception, researchers discovered ways to manipulate specific memories in mice using optogenetics, a powerful technique that can
trigger n erve cells in ani mals ' brains by zapp ing them with beams of laser light. In a Ses of experime nts,
“ incept ” false ones.
they showed that they could delete existing memories and
This year, researchers went even further: switching the emotional content of a memory in mice from bad to good and vice versa. Under the laser, for example, male mice that had once associated a certain room with being shocked were tricked into acti ng as though they had once met frie ndly female mice there in stead. Whether the mice in these experime nts actually experie need vivid false memories or just a fuzzy sense of pleasure or fear is unclear. Nor is it clear whether the findings apply to the tricks of memory so familiar to people. Lon g-sought therapeutic adva nces, such as treatme nts for post-traumatic stress disorder, could remai n far off. One thi ng is certa in, however: Once con sidered bey ond scie ntific dissect ion, memory is fin ally starting to yield its secrets.
15. Which of the follow ing best fits the nu mbered space in the passage? A. B. C. D.
what is really happe ning in our brain as memories are remodeled remai ns mysterious scie ntists are curious about why people are oblivious to what have happe ned to them adva need tech no logy has helped scie ntists discover the work ings of our brain some scie ntists argue that what we observe about huma n memory is not what it really is 16. The word incept ” is closest in meaning to ___________ . E. F. G. H.
operate start detect occupy
17. Which of the followi ng can be in ferred from the passage?
People ' s false memories resu lt from the impact of different emotion provoked by later experienee on the same spot.
The success in research in dicates that it won by pai nful memory.
By zapp ing the bra in cells of mice with light, researchers are able to create, erase, or alter their memories, good or bad.
Many fancy ideas in scie
ies that are b
draw greatly upon
't be long that a therapy is worked out for people disturbed
Questi ons 18-19 (Suggested comp
Direct ions: Read the followi ng pas
D '
ts are True or False
scie ntific achieveme nt. accord ing to the passage.
A child receives the oral cholera vacci ne Shan chol
Cholera is caused by a bacterial infection of the intestine. Approximately one in 20 people infected with cholera has a serious case, with symptoms including severe diarrhea, vomiting, and leg cramps. These symptoms quickly cause dehydration and shock, and can result in death within hours if the infected person doesn' t receive treatment. Cholera is