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同步外研英语选修六新突破课时分层作业9 Learning abot Langage 含解析

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1.One can gain a lot of experience while doing(do) a part-time job. 2.We didn't dare to make a sound for fear of waking the sleeping baby. 3.The President refused to answer(answer) further questions on the subject. 4.His age was evident in his gray hair and wrinkled(wrinkle) face. 5.Hearing the strange sound, the child was shaking with fear.

6.Cancer is caused by chemicals in the air we breathe(breath), the water we drink, and the food we eat.

7.The scene of the traffic accident is covered with blood and brains, which is extremely disgusting(disgust).

8.He was put into prison because he murdered(murder) an old lady. 9.It is expected that the bridge will have been completed by next April.

10.Seeing terrified people trying to get out of a burning building, he stood there, terrified.(terrify)


for the first time, burn out, contrast with, throw oneself on, again and again 1.It's normal for you to feel nervous when you went on the platform for the first time.

2.His actions contrast sharply with his promises.

3.The hotel was completely burnt out; only the walls remained.

4.I have explained again and again, but even now they do not understand. 5.I felt a bit tired after a long trip. So I threw myself on the couch and fell asleep soon.



When European settlers arrived in North America, they brought European diseases with them.Then, huge numbers of Native Americans began dying from smallpox (天花) infection.Five-hundred-year-old documents record this tale, but now scientists say they've found other evidence buried deep inside human cells.

In a new study,Brendan O'Fallon and Lars Fehren Schmitz report evidence found in genes that the Native American population dropped by half after the arrival of Europeans.O'Fallon studies genes at ARUP Laboratories in Salt Lake City, while Fehren Schmitz is a scientist who studies humankind, at the University of Gottingen in Germany.

Cells make up every part of the body.Deep inside almost every cell is a long,coiled molecule (盘绕颗粒) called DNA.Genes are parts of DNA that play important roles in determining one's life.Genes help determine a person's appearance, such as skin color and height, and also play a role in many things you can't see, like the chance of getting a disease.

Genes change over time, and by following these changes scientists can learn about a person's ancestors.O'Fallon and Fehren Schmitz looked at genes in the mitochondria of cells.(Mitochondria are like factories that help cells use energy from food.) The scientists compared DNA from the remains of ancient Native Americans with DNA from living people descended (遗传) from Native Americans.

The scientists studied patterns in the genes from the two groups and identified ways that the patterns changed over time.Using statistics, which includes useful mathematical tools for analyzing large amounts of data, the researchers were able to judge the size of the Native American population before and after the Europeans' arrival.The comparison showed the number of native people reduced sharply after European settlers landed in the New World.

Earlier genetic studies didn't have evidence of the Native American die-off.Scientists involved in the new study say that there's now more data from

ancient remains, so researchers can get a better idea of what happened.

【语篇解读】 基因承载了人类遗传密码,是随时间的推移而不断变化的。通过对基因的分析和研究,人们可以解开很多秘密。

1.When European settlers arrived, they brought to North America. A.smallpox disease C.other evidence

B.old documents D.a new study

A [细节理解题。根据第一段“When European settlers arrived in...dying from smallpox(天花)infection.”可知欧洲殖民者进入北美洲时,也带去了传染病,所以A项正确。]

2.Genes help determine many things of a person EXCEPT . A.a person's appearance B.a person's skin color C.a person's height D.a person's success

D [细节理解题。根据第三段“Genes help determine a person's...chance of getting a disease.”可知基因可决定一个人的外表、肤色、身高,或得某种疾病的可能,而不是一个人的成功。所以D项正确。]

3.The scientists got the result of the study by . A.following genes' change over time B.studying genes of ancient people C.analyzing large amounts of data D.finding out genes in the cells

C [细节理解题。根据第五段“Using statistics,which includes...Europeans' arrival.”可知通过分析对比数据,得出欧洲人到美洲前后美洲居民的数量,从而得出最后的结论。所以C项正确。]

4.What can be the BEST title of this passage?

同步外研英语选修六新突破课时分层作业9 Learning abot Langage 含解析


