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应届生求职大礼包 ——安永篇 应届生求职网YingJieSheng.COM






有关安永中国资历的其它资料,请参看www.ey.com/china 。


At Ernst & Young we live by a set of shared values, encapsulated in our Values Statement, that guide the actions and behaviors of each of us. Our values influence the way we work and interact with our colleagues; as well as the way we serve our clients and engage with all our stakeholders:

When we developed our Values Statement, we asked hundreds of our people across the world to tell us what they thought about who we are and what we stand for, as individuals and as an organization. There was a remarkable level of consistency in their responses. We built our ValuesStatement on those responses. That’s why we know that it truly reflects the way our people act and behave worldwide.



1.4.1 保证及咨询服务



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应届生求职大礼包 ——安永篇 应届生求职网YingJieSheng.COM

1.4.2 税务服务


1.4.3 咨询服务


1.5 安永竞争对手

公司的主要竞争对手有:PricewaterhouseCoopers、Deloitte & Touche 及 KPMG


Two Men One Vision :A.C. Ernst and Arthur Young were very different people Young, born in Scotland

Young ,born in 1863 and a graduate of Glasgow University, was privileged and soft-spoken.His interest in investments and banking eventually led him to accounting. He migrated to the United States, settled in Chicago and, in 1906, founded Arthur Young & Co.

By contrast, the outgoing Ernst, born in 1881 in the United States, in Cleveland, was basically self-made. Following high school, he worked as a bookkeeper and, four years later in 1903, joined with his brother, Theodore, to start Ernst & Ernst.Entrepreneurs and Innovators. Ernst pioneered the idea that accounting information could be used to make business decisions—the forerunner of management consulting. He also was the first to advertise professional services.Young was profoundly interested in the development of young professionals. In the 1920s he originated a staff school; in the 1930s, his firm was the first to recruit from university campuses.

Both firms were quick to enter the global marketplace. As early as 1924, they allied with prominent British firms—Young with Broads Paterson & Co., and Ernst with Whinney Smith& Whinney. In 1979, Ernst's original agreement led to the formation of Ernst & Whinney.These alliances were the first of many for both firms throughout the world—and they are the roots of the global organization today.

A New Power—Ernst & Young.

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应届生求职大礼包 ——安永篇 应届生求职网YingJieSheng.COM

Ironically, A.C. Ernst and Arthur Young, who never met in life, died within days of each other in 1948.In 1989, the firms they started combined to create Ernst & Young. The new organization quickly positioned itself on the leading edge of rapid globalization, new business technologies, and continuous business change.

Both A.C. and Arthur have been gone for more than a half-century, but the sum of their legacies—innovation and drive, sensitivity and concern, honesty and trust—form the culture of today's Ernst & Young.


James S. Turley

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Jim joined the firm’s Houston, Texas, office in 1977 after receiving both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Rice University. Jim transferred to the St Louis office in 1979 and joined the partnership in 1987. From 1987 to 1990 he was the US National Director

of Client Services and Business Development. In 1991, he returned to St. Louis where he served as a coordinating partner on major accounts. From 1993 to 1994, Jim served as

Area Director of Entrepreneurial Services and, from 1994 to 1998, as Managing Partner of the Upper Midwest Area. From 1998 to 2000, Jim was the Metropolitan New York Area Managing Partner.

Jim was named Deputy Global Chair on 1 July, 2000, and, in July 2001, he succeeded Phil Laskawy as Global Chair. He became Global CEO in October 2003.

Paul J. Ostling

Chief Operating Officer

Paul Ostling joined Ernst & Young in the US as Assistant General Counsel in 1976, after earning a bachelor’s degree from Fordham University and a law degree from the Fordham School of Law. Paul was admitted to the partnership in 1982, and became

Associate General Counsel at this time. From 1985 he served as US National Director of

Human Resources and, in 1990, was appointed US Vice Chair of Human Resources. Paul moved to Ernst & Young Global in 1994 to take up an appointment as the primary

attorney providing legal services to the worldwide organization. In 1995 Paul was appointed Global Executive Partner, supporting the CEO.

Paul accepted the position of Chief Operating Officer in 2003 and works with the global leadership team on ensuring

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应届生求职大礼包 ——安永篇 应届生求职网YingJieSheng.COM

the effective execution of the organization's global strategy.

Sue Frieden

Global Managing Partner, Quality & Risk Management

Sue joined the firm's New York office in 1971 having graduated with Bachelor of Arts degree from Syracuse University, where she continues to serve as a member of the Accounting Advisory Board. Sue has also earned a Master of Business

Administration from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business. Sue joined the

partnership in 1983 and has served as the Coordinating Partner for several Fortune 500 clients. From 1998 to 2002 Sue was the Practice Leader of the Northeast and New York Transaction Support Group.

Sue has been a member of the EY US Accounting and Auditing Committee and the Partner Advisory Council, and served on the AICPA SEC Regulations Committee. Sue was appointed Americas Vice Chair of Quality in 2002, and in 2003 became Vice Chair

of Quality & Risk Management and a member of the Americas Executive Board with responsibility for every aspect of quality and risk management - our people, our services,

our procedures and our clients.

Sue was appointed Global Managing Partner Quality & Risk Management, and was also made a member of the Global Executive Board, in July 2005

Jeffrey H. Dworken

Global CFO and Global Managing Partner, Finance and Infrastructure

Jeff Dworken joined Ernst & Young in the United States in 1979, after receiving his bachelor of science degree from Babson College. He was admitted to the US partnership

in 1988 and was appointed Director of Tax for the Connecticut Area in 1992. In 1997 he became the US Tax Practice Chief Financial Officer and, in 1999, he was appointed US Director of Financial Operations. In 2001 Jeff became Americas Vice Chairman, Finance and Administration, where his responsibilities include Finance, Enterprise Support

Services, Real Estate, and Treasury.

Jeff was appointed Global CFO and Global Managing Partner, Finance and Infrastructure, in March 2004.


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应届生求职大礼包 ——安永篇 应届生求职网YingJieSheng.COM

第二章 安永笔试资料

2.1 5.25安永SLP笔经

本文原发于应届生BBS,发布时间:2013年5月25日 地址:http://bbs.yingjiesheng.com/thread-1703724-1-1.html

LZ应该是天津第一场,12点30. 之所以现在上来发,实在是。。。受打击太严重了。。LZ真的很弱。详细说下笔试情况。

1. 我们场子的HR反复在问成绩单是不是原件,有没有盖章。可能比较重要,如果没有的话,需要另外登记,然后自己送到办公室去。

2. 用的和SCB是一套题,之前LZ的SCB笔试是过了的,就有点轻敌了。事实证明,LZ悲剧了应该。。。。

3. 记得带好计算器,然后题目的提示都要记得很清楚才可以。


Part 1. 综合能力测试。分为verbal, num, logical三个部分。千万注意时间,会提前1到2s跳转下一题,LZ有两个题都是这样被跳转了。。。。哎。和SCB不同,哪怕一组题里也不可以返回去,一定要一次性答对。logical是那种让你分析符号代表什么运算的题,比较常规。关键要读懂题。verbal的话LZ觉得很简单。

Part2. 性格测试。这个一定be yourself,saville的性格测试中心还比较强的,千万不要前后不符。所以最好的办法就是be yourself。



2.2 安永SLP2013年5月26日上海笔试经验

本文原发于应届生BBS,发布时间:2013年5月26日 地址:http://bbs.yingjiesheng.com/thread-1704055-1-1.html

今天上海这边的SLP刚考完 不知道其他地区SLP是不是还在考着 发个毕竟给后者参考 攒人品。。。。 简而言之 关键点:

1 2013年开始貌似就改成了全中文题目,我之前搜的笔经主要2008年都是一堆英文额 这对语言专业的同学而言好像优势有点削弱。。当然牛人到哪里几乎都很牛

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