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Requirement – Test Result Verdict 6.6.6 b) maximum allowable deflection of the end stop to protect ancillary equipment or to prevent a unit load from falling from its supports; c) static equivalent horizontal design force of the dynamic impact force; d) positions at which the force will be applied. Pallet-buffering back stops The forces imposed by the mechanical handling equipment onto the back stop shall be specified by the specifier. If not then the designer shall use the forces specified in prEN 15512. NOTE 1 The use of pallet buffering back stops should not be used as a means of positioning pallets because they encourage misuse in terms of much higher impact forces than the minimum as defined in prEN 15512. NOTE 2 Pallet buffering back stops are most frequently found in conjunction with forklift truck operations and are specified as a systematic positioning aid. NOTE 3 The requirement for any type of pallet back stop should be carefully considered and clearly specified considering the following points: a) The actual value of the buffering force for the design can exceed 100 % of the maximum unit load and much larger horizontal loads due to impact forces need to be taken into account in designing the racking (see prEN 15512). Inclusion of such impact forces in the structural design process inevitably leads to a heavier and more expensive racking structure. b) Misuse will inevitably result in accidents and structural damage. c) The correct choice of clearances based on EN 15620 should result in an economic and safe use of the storage volume available without the necessity for back stops. P P P - P P P P P P P P 6.6.7 Pallet safety back stops The forces imposed by the mechanical handling equipment on the back stop shall be specified by the specifier. If the forces are not specified, then the designer shall use the forces specified in prEN 15512. Design clearances shall be specified by the specifier to ensure that the safety pallet stop will only be impacted accidentally. If, in practice, the pallet safety back stop is used in a systematic way as a positioning aid then it shall be considered as a pallet buffering back stop and be subject to the requirements - P P P P
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Requirement – Test Result Verdict of 6.6.6. NOTE 1 Safety pallet stops for incidental loads may be required in accordance with EN 528 or for other reasons and may be provided where sufficient design clearances are available in an installation. These back stops are most frequently found in automated storage/retrieval crane operations. NOTE 2 This type of stop is intended as a safety device to prevent loads being unintentionally moved within the racking such that they protrude or fall into an aisle or an area accessible to people. P P P 6.6.8 P&D stations - P The design loads and positioning tolerances shall be clearly defined in the specification especially if the P&D station is to be subjected to pallet buffering forces when centring devices are used. NOTE The design specification of P&D stations requires special consideration and attention to performance requirements since these items of storage equipment are frequently positioned at crucial points in the storage system and reliability is important. P&D stations can be used by cranes, trucks or other automated equipment such as conveyors or any combination of such storage handling equipment. P .6.9 6.6.10 6 Imposed loads from handling equipment In the case of cranes or rack-guided VNA trucks, the specifier shall define the static equivalent design forces for all the vertical and horizontal load handling, buffering or dynamic loads to guide or supporting rails to which the storage equipment may be subjected. Hand-loaded systems P P - P In a hand-loaded situation, where the unit load or package exceeds 10% of the total shelf design load, this shall be specified and the weight of the unit load shall be provided to enable the supplier to make a suitable allowance for impact. 6.7 6.7.1 Unit loads Weight of unit loads - - P P The specifier shall define the maximum weight of the unit load. The specifier may define allowable loads for the upright frame and for overall stability (total storage system loads) loads that are up to 20% lower than those based upon the maximum unit load.
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Requirement – Test Result Verdict This variation in storage equipment to ensure that the lower allowable frame, and stability loads specified are never exceeded. NOTE 1 The management system should include the distribution of the allowable loads over the racking height at each bay and down the length of the run. NOTE 2 If reliable warehouse control software is available which can control the upright loading at individual pallet levels, then this may be taken into account in the specification of load distribution in the racking. P P P 6.7.2 Overall dimensions The physical proportions of the pallet and its load characteristics shall be provided by the specifier and form the basis of providing support and clearances, enabling the system to be operated safely (see Figure 7). - P P a) fanning load P P b) bulging load P
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Requirement – Test Result Verdict P c) overhanging load P P - P Figure 7 —Palletized loads that affect design clearances 6.8 Non-uniform loads The specifier shall define the carrying capacity of the beam or cantilever arm taking into account the most unfavourable condition including any non-uniformly loaded or unsymmetrical placed pallets (see Figures 8 to 14). NOTE 1 Not all storage equipment components are equally loaded. This would be the case for asymmetrically placed loads or if the load is carried by more than two cantilever arms (see Figure 9 where the reactions at A and B depend upon the stiffness or flexibility of the load). P P Unless specified otherwise, the storage equipment designer may assume that pallets, etc. are uniformly loaded and that they are placed symmetrically onto the supports provided that the limits of load eccentricity given in prEN 15512 are fulfilled. Where a variety of pallet sizes and/or loads are to be stored in a racking system, the specifier shall provide details of the range of pallet sizes and/or loads to the storage equipment supplier who shall ensure adequate safe support for the range of pallet sizes and /or loads. NOTE 2 Projecting loads as in Figure 8 should not be used because of the difficulty in controlling the degree of overhang as well as the tilting stability of the load, although it is felt appropriate that it should be included in this document. The effective aisle width is also adversely affected. P P P P
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Requirement – Test Result Verdict P P Key P P P P P P P A Support beam with a larger load than support beam B B Support beam with a smaller load than support beam A F Unit load F acts at the centre of gravity of the unit load L1 Distance from the centre of load to the beam A L2 Distance from the centre of load to the beam B Figure 8 — Examples of unequally loaded beams with unequal support reactions at A and B due to asymmetrically placed unit load P Key P