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大学英语综合教程4第二版(上海外语教育出版社)unit9-how I found my voice 课后练习答案

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Key for the exercises in Unit 9 Vocabulary I. severe, smoothness in speaking, colleague, close relationship based on common interests,

forced me to do anything, animated

II. retreat, pressed, gritted, critique, classics, kinship, is dubious about, round up III. narrative, critical, fortunate, abundance, worship, dramatically, fluent, resurrection IV. ABCDACBD V. Mild(agreeable, gentle,), passionate(enthusiastic, ardent), comment(assessment,

evaluation), doubt(uncertainty), certain(definite, positive), scornful(mocking), instruction(teaching, tuition), enjoy(appreciate)

VI. Place, preserve, whereas, despite, very well, extension, Grammar I. can and could can express ability, permission and possibility. In sentence 1, could

expresses possibility. In sentence 9, can expresses permission. In sentence 8, could see shows the action is in progress. In sentence 3, 4, and 5, could expresses the general past ability, while in sentences 2, 6, 7 and 10, could is used in the negative sentences to refer to the past ability, general or specific.


1. I can feel something crawling up my leg.

2. He ran very fast and was able to catch the bus.

3. By the time she finishes her course, she will be able to speak English well. 4. correct

5. In yesterday’s competition, Jane was able to spell the new words without making a single

mistake. 6. correct

7. I talked for a long time, and in the end I was able to make her believe me. 8. correct III.

1. Could we meet again tomorrow?

2. She could sing like an angel when she was a kid. 3. John was so drunk that he couldn’t open the door. 4. 5.

6. You could talk with your teacher.

7. No one knows where he is. He could be in Paris. He could be in London. 8. Could I use your phone? IV.

A. Excuse me, would you open this door? B. I’m afraid it’s locked. Shall I get the key?

A. Please, if you wouldn’t mind, as quickly as you can. V.

1. Three pretty little French girls came to tea yesterday. 2. I spent a long happy time living in Germany years ago. 3. I have hardly ever worked so hard as I did yesterday.

4. We rarely get more than three consecutive days of hot weather in summer. 5. There were two hard wooden chairs in the waiting room.

6. Mary has often spoken of your kindness to her when she was staying in Austria some years ago. 7. Everybody concerned must be ready to leave at 8:30 tomorrow.

8. We have not yet obtained all the information you requested yesterday. VI.

1. In its present state, the economy couldn’t stand another rise in interest rates. 2. He stood as if rooted to the ground. Translation I.

1. 从那生活温暖而舒适的鲶鱼之乡搬到气候严酷而且人似乎也不大相同的北方,是一件令人不安的事.

2.我惊讶地站着,然后在一片激烈的掌声中恍恍惚惚地飘回到我的座位上. 3.随着年龄的增长,我那种嗓音被卡在喉咙里的可怕感觉变得更加糟糕了.

4.经管我的老师再也看不见了,他却依然生活在一个充满着他以前所收藏的奇珍异宝的世界里. II.

1. With the development of economy large numbers of farmers flooded from the countryside

into cities to seek a job.

2. Young as he is, all judges share the opinion that his performance at the international piano

competition has come close to perfection.

3. Perhaps because of the spirits she had drunk, she was in a daze all the way to London. 4. In this mountain retreat you can find the best climate in the country. 5. He leaned back into his seat and relaxed, savoring the comfort.

6. What makes this young couple proud is that their child could recite poems from memory at

the age of three.

7. He repeated in public what he had said in private.

8. A family vibrant with life and love is to be built with the joint efforts of all its members. III.


Exercises for integrated skills I. As human beings, we have the special ability to share our thoughts by talking. We start by

forming a thought in our brains. In the brain, this thought is changed into a code called language. Finally, the brain sends a message to the muscles, telling them to move and make the right sounds come out. Then the mouth, face, neck, tongue, and throat muscles move into motions.

Sometimes this process doesn’t work perfectly, though. There might be an interruption or


break in the flow of speech. This interruption is called disfluency.

Disfluency becomes a speech problem when it gets in the way of everyday talking and is noticeable to other people. It can make it hard to get thoughts out. It can also cause a lot of embarrassment or frustration for the person who is talking. between, can, who, not, as, without, together, vary, when, some

大学英语综合教程4第二版(上海外语教育出版社)unit9-how I found my voice 课后练习答案


