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2018年高考英语专题三 阅读理解 第三步 题型突破(十一) Word版含答案

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题型突破(十一) 文章结构之篇章结构题



One of the most popular English-language novels of the 20th century is almost unknown in the English-speaking world—a global phenomenon in translation,now neglected in its original form.The Gadfly,by Irish writer Ethel Voynich,was sold over 5 million copies in 107 editions in the 22 languages spoken in the Soviet Union.The book inspired seven musical adaptations,five theatre adaptations,and five film adaptations.

Voynich’s novel is a thrilling account of revolutionary enthusiasm,religious devotion,clerical betrayal and romantic love—the philosopher Bertrand Russell called it “one of the most exciting novels I have read”.It was published in New York in 1897,two years after its completion,as its English publisher feared a negative reaction—one reviewer criticized the book’s “shocking and horrible character”.A translation appeared the following year in Russia,where the tsarist(沙皇) authorities’ disapproval only enhanced its popularity.

The Gadfly is set in Italy during the revolutionary unrest of the 1830s and 40s.The hero is a young Englishman,Arthur Burton,who moves to a Catholic seminary(神学院) after the death of his mother.There he becomes devoted to his guardian and mentor Montanelli,who,unknown to him,is also his biological father.In the company of his childhood sweetheart Gemma,Arthur becomes involved in the Young Italy movement fighting Austrian imperial rule.But he unconsciously betrays his comrades,after his private confession(忏悔) is relayed to the police.He then discovers his family secret,and loses all faith in the church.

Arthur pretends his suicide and escapes to South America,where he endures years of suffering.He returns to Italy in the guise of “The Gadfly”,a fearless and respected revolutionary whose true identity is masked.After his capture,he is visited by Montanelli,now a cardinal(红衣主教),who offers him a lifeline.But Arthur,unforgiving and uncompromising,demands that his father reject the church.Montanelli refuses and condemns his son to death.Arthur,now a Christ-like figure,commands his own death penalty.At the Corpus Christi mass,Montanelli dies of a broken heart.

① .The novel gained popularity initially in Ireland.Yet it was in the newly-created Communist states of the Soviet Union and China that the book found its most dedicated readership.Arthur,a Romantic tragic hero,was repeatedly voted Russia’s most popular literary figure,and astronauts Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova,the first man and woman in space,credited its influence.

② .In the 1930s,The Gadfly inspired another bestseller.Nikolai Ostrovsky’s How the Steel Was Tempered sold 35 million copies in the Soviet Union.Ostrovsky’s socialist realist novel features a fearless young communist who suffers dreadfully for his sacrifices,but finds permanent strength in the example of The Gadfly,which he reads to his fellow comrades.Voynich’s novel was reinforced further by a 1955 film adaptation directed by Aleksandr Faintsimmer.It sold 39 million tickets.

③ .Ethel Voynich had been living unknown to the public.And due to Soviet copyright laws,she was unaware of her legendary status in Russia.In 1956,Democratic presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson visited Moscow to arrange for payment of her long-overdue royalties(版权费).When Ethel died in 1960,she was mourned in Russia as a national hero.

④ .Arthur offers a “careful balance of emotion with steely determination”—he is a lover and a fighter,which can be seen in the “Knight-errant”(侠客) of traditional Chinese folklore.

In the UK,The Gadfly remains out of print and almost unknown,yet around the world readers and writers still revere its author,just as DH Lawrence,Rebecca West and Friedrich Engels once did.With its rich religious imagery and stirring revolutionary themes,The Gadfly has a lasting appeal for lovers of historical fiction,and deserves to be rediscovered in its original language. 语篇解读 本文主要介绍了文学巨著《牛虻》的故事情节及其巨大的影响力。

1.What does the first paragraph mainly tell us? A.The background of the novel. B.Its popularity in the Soviet Union. C.An abnormal phenomenon in translation. D.The artistic achievement of the novel.

答案 B

解析 段落大意题。根据第一段的内容可知,本段主要介绍的是这部小说在苏联广受欢迎。故选B项。

2.Why does Arthur escape to South America? A.He fails to fight Austrian imperial rule. B.He can’t tolerate his family.

C.He doesn’t succeed in committing suicide. D.He is to be punished by the police. 答案 D

解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“But he unconsciously betrays his comrades,after his private confession(忏悔) is relayed to the police.”可知,亚瑟在不经意间背叛了他的同伴,之后他的私人忏悔被传到了警方耳中。由此可知,他之所以逃往南美洲是因为他将要被警方惩罚。故选D项。

3.The underlined word “revere” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to “ ”. A.salute C.imitate 答案 A

解析 词义猜测题。根据文章最后一段可知,这部小说虽然在英国几乎无人知晓,但世界范围内的其他读者和作家却十分敬重小说的作者。本题做题的关键是要抓住表示转折的词yet。故选A项。

4.What can we know about the novel The Gadfly from the passage? A.It has been translated into 22 languages around the world. B.It is unfamiliar to the British due to its horrible characters. C.It receives a negative reaction in the English-speaking world. D.It was completed in 1899 and is one of the most popular novels. 答案 C

解析 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知,作为20世纪最受欢迎的英文小说之一,《牛虻》在讲英语的国家落得几乎无人问津的田地;再由第二段中的“It was published in New York in 1897...as its English publisher feared a negative reaction”可知,这部小说完成两年后才在纽约出版,因为出版商害怕出现负面的反应。由此可知,在说英语的世界里,这部小说得到的是

B.please D.condemn


5.What makes the novel The Gadfly have the most dedicated readers in the Soviet Union? A.Nikolai Ostrovsky’s novel. B.The fearless and respected hero. C.Musical and theatre adaptations. D.Soviet copyright laws. 答案 B

解析 推理判断题。根据第四段的“He returns to Italy in the guise of ‘The Gadfly’,a fearless and respected revolutionary whose true identity is masked.”和第五段的“Arthur,a Romantic tragic hero,was repeatedly voted Russia’s most popular literary figure”可知,这部小说在苏联受欢迎的原因是其主人公是一个勇敢无畏且受人尊敬的人。故选B项。

6.Where should the sentence “The Gadfly found its largest audience in China” be put in the passage?

A.① B.② C.③ D.④ 答案 D

解析 篇章结构题。根据倒数第二段中的“...which can be seen in the ‘Knight-errant’(侠客) of traditional Chinese folklore.”可知,此句应该填在第四空。故选D项。



Role-Playing in Child Development

Playing is a key component in the learning process for virtually all of the children.There are various ways in which children play,but one of the most important is role-playing.This involves a child engaging in an activity during which he or she pretends to be another person.

Experts on child development believe that role-playing can increase the connections in children’s brains that help them learn.Language skills are some of the most important aspects of learning.When children role-play,they must work out steps that need to be taken to complete a task,and create plans to act out a story.These activities enable children to develop their oral language skills.They become able to organize others and to give directions.

Children’s social skills can also be developed.When engaged in group activities,children have different roles.Some are leaders while others are followers.At times,the children will

disagree,so they must learn to negotiate and compromise with one another,and they must learn to apologize when they have strong arguments or disagreements as well.Children further learn about cooperation and sharing and,hopefully,begin to understand things from another person’s point of view.

Besides helping children learn some kinds of skills,role-playing fosters children’s imaginations and can therefore assume a number of forms.For example,boys may pretend to shave like their fathers or perform various tasks around their homes.Girls,meanwhile,often pretend to be mothers to do some daily tasks,particularly if it involves caring for young babies.Sometimes children may imagine belonging to a group of superheroes or imitate(模仿) real-life situations.They might dress up and assume different roles.Another example is the performing of stories they read in books,which is also very common when they role-play.

Another beneficial aspect of role-playing is that it can help children deal with certain actions that may cause them emotional(情感的) pain,such as the fear they face when going to school for the first time or making a visit to the doctor.If children role-play situations like these beforehand,the fear that they experience when doing these actions in reality frequently lessens.For this reason,experts encourage parents to allow their children to role-play and even to take part in these activities to help their children master their fears. Role-playing can benefit children in many ways.There is no activity for which young children are better prepared than fantasy play.Nothing is more dependable and risk-free,and the dangers are only pretend.

语篇解读 本文介绍了角色扮演在孩子成长过程中的作用。角色扮演可以帮助孩子的语言发育,发展孩子的社交技能,帮助他们战胜恐惧心理等。

7.From the author’s description in Paragraph 4,we learn that children often . A.involve daily-life activities in groups B.perform daily tasks instead of their parents C.act out the activities that their parents do D.change real-life situations when role-playing 答案 C

2018年高考英语专题三 阅读理解 第三步 题型突破(十一) Word版含答案


