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2014年5月CATTI三级笔译实务(英译汉)真题 A Melting Greenland Weighs Perils Against Potential 全球变暖对格陵兰是福是祸?

NARSAQ, Greenland -As icebergs in the KayakHarbor pop and hiss while melting away,this remoteArctic town and its culture are also disappearing in achanging climate.格陵兰岛纳萨克——随着皮艇港(Kayak Harbor)的冰山在融化过程中发出嘶嘶的响声,这座偏远的北极小镇和它的文化,也正在随着气候变化而消失。 Narsaq’s largest employer, a shrimp factory, closed a few years ago after the crustaceans flednorth to cooler water. Where once there were eight commercial fishing vessels, there is nowone.


As a result, the population here, one of southern Greenland’s major towns, has been halvedto 1,500 in just a decade. Suicides are up.

因此,作为格陵兰岛南部主要城镇之一,纳萨克的人口在短短十年中降至1500人,减少了一半。自杀率也出现上升。 Andrew Testa for The New York Times


“Fishing is the heart of this town,” said Hans Kaspersen, 63, a fisherman. “Lots of people havelost their livelihoods.”

“捕鱼是这个小镇的核心。”今年63岁的渔民汉斯?卡斯佩森(Hans Kaspersen)说,“很多人失去了生计。”

But even as warming temperatures are upending traditional Greenlandic life, they are alsooffering up intriguing new opportunities for this state of 57,000 — perhaps nowhere more sothan here in Narsaq.


Vast new deposits of minerals and gems are being discovered as Greenland’s massive ice caprecedes, forming the basis of a potentially lucrative mining industry. 随着格陵兰岛广袤的冰盖逐渐消融,人们发现了储量丰富的新矿产和宝石,这为潜在利润巨大的采矿业奠定了基础。

One of the world’s largest deposits of rare earth metals — essential for manufacturingcellphones, wind turbines and electric cars — sits just outside Narsaq.


This could be momentous for Greenland, which has long relied on half a billion dollars a year inwelfare payments from Denmark, its parent state. Mining profits could help Greenland becomeeconomically self sufficient and render it the first sovereign nation created by global warming.


“One of our goals is to obtain independence,” said Vittus Qujaukitsoq, a prominent laborunion leader.

知名工会领袖维图斯?奎奥基茨克(Vittus Qujaukitsoq)说,“我们的目标之一是取得独立。”

But the rapid transition from a society of individual fishermen and hunters to an economysupported by corporate mining raises difficult questions. How would Greenland’s insularsettlements tolerate an influx of thousands of Polish or Chinese construction workers, as hasbeen proposed? Will mining despoil a natural environment essential to Greenland’s nationalidentity — the whales and seals, the silent icy fjords, and mythic polar bears? Can fishermanreinvent themselves as miners?



“I think mining will be the future, but this is a difficult phase,” said Jens B. Frederiksen,Greenland’s housing and infrastructure minister and a deputy premier.

“It’s a plan that noteveryone wants. It’s about traditions, the freedom of a boat, family professions.”

“我认为采矿就是我们的未来,但现在是一个艰难的阶段。”格陵兰住房与基础设施部长、副总理延斯?B?佛雷德利克森(Jens B. Frederiksen)说,“这并不是一个所有人都赞成的计划,它会涉及传统、驾船的自由,以及代代相传的职业。” The Arctic is warming even faster than other parts of the planet, and the rapidly melting ice iscausing alarm among scientists about sea-level rise. In northeastern Greenland, average yearlytemperature have risen 4.5 degrees in the past 15 years, and scientists predict the area couldwarm by 14 to 21 degrees by the end of the century. 北极变暖的速度比地球上其他任何地方都快,而迅速融化的冰川引起了科学家对海平面上升的警觉。过去15年中,格陵兰岛东北部的年均气温上升了4.5度。而科学家预测,到本世纪末,该地区气温会升高14至21度。

Already, winter pack ice that covers the fjords is no longer stable enough for dog sledding andsnowmobile traffic in many areas. Winter fishing, essential to feeding families, is becominghazardous or impossible.


It has long been known that Greenland sat upon vast mineral lodes, and the Danishgovernment has mapped them intermittently for decades. Niels Bohr, Denmark’s Nobel Prize-winning nuclear physicist and a member of the Manhattan Project, visited Narsaq in 1957because of its uranium deposits.

格陵兰岛地下蕴藏着巨大的矿藏这一点久为人知。几十年来,丹麦政府已经断断续续地绘制了这些矿藏的分布图。参与过曼哈顿计划(Manhattan Project)的丹麦核



