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1.Play the tape and do the actions . 2. Ask: How many days are there in a week ? Answer: Seven days .

What do you usually do at the weekend? 二、Leading in.

T: \

Sing the song after the tape and do actions .

Listen and talk .

Do you want know what I did at the weekend ?\ \ \


Step1:Look, listen and learn. 1. Play a game .

\Step2: Ask and answer \ \Get Ss work in pairs. Step3: Look and match

1. Tell the Ss to choo-se a verb in the past simple tense and write it on a piece of paper.


They went to the park . Look at the pictures. S1: I went to the park. S2: ...and played football. S3: ...and...and watched TV.

S4: ...and...and...and... I saw some boats. Examples:

A:What did you do last weekend? B: I went to a museum. A: When did you go there ?


B: I went there on Sunday.

Choose and write it on a piece of paper . Step4:Listen and repeat.训练发音 教后反思:

Module3 Unit2 Daming took a photo of his father.



1.掌握这几个句型:What did you ...? Where did you go ?How...? When...? 2.培养学生应用句子的能力。 3.培养学生热爱大自然的思想感情。


教学难点:同上以及动词过去式的用法。 三:教学用具 some pictures、tape、recorder、card 教学过程: 一、Warmer up:

1.Play the tape and do the actions . 2. Sing the song after the tape and do actions . Ask: How many verbs are there in this song ?

T:\the Great Wall . It was very beautiful . And I met Daming and his father there. We were very happy.\

Answer:did, go ,see, meet,buy, went,saw,had Listen and say . 二、Learning.

Step1: Listen and say . Example:

Who took this picture? Daming did.

Step2: Listen and read

1. Have the Ss look at the picture and have them describe it.


2.Play the spoken version of the song and get the Ss to repeat the words. 3. Play the version again.

4. Have the Ss do actions as they say.

5. Get the Ss to change the line \sentence.

Step3: Play and say. 1. Have the Ss write

a sentence about one thing they did yesterday. Talk about each of the places in pairs. Look at the pictures and describe it . Repeat the words.

\ Write a sentence about one thing did yesterday. Examples:

S1: I went to the park. S2: I saw some birds.

Step4: Listen and under line the letters that make the sound .Then say the words. 1.Write the four phonetic symbols on the board. 2. Look and write. Step5:

1. Make funny sentences. 2.Do and Say 三、小结。

What did you learn today? Homework: 教后反思:

Module4 Unit1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me .`



1、能听的懂、会说和会读单词pair、shorts,、argue、, matter、wear、took;


2. Now choose individual Ss to read out their sentencs.

2、初步掌握名词性物主代词hers、 his、mine、 ours的用法 3、初步掌握句型:It is mine /yours/his/ hers/ Linglings 教学重点 教学难点 教学用具 教学过程

初步掌握名词性物主代词hers、 his、mine、 ours的用法;

初步掌握句型:It is mine /yours/his/ hers/ Linglings;

录音机 、磁带 、 单词卡片 、 实物 等

理解并掌握句型 :It is mine /yours/his/ hers/ Linglings;

(一)Greatings and freetalk )问候和谈话。T :Hello , boys and girls ,nice to meet you !:What day is today ?

(二)Presenttation (课文教学)

1、展示一些物品:铅笔、尺子、语文书、书包、外套等。说:This is my coat! It is mine学习单词 mine

Ss: Hello Mr /Ms-- ,nice to meet you , too !Ss: Today is Moday ! 仔细观察跟着老师说句型。 跟读、开火车读

2、学习单词pair、shorts,、argue、, matter、wear、took;

学生认回自己的物品,如教师出示一枝铅笔,认领的学生上去说:This is my pencil ! 教师递给他并且说:It is yours !



1、请学生观察板书,想一想两种物主代词的区别,再找一找规律。 2、用两首儿歌来表示它们的不同。 a、一变(my__mine)

二留(his__his, its__its) 剩余加 “S”

b、形容词性物主代词能力差, 自己不能来当家, 后面要把名词加。 名词性物主代词能力强, 自己独来又独往, 后面什么也不加。 举例:

This is my pen . This pen is mine.



做一做 说一说 开火车读 说一说 1、跟老师读; 2、集体拍手记忆; 3、开火车读; This is her pen . This pen is hers. 4、学习课文

请学生把书翻到SB Unit 1活动1

请学生带着问题听录音,然后把听到的告诉给大家。可以是一个单词、一个词组等。 5 学习单词:matter 、wear 、line 、clean 、argue 6、听录音重复(第二遍)第三遍跟读。 7教师领读课文,然后分角色朗读。

观察图思考:What are they ?What happened? 开火车读、小组读重复句子。 分角色朗读。 同桌练习 集体练习 三、练习

1、SB Unit 1 3.Point and say 2、完成课堂活动用书 Copy the new words Read the text 四、Homework 教后反思:


8.Listen and say



