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3、完成活动6的游戏 4、Group work. 完成课本活动7。


① 学生四人一组展开活动,轮流讲述自己快乐的昨天,用过去时描述自己做了哪些事情。学生进行信息交换,评选出最快乐的一天向全班汇报。 ② 教师介绍Daming’s letter ——写给Amy的回信。

“I met our Chinese teacher by the river yesterday. She walked with her cat. Then we saw a rabbit and a hen . They played with an apple.”

板书 Chinese, teacher, river, rabbit, letter, hen, cat, apple,让学生读出单词、听录音思考并回答划线处的发音;然后完成课堂活动用书练习3,请学生边听边划出每组单词中有着特定发音的字母或字母组合。 V.Homework 1、朗读课文。

2、完成练习册练习5和练习6。 教学反思:

Module2 Unit1 What did you buy?


一、 教材分析: Analysis of This Lesson 1、教学内容(Teaching contents )

本课的教学内容为外语教学与研究出版社的三年级起点《新标准英语》第五册的Module2 Unit1 What did you buy? 2、教学重点(Teaching Points) Words:can food need cheese how much 3、教学难点(Teaching difficults) Sentence: What did you buy? 二、 教学目标 Teaching Aims 1、知识目标(Knowledge aim)

Listen and say:shopping food need cheese Listen and understand: What did you buy? 2、能力目标(Ability aim)


Listen and understand: What did you buy? 3、情感目标(Emotion aim)

通过看听说演唱等活动,使学生产生学习英语的兴趣,树立学好英语的信心. 三、 教学过程Teaching Procedures Step 1:Listen to a song:

Sing a song:Mary hand a little lamb.

(设计意图:活跃课堂气氛,创设英语氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣) Step 2:Free talks:

Hello.How are you? What’s your name? How old are you?

(设计意图:通过过自由对话拉近师生间的感情,并通过询问年龄复习数字。) Step 3、Warm up: 1.导入list

(1) 通过出示Mr Smart和Sam对话的模拟情景,引出list, If you want go shopping.You can make a shopping list. 紧接着说: Such as: name list; book list. 2.导入cheese:

(1)Read together.bananas,apples,pears,and cheese. (2)出示cheese单词并领读指读, 3.导入food:

(1)(指着模拟超市说)At the supermarket.We have some apples,bananas,(出示这些食物课件)noodles,meat。All these are food. (2)出示food单词并领读指读, Step 4:New sentences learning: 1.导入新句型:授课时间:

(1)(教师指着模拟超市)Look!There are some apples.How many?Let’s count.(One?)对S1:Do you like apples?S1:Yes,I do.T: What did you buy?S1:Four.T:OK,(拿出4个)Here you are!

(2)出示What did you buy?领读指读,并质疑 (3) Practise in pairs.

(设计意图:通过真实的情景导入重点句型学习,避免了枯燥,无味的方式,同时, TPR和游戏竞赛形式全班互动,将课堂气氛推向高潮。进一步巩固了句型练习) Step 5、New text learning

1. Today.Ms Smart and Amy go shopping.

Let’s listen to Ms Smart and Amy: How do they go shopping. (1)First,Look listen and learn:


(2)Second.Look listen and say.

(3)(质疑)Can you read the shopping list to me?I don’t know the Chinese meaning.Who can tell me?

(4)Now read in pairs.one is Ms Smart.One is Lingling.(小组分角色朗读) 2.At home情景模拟:

(1)Mr Smart. Ms Smart and Amy(教师与两名同学演示) (2)请几组到前面表演

3.Next.Let’s have a try.(选择正确答案) (1)选出与购物有关的句子:

A:Have you got a toy car?B:What do you do at the weekend? C:Yesterday,I went shopping.D:I live in West Lake Road. (2)选出你喜欢的食物:

A:car ship doll plane kite B:cat dog tiger lion elephant C:shopping need like want D:cheese juice orange bananas

(设计意图:以表演的形式,让学生学以致用,将课堂上的知识与生活实际相联系,培养了学生对语言的综合运用能力。) 4.Listen and say.

训练句型:How many bananas did you buy? Step 7:Homework: read together 1. 听录音,朗读课文并试着录音

2. 与家人到超市或文具商场进行英语购物对话 教后反思:

Unit2 How much cheese did you buy ?


一、 教材分析: Analysis of This Lesson 1、教学内容(Teaching contents )

本课的教学内容为外语教学与研究出版社的三年级起点《新标准英语》第五册的Module2 Unit2 How much cheese did you buy ? 2、教学重点(Teaching Points)

Memorize the words:over there ,a lot of ,use,any,half 3、教学难点(Teaching difficults)

Know and read the sentence: How much cheese did you buy ? 二、 教学目标 Teaching Aims


1、知识目标(Knowledge aim)

Undestand and say the words: over there ,a lot of ,use,any,half Undestand and say the sentence : How much cheese did you buy ? 2、能力目标(Ability aim)

Listen and read the sentence: How much cheese did you buy ?句型,并在实际情景中进行应用。

3、情感目标(Emotion aim)

通过看听说演唱等活动,使学生产生学习英语的兴趣,树立学好英语的信心. 三、教学过程Teaching Procedure:


Look and act(请同学看着书上的插图表演对话。)

2.Warm up:

(1)Answer the questions:

A:What season is it?

B:What do you like in the season?: C:What sport do you like in the season? D:Where do you like to play? (2)Work in groups:

(3)Talk about this picnic in English. 3.Learning the text:

Look at the pictures,please look at them carefully,then answer the questions: (1) How many children are there in the picture? (2) What’s in their hands? (3) What’s he doing?

(4)What’s on the paper of his hand?

Please open your books.Look at the text.What’s meaning of “be going to” here. Please read the sentences by themselves. (5)Listen to the recorder:

A:Listen and point.(Find out the food)

B:Learn the new words.(根据学生的回答,教师出示相应的单词卡片和食物卡片将其一一对应,引导学生学会单词。)

C:Say the difference between “how many” and “how much”。 D:Listen and read after the tape. 4.Games:

(1)Listen and match.(将物品和卡片连线)


(2).Have a match.(分组到黑板比赛,指认物品或单词) (设计意图:充分调动学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂的氛围)


1.Game:《I’ll go home.》

Draw two houses on the blackboard.Write “how many”on one house;write “how much”on another house.Stick food cards on the houses.(在黑板上画两栋房子,并交代分别代表how many和how much 的家,请学生帮助食物卡片分别找到自己的家,贴在黑板上。)


2.Shopping:(Act out in a shop)

(1)Go over the words and sentences about shopping. (2)How much??(How many ??) (3)Make a list and act.

(设计意图:巩固与练习How many/much ?do you want?提供真实运用语言,培养学生运用语言的能力) 五、Summary:

Words: over there ,a lot of ,use,any,half

Sentence :How much do you want?。 六、Homework:

1. Go shopping on the computer.

2. Go over the words and sentences of the text. 教后反思:

Module3 unit1 Where did you go?



知识点: 掌握这几个句型:What did you do at the weekend? Where did you go ? 能力培养点:培养学生应用句子的能力。 思想教育点:培养学生热爱大自然的思想感情。 二、教学重点:能用简单的语句描述过去发生的事情。

教学难点:同上以及动词过去式的用法。 三、教学用具: some pictures、tape、recorder、card 四、教学过程




