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高中英语Unit22EnvironmentalProtection课时跟踪练一Warm - up - Lesson1 - Pre - reading含解析北师大版选修8

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课时跟踪练(一) Warm-up & Lesson 1 — Pre-reading



Dear Headteacher Jones,

Recently I took a trip with my family to a local botanical garden (植物园), Natural Springs. It was amazing how drawn we were to the breathtaking varieties of plants and flowers. Although I realize that we cannot turn our school into such a garden, we can surely add more beauty to its surroundings.

I know that purchasing plants for landscaping is expensive, so I suggest that we try my plan. Many homes and apartments in our neighborhood have a lot of landscaping. I have learned that many of these plants must be divided and transplanted each year, otherwise they will become overgrown. During the spring, people could swap plants from their own gardens; they could also bring some plants to donate to our school. It would be a wonderful opportunity for community members to visit our school and get some different plants here to improve the look of their own yards.

I have talked to many students who would like to form a garden club and care for the plants. Mrs. Meer, chair of the biology department, has agreed to supervise (监督) us. The club members would take turns to care for the plants both before and after school. All who attend and visit our school will most likely appreciate the benefits of my project. If you agree to allow us to put my plan into action, I can guarantee that you will be pleased.

Please let me know when we can discuss this further.

Sincerely, Terri Olsen


1.The author's suggestion is to ________. A.do a plant swap C.give a donation

B.buy some plants D.join a garden club

解析:选A 细节理解题。由第二段中的“During the spring, people could swap plants from their own gardens”可知A项说法正确。

2.As for the author's suggestion, Mrs. Meer might feel ________. A.doubtful



C.positive D.curious

解析:选C 推理判断题。由第三段中的“Mrs. Meer, chair of the biology department, has agreed to supervise (监督) us.”可知,Mrs. Meer对作者的建议是持积极态度的,故选C项。

3.Why did Terri Olsen write this letter? A.To ask students to care for the plants. B.To try to make the school more beautiful. C.To advise students to visit Natural Springs. D.To draw the headteacher's attention to nature.

解析:选B 写作意图题。由第一段中的“we cannot turn our school into such a garden, we can surely add more beauty to its surroundings”以及下文的相关信息可知,作者通过此信旨在说服校长同意自己的建议,即通过举办植物交换活动给自己的学校引进更多植物来美化校园,故选B项。


Ginger Sprouse first noticed Victor Hubbard on the corner of a street in late 2016. She'd drive past Hubbard at least four times a day but began to grow concerned about him when winter approached. Wondering what the man's story was, she decided to introduce herself.

She found out that Hubbard, who suffers from a mental illness, had been standing in the same spot his mother left him in for the past three years. He stayed there each day in the hope that his mother would come back for him.

Sprouse began visiting Hubbard on her lunch break. They quickly became friends. “I would drive up and he would always ask about me,” Sprouse said.

Sprouse was so moved by Hubbard that she created a Facebook page called “This is Victor” in December. She used the page so people could get to know Hubbard and help out. She'd post photos and videos of Hubbard enjoying the simple things in life. He soon stole thousands of people's hearts. Since the Facebook page was created, support has been pouring in for Hubbard. Someone gave Hubbard a free eye exam, while others provided food, clothes, a bike and a phone. Community members also threw Hubbard a block party fundraiser (募集活动) with hundreds of attendees.

Sprouse's kindness didn't just help turn Hubbard's life around, but it helped him find his family. There's no doubt that Sprouse changed his life, but the influence isn't one-sided. “He's changed me greatly because he never even, when he was standing on the corner wet and in the rain, had anything negative to say,” she


said. “And if he can be as kind, sweet and positive in that situation, then I can be in whatever situation I'm in.”

语篇解读:本文是记叙文。Sprouse为被母亲遗弃的Hubbard在Facebook上建立了一个名叫This is Victor的网页,使得更多的人认识并帮助了Hubbard,最终帮助他找到了家人。

4.Why did Sprouse want to make herself known to Hubbard? A.Out of habit. C.Out of curiosity.

B.Out of politeness. D.Out of sympathy.

解析:选C 细节理解题。由第一段“Wondering what the man's story was, she decided to introduce herself.”可知,Sprouse是出于好奇而决定向Hubbard介绍自己。

5.For what purpose had Hubbard been standing on the same street corner for 3 years?

A.To wait for his mother's return. B.To ask for help he was in need of. C.To exchange greetings with Sprouse. D.To prevent his illness from worsening.

解析:选A 细节理解题。由第二段“He stayed there each day in the hope that his mother would come back for him.”可知,Hubbard三年来都一直待在同一个街角是为了等待母亲回来找他。

6.What can be inferred about the Facebook page created by Sprouse? A.It advocated living a simple life. B.It won Sprouse a good reputation. C.It made Sprouse famous overnight. D.It was responded quickly and positively.

解析:选D 推理判断题。由第四段“He soon stole thousands of people's hearts. Since the Facebook page was created, support has been pouring in for Hubbard.”可推知,Sprouse在Facebook上为Hubbard建立的网页迅速地得到了积极的响应。

7.What do we know from Sprouse's words in the last paragraph? A.Helping others is helping ourselves. B.Hubbard has left a deep mark on her life. C.We should never judge a book by its cover. D.She's proud of turning Hubbard's life around.

解析:选B 推理判断题。由最后一段Sprouse所说的话“He's changed me greatly”和“And if he can be as kind, sweet and positive in that situation, then I can be


in whatever situation I'm in.”可推知,Hubbard也给Sprouse的生活留下了一个深深的烙印。


My three grandchildren visit us every Independence Day. This year, I'm handing out a schedule of activities for children and adults at the Farmers Market in Viroqua. And I want my grandchildren to enjoy the life I have had in catching trout (鳟鱼). The Coon Creek Trout Fest allows the kids to fish from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The trout are put in Coon Creek just before the fest begins, and the kids can keep any trout they catch. However, the scientific studies today leave me wondering if the trout will be swimming in Coon Creek 40 years from now.

The fall issue of Trout magazine is devoted to climate change and the world of trout. In an article by Erin Block, she writes, “Climate change is not new. The Earth's temperatures have always gone up and down: diving to ice ages and moving back to warm periods. However, what is indeed novel is the rate at which the present change is taking place, at least 10 times more quickly than that 65 million years ago (when dinosaurs died out). So while living things have adapted to (适应) past changes, the present rate is making it difficult for evolution (生物进化) to keep up.” So if we don't change the direction we're heading, Coon Creek will not be cold enough for trout in 2057.

Your grandchildren and mine deserve a better planet. And if we don't reduce our carbon emissions (碳排放) we're putting into the atmosphere, my grandchildren may not be able to catch trout in Coon Creek when they are as old as their dad is today. Catching trout in Coon Creek is a small potato compared with saving the world from the catastrophe that could happen. Unlimited burning of all fossil fuels will speed up global warming, and we will hand our children and grandchildren a planet that is out of their control.


8.Why is the Coon Creek Trout Fest held? A.To celebrate Independence Day. B.To assist the local fishing industry. C.To hold a sale of trout at the market. D.To encourage kids to protect the Earth.

解析:选A 细节理解题。由第一段可知,Coon Creek Trout Fest是作者所在地举办



9.What does Erin Block worry about? A.Ice ages' drawing near soon. B.People's ignoring climate change. C.The production of trout in Coon Creek. D.The great frequency of climate change.

解析:选D 细节理解题。由第二段“However, what is indeed novel is the rate at which the present change is taking place, at least 10 times more quickly than that 65 million years ago”可知,Erin Block担忧的是当今气候变化越来越频繁,比6 500万年前恐龙灭绝时期的气候变化频率还要快10倍。

10.What does the author think of catching trout in Coon Creek? A.It helps prevent the possible catastrophe. B.It is slightly affected by global warming. C.It is an enjoyable tradition for people. D.It is not so environmentally friendly.

解析:选C 推理判断题。由第一段“And I want my grandchildren to enjoy the life I have had in catching trout.”和最后一段“... my grandchildren may not be able to catch trout in Coon Creek when they are as old as their dad is today”等信息可知,作者过去就参与抓鳟鱼活动,而且希望他的儿孙都一直有条件抓鳟鱼,并乐享其中。由此推知,作者认为抓鳟鱼是一个充满乐趣的传统。

11.Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A.Climate change and trout in Coon Creek B.My grandchildren and global warming C.Making our planet a better place D.Catching trout in the future

解析:选B 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,作者通过独立日抓鳟鱼这项活动引出气候变化将会带来的影响,并号召大家节能减排,为我们的子孙后代着想,其实主要讨论的还是全球变暖对未来人类的影响。故B项最能体现和概括作者的立场和观点。


As we all know, oil is not recyclable and can pollute the environment. It's necessary to develop cleaner fuels to run America's cars, trucks and buses.

For more than a century, America has relied almost entirely on a single fuel to move goods and people around the country: oil. Our transportation sector consumes 70% of the oil and produces one-third of our global warming pollution. __1__


高中英语Unit22EnvironmentalProtection课时跟踪练一Warm - up - Lesson1 - Pre - reading含解析北师大版选修8


