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八年级英语 期中学期调研



一、听力(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分) 第一部分 听对话回答问题(计10分)


( )1. Which bird does the woman like best?

A. B. C.

( )2. How did Jack go to Beijing?

A. B. C.

( )3. What are they talking about?

A. B C.

( )4. What is Lucy doing?

A. B.


( )5. Who is the tallest, Bob, Jim or Li Lei? A. Bob. B. Li Lei. C. Jim. ( )6. Where's Mary's father now?

A. In Shanghai. B. In Chongqing. C. In Beijing. ( )7. How was the Beijing Opera?

A. It was too long. B. It was great. C. It was boring. ( )8. What's wrong with Tom?

A. Nothing is wrong with Tom. B. He hurt his leg. C. She hurt her leg. ( )9. What's the relationship between the speakers?

A. Teacher and student. B. Mother and son. C. Classmates.

( )10. What does the man want his daughter to do?

A. Do homework. B. Have a rest. C. Listen to music. 第二部分 听对话和短文答题(计10分)


听一段对话,回答第11---12小题。答题完毕,请等待\嘀\的信号,进入第一篇短文。 ( )11. What happened when the man was waiting for a bus?

A. There was a purse left on the bus. B. There was a big argument. C. There were too many people on the bus. ( )12. Why did the woman shout?

A. Because the tall man stepped on her. B. Because the tall man shouted at her. C. Because she thought the tall man had stolen her purse.


( )13. A. Beijing Sunshine School B. Rocky Mountain High School C. Woodland School ( )14. A. British students B. Chinese students C. American students ( )15. A. more B. less C. fewer 听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。 ( )16. Who bought a bat?

A. Lisa. B. Vince. C. Vince's brother. ( )17. What would Vince do in the morning?

A. He would teach his cousin to swim. B. He would go to the guitar lessons. C. He would play table tennis.

( )18. Where was Vince going to swim?

A. In Sunshine Swimming Pool. B. In Sun City Swimming Pool. C. In Blue Sea Swimming Pool.

( )19. When were they going to meet?

A. At 2:30 pm. B. At 2:35 pm. C. At 2:50 pm. ( )20. Which one of the following statements is correct?

A. Vince would be busy all day. B. Lisa could swim.

C. Vince would play table tennis with Lisa at last.


从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。 ( )21.Did you have _______ good time in______ Hong Kong? A. a, / B. a, the C. a, the D. the , an

( )22. You often move it with your hand to work on the computer. What is it?

A. The keyboard B. The mouse C. The printer D. The menu ( )23. ——Where is your father now? I haven’t seen him for a few days. ——He ________ to Shanghai for a meeting.

A. goes B. is going C. has gone D. will go ( )24. I am a doctor. I have been a doctor __________ 2004.

A. in B. since C. until D. for

( )25.I don’t do well in Maths, so I don’t know ________ out this Maths Problem.

A. when to work B. who to work C. what to work D. how to work

( )26. ——Where did you get the book? —— From the library, I have____ it for a week.

A. borrowed B. kept C. lent D. bought

( )27.My elder brother _________ a farmer. Now he is a shopkeeper.

A. is used to B. is used to be C. used to be D. used to being

( )28.—— Have you___watched that film?——No, never. I plan to watch it on the Internet.

A. ever B. still C. yet D. already ( )29.Our teacher often warns us _________ football in the street.

A. not play B. not playing C. not to play D. don’t play

( )30. The old man lives __________ in the village, but he doesn’t feel_________.

A. alone, lonely B. lonely, lonely C. alone, alone D. lonely, alone ( )31. Now this place has __________ a beautiful park.

A. turned up B. turned into C. turned down D. turned with ( )32. ——______ do you walk your dog? ——More than twice a week. A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How many ( )33. Jim’s school is so big, there are ___________ students in it.

A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of

( )34.How long _________ your cousin _________ Beijing?

A. has, been to B. has, gone to C. has, been in D. did, go

( )35. ——I am leaving for France tomorrow. —— ____________________________.

A. Have a good time! B. Really? C. Goodbye. D. How wonderful!



The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modern traffic and modern communication means(通讯设备). 36 today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago,but it has brought

new 37 .One of the biggest is pollution.To pollute means to make things dirty.Pollution comes in many ways.We see it, 38 it,drink it and even hear it.

Man has been polluting the earth.The 39 people,the more pollution.Many years ago,the pollution was not so serious 40 there were not so many people.When the land was used up or the river was dirty in

one place,man moved to 41 place.Now man is slowly polluting the whole world, but pollution is still serious.

Air pollution is now the most serious.It’s 42 for all living things in the world,but it is not the only one kind of pollution.Water pollution 43 our fish and pollutes our drinking water.Noise pollution makes us become 44 more easily.

Many countries are making rules to fight pollution.They 45 people from burning coal in houses and factories in the city,and from putting dirty 46 into the air.

Pollution by SO2 is now the most 47 kind of air pollution.It is caused by heavy traffic.It is true that if there are fewer people 48 ,there will be less air pollution.

The earth is our home.We must take care of it.That means 49 the land,water and air clean.And we must care about the 50 of pollution at the same time. ( )36.A.Flight B.Sleeping C.Life D.Meeting ( )37.A.difficulties B.business C.jobs D.problems ( )38.A.smell B.touch C.dream D.want ( )39.A.better B.more C.fewer D.stranger ( )40.A.if B.because C.until D.when ( )41.A.other B.the other C.another D.others ( )42.A.bad B.safe C.hard D.possible ( )43.A.helps B.treats C.frightens D.kills ( )44.A.hungry B.angry C.excited D.sad ( )45.A.continue B.finish C.stop D.start ( )46.A.fire B.litter C.wind D.smoke ( )47.A.dangerous B.important C.interesting D.popular ( )48.A.driving B.playing C.swimming D.dancing ( )49.A.increasing B.producing C.keeping D.making ( )50.A.rise B.information C.price D.progress 四、阅读理解。


( A )

The Republic of Ireland is full of history and culture. Here are some great tourist attractions waiting for you to visit. Come and have fun! Cliffs of Moher Dublin Castle Cliffs of Moher are the top tourist Dublin Castle is in the heart of old town. attraction in Ireland. They are 214 It contains the Chester Beatty Library, meters high at their highest point and which is both a library and an art stretch(绵延) 8 km along the coast. To museum that are worth visiting. stay on top of the rocks is a quite a Address frightening but exciting experience. ? Dame Street, Dublin City Address Hours ? Street R478, County Clare ? Monday-Saturday: 9:45am-4:45pm Hours ? Sunday: 11:00am-4:45pm ? Monday-Saturday: 9:00am-7:00pm ? Closed on Christmas Day ? Sunday: 11:00am-5:00pm Price ? Closed on Christmas Day ? Adults: £4.5; Children under 12: Price £2



