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作者:余绍驰 韦虹旭
摘 要 目的:探讨回顾性观察分析Picco监测过程中,血管外肺水(EVLW)值对患者预后转归的价值。方法:回顾性观察分析进行Picco监测的56例患者。观察患者入ICU后监测6小时、12小时、24小时、48小时的EVLW值,并分析患者死亡率情况。结论:通过观察分析,在所监测病例中,血管外肺水指标以10ml/kg为分界,随着EVLW值的增长,患者死亡率明显升高。EVLW值的升高,且持续维持在较高的水平,对判断患者的死亡率有一定意义。 关键字 预后 血管外肺水
Extravascular lung water(EVLW)to evaluate the prognosis of patients Yu Shaochi,Wei Hongxu
Department of ICU,the Worker's Hospital of Liuzhou City,Guangxi 545001 Abstract Objective:To retrospective analyze the value of prognosis for the patients with extravascular lung water(EVLW) in the process of Picco monitoring.Methods:56 patients with Picco monitoring were selected,we retrospective analyzed the patient mortality the value of EVLW after the patients were taken in ICU monitoring for 6 hours,12 hours,24 hours,48 hours.Conclusion:Through the observation and analysis in the monitoring of cases,we fond extravascular lung water index with 10ml/kg as the boundary,the mortality significantly increased along with the pulmonary water value growth.The value of extravascular lung water(ELWI) has certain significance for judging patient mortality.
Key words The prognosis;Extravascular lung water;Value
肺内正常的解剖和生理机制保持肺间质水分恒定和肺泡处于理想的湿润状态,以利于完成肺的各种功能[1]。肺水肿在病理上主要分为两种类型:心源性和非心源性,心源性也称为静水压或血流动力学性肺水肿,非心源性也称为通透性增高性肺水肿,虽然两种有着不同的致病因素,但在临床表现上相似,所以未进行区分评估。血管外肺水(Extravascular Lung Water,EVLW,简称肺水),是目前通过Picco监测肺水肿比较具有特异性的一个量化指标。 资料与方法