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01. It’s time for breakfast. 吃早餐了。

02. Boys and girls, lunch time. 孩子们,午饭时间到了。 03. Please wash hands. 请洗手。

04. Please wash your hands before you eat. 吃饭前请洗手。

05. Did you wash your hands? Let me have a look. 洗手了吗?我检查一下。 06. Breakfast is ready. Please sit by the table. 早餐准备好了,请坐到餐桌旁。 07. What’s for breakfast/lunch/supper? 早餐/午饭/晚饭吃什么?

08. Today, we have milk and bread for our breakfast. 今天的早餐是牛奶和面包。 09. Today, we have rice and vegetables for our lunch. 今天的午饭是米饭和蔬菜。 10. Let’s have eggs and milk for breakfast. 早餐是鸡蛋和牛奶。 11. Have some water/tea/milk. 喝点水/茶/牛奶。 12. Have an apple. 吃个苹果。

13. Would you like some rice or soup? 你要来些米饭或者汤吗?

14. What do you want? 你想吃什么? ---- I want some rice/soup. 我要些米饭/汤。15. Do you want more? 还要吗?

16. Who wants more rice? 谁还要米饭?

17. Who would like more vegetables? 谁还要蔬菜? 18. Who wants to add some soup? 谁要再添一些汤? 19. I want more rice/vegetables. 我还要米饭/蔬菜。 20. I like fish/beef/lamb. 我喜欢鱼肉/牛肉/羊肉。 21. I like orange juice. 我喜欢橘子汁。

22. Are you hungry/full? 你饿/饱了吗?---- Yes, I am. / No, I am not. 23. I am hungry/full. 我饿/饱了。

24. Please clean your mouth with the napkin. 请用餐巾擦一下嘴。 25. Wipe your mouth. 擦擦嘴。

26. Please rinse your mouth. 请漱口。

27. Stand up, please. 请起立。 28. Sit down, please. 请坐。

29. Put up your hands, please. 请举手。

30. Put down your hands, please. 请放下手。 31. Be quiet, please. 请安静。 32. Listen carefully. 注意听。 33. Listen to me. 听我讲。 34. Follow me. 跟我做。 35. Read after me. 跟我读。

36. Let’s start/begin. 我们开始吧。

37. Let’s play a game. 我们来玩个游戏。

38. Now, let’s play another game. 现在,再来玩一个游戏。 39. Let’s play hide-and-seek. 我们来玩捉迷藏。 40. Let’s sing a song. 我们来唱首歌。 41. Let’s dance. 我们来跳舞。


42. Let’s draw a picture. 我们来画画。 43. Touch your stomach. 摸摸你的肚子。

44. Touch your head/hair/nose/mouth/body. 摸摸你的头/头发/鼻子/嘴巴/身体。 45. Point to the window /door/desk/blackboard. 指一指窗户/门/桌子/黑板。 46. Clap your hands. 拍拍手。

47. Let’s clap for XXX. 让我们给XXX一点掌声。 48. Let’s go out to play, shall we? 我们出去玩吧? 49. Hand in hand. 手拉手。 50. One by one. 一个接一个。 51. Make a circle. 围成一个圈。

52. Ready? One, two, go! 准备好了吗?齐步走! 53. Turn left. 向左转。 54. Turn right. 向右转。 55. Jump/Run. 跳/跑。

56. No running/pushing. 不要跑/推。

57. Good. / Good job. / Well done. / Great. / Wonderful. / Excellent. / Very nice. 做得好!58. You are great. 你做得真棒。 59. Good girl/boy. 好孩子。

60. You are so smart. 你真聪明。 61. How beautiful! 真漂亮! 62. How funny!多有趣呀!

63. Wow! It’s so nice/lovely. 哇!太棒了/太可爱了!

64. Don’t be shy! 不要害羞! 65. Don’t be nervous! 不要紧张! 66. Don’t be afraid! 不要害怕! 67. Don’t be timid! 不要胆怯! 68. Don’t give up! 不要放弃!

69. Who wants to try? 谁想试一试? 70. Have a try! 试一试! 71. Try again! 再试一次!

72. Who can try? 谁能试一试?

73. Now, try to answer. 试着回答一下。

74. Could you please try it again? 请再试一次。 75. Let me try. 让我试一试。

76. Say it again. 再说一次。 77. Louder, please. 请大声点。

78. Could you please speak a little louder? 请大声点说。 79. Are you clear? 明白了吗?

80. Do you understand? 你明白了吗? 81. Let’s have a rest/break. 休息一下。


82. Class begins. 上课! 83. Class is over. 下课!

84. That’s all for today. 今天就到这儿。

85. What’s the matter with you? 哪里不舒服? 86. What’s wrong with you? 87. What’s the trouble with you? 88. What’s the problem? 89. What’s the trouble?

90. I don’t feel very well. 我觉得不舒服。 91. I feel very bad. 我很不舒服。 92. I’m better today. 我今天好点了。 93. I feel better now. 我现在好点了。 94. I have a cough. 我有点咳嗽。 95. have a cold/catch a cold 感冒 96. have a headache 头痛

97. have a running nose 流鼻涕 98. have a sore throat 喉咙痛 99. have a toothache 牙痛

100. have a stomachache 肚子痛,胃痛 101. have a fever 发烧

102. It’s time for sleep. 该睡觉了。 103. It’s time for a nap. 该午休了。 104. Let’s go to sleep. 去睡觉了。 105. Let’s go to bed.

106. Wake up, boys and girls. 孩子们起床了! 107. Get up, everyone. 大家起床了!

108. Please take off your clothes/shoes. 请把衣服和鞋子脱掉。 109. Put on your clothes/shoes. 穿上衣服/鞋子。 110. Have a good nap. 睡个好觉。

111. Please go to the toilet before you go to bed. 上床前去一去厕所。112. Don’t stand on the bed. 不要站在床上。

113. Please cover yourself with the quilt. 请盖好被子。 114. Make the bed, please. 请整理一下床铺。

115. Girls, comb your hair. 女孩们,梳一梳头发。

116. Let’s see if anyone’s away. 看看有没有人缺席。 117. Is everybody here? 大家都到了吗? 118. Let’s see who’s absent. 看看谁缺席了。 119. Is anybody absent? 有人缺席吗?

120. Listen while I call your names. 点名的时候注意听。

121. Does anyone know where Kate is? 谁知道Kate去哪里了? 122. Where’s Kate? Kate去哪里了?




