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教育科学学院 小学教育 2011级4班 2011050401
四川师范大学教务处 二○一五年五月
关键字:思维导图 小学英语阅读课
Application of Mind Map in Primary School English
Reading Teaching
Since the advent of mind map, mind map is being widely used in education teaching, business decisions and other fields because of its excellent auxiliary function of human brain learning. Under the background of new curriculum reform, mind mapping also entered the primary school English reading class as a new tool of thinking. This article first analyzes the current situation of primary school English reading teaching and the research status of mind map, expounding the research background and meaning of the topic: In China, the traditional teaching mode of English reading teaching is teaching the reading text after teaching vocabulary and sentence patterns. The current primary school English reading teaching has been gradually out of the
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traditional teaching mode, mind map is being widely accepted and applied by primary English teachers in reading class and it is playing a positive role. Mind map in primary school English reading class plays the role as follows: to convey the language knowledge to students, to attract the attention of students, to train students' logical thinking and to train the students' ability to obtain information. Finally, from the perspective that practice inspects theory, this article introduces the teaching practice process of mind map, and in contrast to the deviation of practice and theory this article summarizes the guiding principles of mind map’s application in primary school English reading class: Clear teaching difficulties, the careful design before class, tailoring teaching, consolidate and strengthen after class. Hope to via this article to provide some valuable experience for primary school English teachers in reading teaching.
Key words: mind map, primary school English reading teaching
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一、思维导图概述.................................................... 1
(一)思维导图的定义 ............................................ 1 (二)小学英语阅读课上可应用的思维导图分类 ...................... 1 (三)思维导图在小学英语阅读课上的作用 .......................... 4 二、研究现状及研究方法.............................................. 5
(一)小学英语阅读教学的现状 .................................... 5 (二)思维导图与小学英语阅读教学的研究现状 ...................... 7 (三)研究方法 .................................................. 8 三、思维导图在英语阅读课上的应用实例................................ 8
(一)教学实践 .................................................. 8 (二)教学实践的启示 ........................................... 11 四、结语........................................................... 12 五、参考文献....................................................... 13
思维导图是英国著名的大脑潜能和学习方法研究专家托尼·博赞(TonyBuzan)于20世纪六十年代发明的一种有效使用大脑的方法,他在1974年出版了著作《Use your Head》,在此书中他把思维导图首次正式介绍给读者。“思维导图是以图解的形式和网状的结构,用于储存、组织、优化和输出信息的思维工具。”1
“思维导图是一种将放射性思考具体化的方法。”2放射性思考是人类大脑的自然思考方式,各种进入大脑的资料,无论是感觉、记忆或是想法(包括文字、数字、符号、食物、香气、线条、颜色、意象、节奏、音符等),都可以成为一个思考中心,并由此中心向外发散出成千上万的分支,每一个分支代表与中心主题的一个连结,而每一个连结又可以成为另一个中心主题,再向外发散出成千上万的分支,这些分支连结可以视为你的记忆,也就是你的个人数据库。人类从一出生即开始累积这些庞大且复杂的数据库,大脑惊人的储存能力使我们累积了大量的资料,经由思维导图的放射性思考方法, 除了加大资料的累积量外,更将数据依据彼此间的关联性进行分层分类管理,使资料的储存、管理及应用因更系统化而增加大脑运作的效率。同时,思维导图善用左右脑的功能,藉由颜色、图像、符号的使用,不但可以协助我们记忆、增进我们的创造力,也让思维导图更轻松有趣,且具有个人特色及多面性。
【M】托尼·博赞著,《思维导图使用手册》,化学工业出版社,第109页 2
【J】齐伟,《系列1 : 概念图/ 思维导图导论》,教育技术导刊2005年第5期11
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