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2013年河南省普通高等学校 选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习


Part I Vocabulary an Structure

1.Some companies might not let you rent a car _____ you have a credit card . A .where B.since C.because D.unless

2.In his opinion,success in life mainly _______on how we get along with other people.

A.keeps B.depends C.insists D.spends

3.We______building the bridge by the end of next month.

A .are finishing B.would finish C.have finished D.will have finished 4.Our company’s service is _____ in nearly 80 countries around the word. A.available B.relative C.natural D.careful

5.It was in Johnson’s hotel _______ the business meeting was held last year. A. this B. that C. what D. which

6.It is true that ____ drinking is bad for the health . A.sufficient B. little C.enough D.excessive

7.Rising prices may ______ the rise in demand for these goods. A reflect B remind C convey D explain 8.The airplane arrived one hour behind ____. A.plan B.date C.time D.schedule

9.Fresh air,enough exercise and nutritious food ______ to good health. A.contribute B.add C.attribute D.distribute 10.Our English professor is a man of French _____. A.birth B.origin C.source D.breed

11.My advice is that she _____ to apologize to him. A.go B.where C.which D.when

12.After the earthquake, a new school building was put _______there had once been a theatre.

A.that B.where C.which D.when


13.Any man who wants to start a business must have some ______. A.currency B. income C.wealth D.capital

14.________you decide to do ,you should try to make it a success. A If only B.Unless C.Wherever D.whatever 15.If it ______ too much trouble I’d love a cup of tea A.isn’t B.weren’t C.wasn’t D.hadn’t been 16.If you don’t go. Neither ______. A. shall I B. do I C. I do D. I shall

17.Don’t talk about such things of ______you are not sure. A.which B.what C.as D.those 18.I don’t like ________you speak to her.

A.the way B.the way in that C.the way which D.the way of which 19.After _____ seemed ages,the newsman disclosed the facts. A.there B.which C.what D.what

20.______ has finished the work ahead of time will be rewarded though we don’t know who it will be.

A.Those who B.Anyone C.Whoever D.No matter who 21.Jim was caught ____ drugs into the country. A.steal B.smuggling C.smug D.giggling

22.The firm will ____ the workers _____ their loss of job. A.compact;with B.conflict C.has kept D.has been kept

23.David sent his girlfriend a ring ______ by his grandmother for all her life. A.have kept B.kept C.has kept D.has been kept

24._____ from the top of the mountain ,the building looks like a bird nest. A.Viewed B.Viewing

C.Been viewed D.Being viewed

25.In the swamp the army _____ by mosquitoes. A.was fallen

B.was beset C.was worried D.was set

26.You didn’t take his advice.________ his advice, you _______ such a mistake. A.Had you taken,wouldn’t have made


B.If you had taken,would make

C.Were you to take, shouldn’t have made D.Have you taken,won’t have made 27.Half of his goods _____ stolen the other day. A.are B.were C.is D.was

28. He asks that he ______an opportunity to explain why he’s refused to go there. A.is given B.must give C.should give D.be given 29.I am sorry that he ______ in such poor health. A. are B. shall be C. were D. should be

30.The piano in the other shop will be ____ ,but ____ . A.cheaper; not as better B.more cheap; not as better C.cheaper; not as good D.more cheap;not as good

31.______ difficult the task may be,we will try our best to complete it in time. A.No matter B. No wonder C.Though D.However

32.The reason is _______he is unable to operate the machine. A.because B.why C.that D.whether

33.We’re talking about the piano and the pianist D were in the concert we attended last night.

A. which B. whom C. who D. that

34.The girl _____ an English song in the next room si Tom’s sister. A.who is singing

B. is singing

C. Being written

D. was singing

35.The first textbook for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.

A.having written B.to be written C.being written D.written 36.We’d like to do _____ we can ____ the poor. A.how;help B.all;to help

C.whatever;help D.however; to help

37.The defense computers calculate way to ______ the enemy missiles. A. spoil B. harm C.destroy D.damage

38.Today,household chores have been made much easier by electrical _____ .


A.facilities B.equipment C.appliances D.utilities

39.I really appreciate ______to help me, but I am sure that I will be able to manage it by myself.

A.you to offer B.thar you offer C.your offering D.you to have offered 40.______to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin. A.Exposed B.Having exposed C.Being exposed D.After being attention Part II Cloze

The old idea that anyone with a little money can start a business and operate it successfully is no longer invalid(无效果的). An equally important factor is business relations with 41 .

It is necessary to know what people want and to make it 42 to then in a pleasant and convenient way.with43 effort you will understand your buyer’s needs,and know how to 44 him and make him appreciate the good points of your 45 .Knowing how to 46 to customers is the secret of successful selling. They appreciate it when you show a genuine,friendly interest in helping them to get the best goods 47 their purpose.

All customers have the desire to get value in 48 .Smart people are price-and-value 49 .They will not insist 50 lower-priced goods if they can be shown that higher-pried goods will give them better value 51 use. Your function,as a 52 ,is to help the buyer get the best 53 his money. This means that you must know your goods , be able to discuss their construction and performance in en intelligent way and be confident when you 54

the special qualities of your product or 55 .If you cannot tell the facts about these qualities,you should say ,you should say, “I don’t know ,”and find them out.

Before approaching prospects with the idea of turning them into customers,you need to agin their confidence, as many articles are bought because of our faith in people as because of our faith in the 56 .

Now we are ready to invite visitors.Who shall they he?Personal 57 is the best way to learn the present and probable market for what you have to offer.

Recommendation by friends is also an excellent way to get in touch 58 prospects. The why it is important to maintain customers .Tell them of your appreciation every


time they sea prospect .Drop 59 at their offices or phone them at their homes.Tell them about things may interest or 60 them.

41. A)customers B)sellers C)merchant D)businessmen 42. A)nice B)go C)available D)attractive 43. A)personal B)personnel C)manual D)artificial 44. A)get B)attract C)cheat D)approach 45. A)offer B)dress C)store D)good 46. A)please B)supply C)appeal D)adapt 47. A)in B)for C)with D)of

48. A)clothes B)selling C)food D)exchange 49. A)knowing B)ignorant C)conscious D)dependent 50. A)in B)upon C)concerning D)with 51. A)in B)while C)when D)before

52. A)customer B)buyer C)merchandise D)salesman 53. A)for B)beyond C)above D)against

54. A)stresses B)display C)emphasize D)mentioned 55. A)help B)service C)personality D)repair 56. A)merchant B)salesman C)future D)merchandise 57. A)attraction B)contact C)ability D)traveling 58. A)with B)through C)by D)on 59. A)out B)in C)across D)letters 60. A)disinterest B)cheat C)fool D)benefit Part III Reading Comprehension

Passage One

\伸出手) and touch it!\

That may seem a strange thing to say. But touching things can help you to see them better. Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round. But by holding it in your hands, you can feel how smooth (光滑) and cool the ball is. You can feel how heavy the glass is. When you feel all these about the ball, you really see it.

With your skin, you can feel better. For example, your fingers can tell the difference




