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过去完成时(past perfect)表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作或状态。 它表示句子中描述的动作发生在“过去的过去”。 基本结构

主语+had+过去分词vpp.(done) ①肯定句:主语+had+过去分词. ②否定句:主语+had+not+过去分词. ③一般疑问句:Had+主语+过去分词? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+had.

否定回答:No,主语+had not .



(1)表示在过去某一时刻或动作以前完成了的动作,也可以说过去的时间关于过去的动作。即“过去的过去”。可以用by, before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句来表示,也可以用一个表示过去的动作来表示,还可能通过上下文来表示。 例如: By nine o’clock last night, we had got 200 pictures from the spaceship. 到昨晚9点钟,我们已经收到200 张飞船发来的图片。

(2)表示由过去的某一时刻开始,一直延续到过去另一时间的动作或状态,常和for, since构成的时间状语连用。

例如: I had been at the bus stop for 20 minutes when a bus finally came. 当车来的时候,我在车站已等了20分钟。

He said he had worked in that factory since 1949.



例如: Mr. Smith died yesterday. He had been a good friend of mine. 史密斯先生昨天去世了。他以前是我的好友。

I didn’t know a thing about the verbs, for I had not studied my lesson.



例如: I returned the book that I had borrowed. 我已归还了我借的书。

She found the key that she had lost. 她丢失的钥匙找到了。

(5)过去完成时常常用在told,said,knew,heard,thought等动词后的宾语从句(或间接引语)中,这时从句中的动作发生在主句表示的过去的动作之前。 例如: He said that he had known her well. 他说他很熟悉她。

I thought I had sent the letter a week before. 我认为我一星期前就把信寄出去了。

(6) 状语从句:在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在前,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。

如when,before,after,as soon as,till/until引导的

例如: When I woke up, it had already stopped raining. 我醒来时雨已停了。

She didn’t go to bed until she had finished her work.


注意:如果两个动作紧接着发生,则常常不用过去完成时,特别是在包含before和after的复合句中,因为 这 时从句的动作和主句的动作发生的先后顺序已经非常明确,这时可以用一般过去时代替过去完成时。

例如: After he arrived in England, Marx worked hard to improve his English. 马克思到达英格兰之后,努力提高他的英语水平。

(7)动词think, want, hope, mean, plan, intend等用过去完成时来表示过去未曾实现的想法,希望,打算或意图等。

例如: They had wanted to help but could not get there in time. 他们本来打算去帮忙,但没有及时赶到那里。

We had hoped to be able to come and see you .


(8)过去完成时还可用在hardly…when…, no sooner…than…, It was the first (second, etc) time (that)…等固定句型中。

例如:Hardly had he begun to speak when the audience interrupted him. 他刚开始演讲,听众就打断了他。

No sooner had he arrived than he went away again. 他刚到就又走了。

It was the third time that he had been out of work that year. 这是他那一年第三次失业了。 时间状语

before,when,after,by+,until, once,had no sooner……than,yet,already等。

过去完成时-语法判定 1. 由时间状语来判定

一般说来,各种时态都有特定的时间状语。与过去完成时连用的时间状语有: ( 1 ) by + 过去的时间点。如:

I had finished reading the novel by nine o'clock last night. ( 2 ) by the end of + 过去的时间点。如:

We had learned over two thousand English words by the end of last term. ( 3 ) before + 过去的时间点。如:

They had planted six hundred trees before last Wednesday. 2. 由“过去的过去”来判定。

过去完成时表示“过去的过去”,是指过去某一动作之前已经发生或完成的动作,即动作有先后关系,动作在前的用过去完成时,在后的用一般过去时。这种用法常出现在: ( 1 )宾语从句中

当宾语从句的主句为一般过去时,且从句的动作先于主句的动作时,从句要用过去完成时。在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。如:

She said that she had seen the film before. ( 2 )状语从句中


After he had finished his homework, he went to bed.

注意: before, after 引导的时间状语从句中,由于 before 和 after 本身已表达了动作的先后关系,若主、从句表示的动作紧密相连,则主、从句都用一般过去时。如:

After he closed the door, he left the classroom.

(3)表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示\原本…,未能…\

We had hoped that you would come, but you didn't. 3. 根据上、下文来判定。

I met Wang Tao in the street yesterday. We hadn't seen each other since he went to Beijing.


一、 过去完成时与现在完成时的区别

现在完成时表示的动作发生在过去,以现在的时间为基点,但侧重对现在产生的结果或造成的影响,与现在有关,其结构为“助动词 have (has) + 过去分词”;过去完成时则是一个相对的时态,以过去时间为基点,它所表示的动作不仅发生在过去,更强调“过去的过去”,只有和过去某时或某动作相比较时,才用到它。

比较:I have learned 1000 English words so far.到目前为止我已经学会了 1000 个英语单词。

I had learned 1000 English words till then.到那时为止我已经学会了 1000 个英语单词。 — I'm sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。

— Oh, not at all. I have been here only a few minutes.没什么,我只等了几分钟。(“等”的动作从过去某一时间点持续到现在) 二、过去完成时与一般过去时的区别

虽然这两种时态都表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,但在使用时应注意以下几点: 1. 时间状语不同:过去完成时在时间上强调“过去的过去”;而一般过去时只强调过去某一特定的时间。

比较:They had arrived at the station by ten yesterday.

They arrived at the station at ten yesterday.

2. 在没有明确的过去时间状语作标志时,谓语动词动作发生的时间先后须依据上下文来判断:先发生的用过去完成时,后发生的则用一般过去时。

She was very happy. Her whole family were pleased with her, too. She had just won the first in the composition competition.

3. 当两个或两个以上接连发生的动作用 and 或 but 连接时,按时间顺序,只需用一般过去时来代替过去完成时;另外,在 before , after , as soon as 引导的从句中,由于这些连词本身已经表示出时间的先后,因此也可以用过去时来代替过去完成时。

He entered the room, turned on the light and read an evening paper.



1. We _____________ (paint) the house before we ______________ (move) in. 2. That rich old man _____________ (make) a will before he _____________ (die). 3. They _____________ (study) the map of the country before they ________ (leave). 4. The robbers _____________ (run away ) before the policemen_______ (arrive). 5. I __________ (turn off) all the lights before I ____________ (go) to bed.

6. Paul __________ (go) out with Jane after he __________ (make) a phone call. 7. Tom __________ (say) he ___________ (read) the book twice.

8. Our plan ____________ (fail ) because we _____________ (make) a bad mistake.

9. When the chairman ______________ (finish) speaking, he _____________ (leave)the hall. 10.The Reads __ ______ (have) lunch when I ________________(get) to their house. 11.When I ______________(arrive) at the station, he ____________________(leave). 12.We _______________(learn) about 4000 English words by the end of last term. 13. I waited until he _______________(finish) his homework. 14. We were surprised at what she ________already ______(do)

15.She ____________(not go) to Qingdao because she ________________ (be) there before. 16. He ______________(not tell) you the news yet.

17. He said he _____________already_________(give) the book to the teacher. 18. I ______________(be) to Shanghai before.

19. She told me she _________________(be) to Sanya three times.

20.She _____________(play) the guitar while her sister_______________(sing). 二.句型转换

1.I had sold the ticket when she came.(改否定句)

2.She had sung a song to us before she danced.(改否定句)

3.They began to climb the mountain after they had bought all the food and drinks.(否定)

4.By 10:00 a.m, I had been very hungry. (改一般疑问)

5.Lucy had already completed the project when I arrived.(改一般疑问)

6.By the time he got to the airport, the plane had taken off. (改一般疑问)

7..He had broken his arm when I saw him.(对划线部分提问)

8.When he had read the note, he ate it. (对划线部分提问)

9..Jack didn’t go to the cinema because he had seen the film. (对划线部分提问)

10.We had had the toys for ten years before we gave them to the child. (对划线部分提问)

11.She had written the book by the end of 1960. (对划线部分提问)

12.We cooked the dumplings. We ate them up. (用过去完成时连接两句)

13.Jim’s father mended the car. It was broken. (用过去完成时连接两句)

14.We had our tests. Then we had a long holiday.( 用过去完成时连接两句) After we ________________________, we _____________________________

15.He showed us the picture. Then he showed us around the house. 用过去完成时连接两句)

Before he _______________________, he______________________________.


一.用动词的适当形式填空 1. had painted... moved 2. had made ... died 3. had studied…left

4. had run away..arrived 5. had turned off …went 6. went …had made 7. said …had read 8 failed …had made 9. (had) finished …left

10. were having/had had …got 11. arrived ..had left 12.. had learned 13. (had) finished 14. had ..done

15 didn't go …had been 16. hasn't told 17 had …given 18. have been 19. had been

20. was playing …was singing


1.I hadn't sold the ticket when she came.

2. She hadn't sung a song to us before she danced.

3. They didn't begin to climb the mountain after they had bought all the food and drinks. 4. Had you been very hungry by 10:00 a.m?

5. Had Lucy completed the project when I arrived yet?

6. Had the plane taken off by the time he got to the airport? 7. What had he done when you saw him?

8.What did he do when he had read the note? 9. Why didn't Jack go to the cinema?

10. How long had you/we had the toys before you/we gave them to the child? 11.What had she written by the end of 1960?

12.After we had cooked the dumplings, we ate them up. 13.Jim’s father mended the car because it had been broken. 14.After we had had our tests, we had a long holiday.

15. Before he showed us around the house, he had showed us the picture.



