2010/3/5Receptor cells of Smell??Smell receptor: Olfactory cellPathway of smell??Transmission of Transmissionofsmell signals into the central nervous system212004 Nobel Medicine/Physiology Prizer??\\thidiiof odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system.\RichardAxelLindaBuckElementary taste qualities??Salty??Sweet??Sour??Bitter??Umami 2010/3/522Structure of Taste organTongueReceptor cell of Taste??Taste bud 2010/3/523Pathway of taste??Transmission of taste signals into the central nervous systemGeneral Questions??HowHow does the vibration of the basilar membrane doesthevibrationofthebasilarmembraneencode different frequencies of the sound? ??Describe the function of the vestibular apparatus.2010/3/524
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