Auditory Function of Ear??Conduction system of sound??Pinna, External auditory canal, Tympanic membrane, Ossicularchain (Malleus, Incus, Stapes), oval window, scalavestibuli, Vestibular membrane, Cochlear duct, basilar membrane, scalatympani, round window.did??Receptor system ??Organ of CortiConduction system --External Ear??Pinna:helping to pinpoint the location of sounds??External auditory canal:Aresonator2010/3/56Conduction system --Middle earPotent conduction of sound from the tympanic membrane to the cochleahhl??Tympanic membrane??Ossicular chainmalleus, incus and stapes??Eustachian tubeInner Ear??Cochlea??Vestibular apparatus2010/3/57Conduction system --Inner earPathway of conduction of vibrationvibration in the inner earintheinnerear??Two Membranes??Vestibular membrane??Basilar membrane??Organ of Corti??ThThree tubestb??Scala vestibuli??Cochlear duct ??Scala tympaniTwo types of sound conduction??Air conduction Airconduction??Bone conduction 2010/3/58Receptor system --Organ of CortiElectrical phenomena in the cochlea??Hair cells??RestingResting membrane potential -70 mVmembranepotential70mV??Endocochlear potential (Endolymphatic potential): +80mV??Microphonic potential??Action potential2010/3/59Mechanism of hair cell excitation??Excitation of the hair cell 2010/3/510