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《Unit 2 What time is it?》微课精讲+朗读习题




Unit 2 What Time Is It? 现在是几点?

London ,12 noon 伦敦正午12点

It s 12 o clock. It s time for lunch.现在是12点钟了。吃午饭的时间到了.

Cairo, 2 p.m.开罗下午2点.

It s 2 o clock. Let s play football!现在是2点,让我们踢球吧! ---OK.好吧。

Beijing, 8 p.m. 北京晚8点

It s time to watch TV!现在是看电视的时间。 New York, 7 a.m.纽约早7点 What time is it?这是什么时候了?

It s 7 o clock.It s time to get up.7点钟了,该起床了。 Brasilia ,9 a.m. 巴西利亚早9点

Hurry up! It s time for school!快点!到上学的时间了! Sydney 10 p.m.悉尼晚10点

It s 10 o clock.It s time to go to bed.现在是10点,该睡觉了。

Let s talk让我们来对话吧

Hi!School is over.Let s go to the playground. ---OK. 嗨!放学了,让我们去操场吧。 ---好吧。 What time is it now?现在几点了? ---It s 5 o clock.现在是5点。

Time to go home,kids. 该回家了,孩子。 What time is it?

---It s 6o clock. It s time for dinner.. ---Oh!Let’s go! 几点了?


Let s play 演一演 Where are you? ---I’m in NewYork.

你在哪里?- - - -我在纽约。 In Beijing,it’s 8:10 p.m. What time is it there?

---It’s 7:10 a.m. It’s time to go to school. 在北京,晚上8点。

现在是几点钟?——这里是上午7:10,是上学的时间。 【London 12:10p.m. /Sydney 10:”10 p.m.】

Let s learn

What time is it?现在几点了?

It s 9 o clock.It s time for English class.Let s go! 现在是九点。上英语课的时间到了。我们走吧!

【breakfast早餐 English class英语课 lunch午餐 music class音乐课 PE.class体育课 dinner晚餐】

Let s do让我们做到这些

It’s time for breakfast.Let’s drink some milk. 早餐时间到了,让我们喝点牛奶。

It’s time for lunch.Let’s have some chicken.午餐时间到了,我们吃些鸡肉。

It’s time for dinner.Let’s eat some rice.这是晚饭时间,让我们吃一些米饭。

It’s time for PE ciass.Let’s jump and run.这是体育课的时间,让我们跳一跳,跑一跑。

It’s time for English class.Let’s read and write.上英语课的时间到了.让我们读读写写.

It’s time for music class.Let’s sing and dance.是音乐课的时间.让我们唱歌跳舞。 Let’s spell 让我们拼写 (ir/ur) 1.bird dirt 2.birth nurse 3.girl hurt

4.hamburger number

Let s talk让我们来对话吧

Oh! It s 6:30.It s time to get up.哦!现在是6:30分,起床的时间到了.

Breakfast is ready!早餐准备好了!

Hurry up! It s time to go to school!快点!该去上学了! ---OK. 好吧。

What time is it?几点了?

It s 8 o clock.It s time for English class.现在是八点。该上英语课了。

---I m ready!我准备好了。 Let s play 演一演 What time is it?几点了?

It s 3 o’clock.It’s time for music class. 3点了.该上音乐课了。

What time is it?几点了?

It s 7 o’clock.It’s time to get up. 7点了.该睡觉了。

Let’s learn 让我们学习

It s 7:30.It s time to go to school.现在是7:30,该去上学了.

【6:25a.m get up, 7:30a.m go to school, 4:00p.m go home, 9:00 go to bed】

Let;s play


6:30 get up 起床 2:15 music class 上音乐课

7:00 breakfastk吃早饭 3:00 PE class 上体育课

7:20 go to school去上学 4:50 go home 回家

10:40 English class 上英语课 9:00 go to bed睡觉 12:00 lunch 吃午饭 What time is it?现在是几点? It s 7:20 .现在7点20分,

It s time to go to school.该上学了。 ---Yes! 是的。

Read and write读和写

1.Mum:Amy! It’s time to get up. 2.Sarah:What time is it?

Amy: Oh! It’s 10 o’clock.Time for music class. Sarah: Hurry! Let’s go!

3.Mum:It’s 6 o’clock.It’s time for dinner! Dad:Where’s Amy?

4.Mum:Come on! It’s 9 o’clock. Dad: It’s time for bed. Amy: Just a minute.

Let’s sing It’s twelve o’clock

Dickety tackety tack.I just saw a cat.

Dickety tackety toe.It’s twelve o’clock,you know. Dickety tackety tack.I just heard a snap.

Dickety tackety toe.He caught a mouse,you know!

现在是十二点 滴喀特塔喀特塔喀。我刚才看见一只猫。滴喀特塔喀特趾踢。现在是十二点。你知道的。滴喀特塔喀特塔喀。我刚刚听到一拍。 滴喀特塔喀特趾踢。他捉到一只老鼠,你知道!

Story time讲故事时间

1.Wake up,Zoom.It’s time to get up. 快醒醒,鲁姆。起床的时间到了。

Mmm,I want to sleep. 嗯,我想睡觉.

2.It’s time to get up now. 现在该起床了 3.Look! What time is it? 看!都几点了?

4.It’s eight o’clock.Oh dear!I’m late for school. 八点了。噢!天那!我上学迟到了。

5.Wait!Wait!Zoom,look at that clock. 等等!等等!鲁姆,看看钟。

6.It’s seven o’clock!?

---April Fool! 是七点嘛? ---愚人哦!




Unit 2 Word List 单词表

breakfast 早餐 English class 英语课



