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Can Your Still Work Your Way through College?

A. The American Dream refers to the idea that a person has the opportunity to succeed and prosper, despite their economic or social backgrounds, through hard work. But if the rising cost of tuition prohibits students from working through college, Can the American Dream still be obtained? B. Thirty years ago, the cost of tuition was low enough at most public universities that students could pay their way through school by working throughout college. But since the average cost of attendance for all 4-year public universities within a given state rises each year, this is now an almost impossible feat (功绩) . 80 percent of students work at least part-time during college. Recently the question of whether or not working your way through school has become a \the past\Michigan State University, who decided to investigate the issue at his own university.

C. His research found that in 1979 at MSU, a student could work one day for any minimum wage job (8.44hours) at $2.90 per hour to pay for one credit hour of school. In 2020, the same student would have to work 60 hours to.pay for one credit hour based on the minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. D. The average price of tuition at 4-year public

universities rose 2.9% in 2020. This was the smallest tuition increase in nearly 30 years. Since 2004, the average cost of attending a public university in a given state has

continuously increased as well. Minimum wage only rose in ten states in 2020, while tuition went up in every state.

E. With these numbers in mind, it's no surprise some

students are working almost full time to pay for school. Ryan Rose, a sophomore at the University of Southern California, works about 30 hours a week to pay for his expenses.

While .the university covers his cost of attendance, he still feels the need to work to cover the high cost of living in Los Angeles. \expenses that are more fun based, rather than things like buying food and paying rent,\

educational appeal of USC was going to give me more money in the long run.\

F. As a production manager for USC's \Services,\events on USC's campus. Since his job reflects highly on the university, he feels a need to prioritize his work over other aspects of college. \because it creates stress that students who aren't working don't think about,\to decide if an event is more important than a homework assignment because I care about the university's image.\ G. Courtney Williams, a sophomore at Fullerton College, works three separate jobs to pay her way through community college. \three jobs if it weren't for the high cost of school. I'm paying my own way through college...I keep up with my studies but I feel like I lose out on college experiences,\says.

H. Williams is transferring to Cal State Fullerton in the fall, using money she's saved up during her first two years at community college. \when I applied in high school, but I didn't have enough money at the time. If the cost of college wasn't so high, maybe I could only work one job like a normal student,\ I. Although Olson's data do not analyze the costs of private schools such as USC, he did broaden his research to include all public four-year universities in the U.S. Olson analyzed the rising cost of tuition from 1987 to 2020 at these schools and found very similar results. After adding a linear regression analysis to find tuition costs in 1979, he found that 182 hours a year could pay for a student's tuition in full. In 2020, it would take 991 hours to pay for the same year of school. But all of Olson's data only take into

account the cost of tuition, meaning he does not include the cost of food, rent, books and general living expenses.

J. Working 30 hours a week allows students like Rose to pay for expenses outside of tuition. Although Rose's

financial aid package includes a work-study allotment (勤工俭学助学金), this isn't enough to cover his college costs outside of tuition. \work-study allotment I wouldn't be able to attend school because I wouldn't have enough money. I get the same work-study allotment as some of my friends who live in much

cheaper states where the cost of living is much less than it is in California,\

K. Rose considered the high cost of living in Los Angeles while choosing colleges, but he ultimately decided the



