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北师大版(一起)-英语-一年级下册--Unit 12 I can swim 精品教案(第四课时)

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一年级下册 第12单元 第4课时 总共4课时 本单元的主题图是校园运动场,有两队小朋友正在进行篮球比赛,旁边还有跳舞的啦啦队。运动场边的游泳池里Mocky正在游泳。仔细观察打篮球的小朋友,每个人的动作不尽相同,有跑的、有跳的、有走的,要注意充本单元 教材分析 分利用教材提供的这些信息。另外在这一单元的touch and say中,和第7单元的动物相结合,让学生说一说这些动物能够做哪些动作。这个活动很新颖,让孩子们给动物配音,说出他们会做的动作。作为本学期的最后一个单元,find,color and say中提供的情景是一个动物园,Ken,Ann and Mocky来到这里,小动物们出来欢迎,复习了动物的话题,作为总结。 课题 教学 复习 目的 教学重点 教学难点 课前准备 整本书的单词句型放在一起,综合复习 单词与句型在实际中的运用 课件、单词卡片和挂图 教 学 过 程 1.Warm-up: ? Review the words ,the structure ,the song and the rhyme. 2. Read and drew ? Hold up the flashcard for ball and ask, “What is it?” Elicit, “It’s a ball.” Ask, “What color is it?” if it’s a color name that the children have learned. ? Repeat the step above for a square, zebra, pants, book, and bird. ? Say, “Open your books.” and have the children look at the six little pictures at the side of the page. ? Explain that they are going to draw one of these pictures in each space. Unit 12 I can swim 备课人 北师大版(一起)-英语-打印版

? Have them draw the objects and color them according to the text. ? Check the answers by writing the text on the board and having the children draw the objects .Have them hold up their books and show the rest of the class how they colored each object. 3.Find color and say Students Book page 49 ? Have children look at the picture and have them find out the hidden objects. 4.Extension Make an “I can” collage. ? Have the children look through old magazines or books and find pictures of people running, walking, dancing, jumping, and swimming. ? Have each child hold up one picture and produce the structure, “I can (run).” ? If possible, have the children cut out the pictures they find and paste them onto a large piece of card or paper to make a collage. Pin up the collage in the classroom and label it, “I CAN...” 作业

Listen to the tape for P42-P46

北师大版(一起)-英语-一年级下册--Unit 12 I can swim 精品教案(第四课时)


