● Who is your role model?(关于榜样)
● If you can travel to anywhere world to spend 48 hours, all costs covered, where would that be?(如你可前往世界任何地方度过48小时,你会去哪)
● What is your approach to manage important projects?(如何管理重要项目)
● One area that Data Science has impact on(数据科学所影响的领域) ● Achievement that you are proud of. What is challenging about it??(你所为之骄傲的成绩,经历了什么挑战)
精算(video eaasy)
● What assumption do you make about people?(对于人类的假设) 应用分析(Applied Analytics)
● Applied Analytics项目哪些地方最吸引你?
● Management Core(管理核心)与Technical Core(技术核心),哪种对自己更有用? 计算机科学(CS)
● What does integrity mean to you?(诚信对你意味着什么) ● 如果你可以在实例中收获一个技能,你希望是啥? JD
● How do you know law school is your next right step?(觉得法学院是你下一步正确选择的理由)
● Asked about current events, market trends, what to invest in 2024(市场趋势,投资方向等)
● 从black scholes models, CAPM, BETA 的具体计算公式 ● 一架波音737上能塞入多少个网球?
● What are the deciding factors for you applying for the program?(申请的决定因素)
● What‘s your proudest/biggest accomplishment?(最骄傲/最大的成就) ● Your unusual food?(不同寻常的食物) ● You past failure?(失败的经历)
● What is your biggest concern in the job search process?(求职中最担心哪方面)
● Where do you want to go and why?(想去的地方及理由) 该项目往年面试总结:
什么非学术性的活动最能让你感到满足? 假如让你改变自己某个点,你会改变哪里? 你大学阶段和别人最不一样的地方? 什么样的工作环境你工作效率会更高? 面对困难,你想和别人一起解决还是自己来? 过去一个月做了什么有利于职业发展的事? 你觉得你能在众多申请者中脱颖而出的理由?
你朋友觉得你最厉害的品质是什么? 运筹学与信息工程(ORIE)
● Why program?(申请的决定因素)
●High thinking or Detail-oriented thinking?(高瞻远瞩还是注重细节) ● Hobby and activities for fun?(爱好和娱乐活动)
● How would your professor describe you?(教授是如何形容你的) ● 曾遇到过哪些Unethical(不道德的)经历?
● How to make a good impression?(如何留下好印象)
● Difference between graduate at Cornell and undergraduate(康奈尔大学毕业生与本科生之间的区别)
● How Eastern and Western can learn from each other(东西方如何相互学习)
● Describe a time that your view completely changed(描述一个你观点完全改变的时间)
● Most concern during job research(工作期间最关注的问题)
● How would you handle the conflicts on an on-site interview and your midterm(如何处理现场面试的冲突)
● What does leadership mean to you? give an example of someone demonstrates that(领导对你意味着什么,并举例)
● Three qualities you want others describe you(你希望别人肯定你的三个品质)
● If you have fund and opportunities to start your own business(你会开什么公司)
● What do you think is the barrier to innovation?(你认为创新的障碍在哪里)
● Tell us a time when you get assistance from your teammates ?(何时获得过队友的帮助)
● Describe a time when you were ask to do something differently, or use a unique approach to help achieve an objective of some sort.(描述你做过的一件特别的事情,或描述下曾使用哪些特别的方法来实现某种目标) 量化金融(MSCF)
● About Career plan(职业计划)
● Ethical dilemmas(道德困境):假如有人向你索要秘密文件,你会怎么做
● Your strength as a leader(作为领导者的力量)
● Share more about your background and career goals, and why you're interested in pursuing a Master of Science in Business analytics?(关于背景和职业目标,及申请的理由)
● The hardest decision you have made and why it was hard(最艰难的决定及缘由)
● Where do you find latest news about analytics/how do you learn about the latest news about analytics?(寻找有关分析的途径及对它的理解) ● What are 3 facts you would like your future classmates and professors to know about you?(你希望你未来的同学和教授能了解到你哪三个方面)
● Walk through your resume and why MSBA(申请理由) ● Tell me about one of your failure experience and how did you overcome(失败经历及如何克服)
● How would your team describe you in three words(团队对你的评价) ● Tell me about your greatest accomplishment(经历过的最大的成就) 法学硕士(LLM)
● Why Emory,why LLM?(申请理由)
● 在LLM期间你觉得你会遇到的最大挑战是什么?
● How your friends and family describe you(家人和朋友对你的评价) ● Constructive feedback(建设性的反馈意见)
● How would you engage in a diverse team(如何参加多元化的团队)
● 第一次见到一个人最看重其什么? ● 金融行业什么品质最重要?
● 本科的学习给你未来在金融行业立足做了什么准备? ● 介绍下自己有意思/不为人知的一面。
● Describe a project under huge pressure. How did you deal with that, what's your position? (描述一个承受巨大压力的项目,解释你的立场及如何处理)
● Imagine that you had a major project at school that did not as well as planned. How would you manage this situation, and what next steps would you take?(假设你在学校的一项重大项目没有按计划进行,你将如何处理) TESOL
● 回忆一个让你印象深刻的老师,他有何激励人心的教学方法? ● 描述一件事与愿违的事情,你从中学到了什么?
● 如果你想分享给世界一个道理,这个道理会是什么? ● 描述令你成功的三个特点
● What do you think is the biggest problem the world is facing currently and why?(描述你认为当前世界面临的最大问题,并说明理由) ● How do you define failure?(如何定义失败)
● What is the one thing that you want the Admissions Committee to know about you in the application?(你希望招生官了解到你哪方面) 该项目往年面试总结:
你曾为让别人舒服而改变自己行为的经历 和不同背景的人相处有何困难,如何解决?
什么事情可以展现你的领导力? 说三个自己适合法学院的特质 举例说明你比同龄人成熟
如果你还是对申请面试并没有十足的把握和信心的话,别担心,小编趁Boss不注意,悄咪咪地给大家“偷”来了一份内部经典培训资料 ——
由浩海留学创始人、曾获得德州奥斯汀机械工程博士全奖录取的Jimmy Ji老师主讲,专门帮助那些想起面试就胆战心惊、毫无头绪的同学,为他们的申请保驾护航!住凯悦酒店,吃西餐的三道菜,工程博士的面试怎么跟我想的不一样?在公众号浩海留学回复关键词【面试】,即可获取。