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【精品】三年级下册英语教案:Unit 1《Let’s go to school》(Lesson2)人教精通版

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Lesson Two

一.三维教学目标: 一)知识与技能目标:

1. 本课书是第一单元的第二课,通过同学之间相互展示自己的新书和水壶的活动展开对话,自然地引入本课句型,让学生感知、学说:I have a … 让学生通过看、听、模仿、理解、表演这些句子,最终能在生活中灵活运用。 2. 本课学习主要语言点:I have a new… Can I see it? Here you are. 3. 学说歌谣I have … Me too! 通过实物的变化,反复练习I have… 以达到举一反三、复习巩固的目的。 二)过程与方法目标:

1. 首先创设情景, 采用情境教学法,让学生表演上节课的对话, 达到温故而知新的效果。

2. 采用实物教学创设情境,拿出一个书包对学生说:I have a new bag. 此时从里面一边取东西,一边说: I have a new ruler. I have a new pencil.让学生们在语境中理解have和new的意思,之后让学生去模仿,

3. 积极采用评价手段,用Cool! Good! Come on!给与评价,为下一步课文内容做铺垫。

4. 用实物一个水壶a water bottle和一本故事书a storybook, 有一些基础比较好的孩子通过预习就可以说出这两个单词, 基础稍差一些的学生可以让他们进行跟读模仿. 同时给出合成词afternoon, birthday等,之后再让学生举几个学过的例子.

5. 运用模仿手段让学生听录音, 模仿I have … 三)情感态度与价值观

1. 培养学生之间友好相处,团结友爱的好品质。

2. 通过对话教学活动,培养学生主动与他人交际的意愿;使他们逐渐形成相互了解、团结友爱等积极的情感态度和主动合作的意识,同时提高学生的学习兴趣。 二.教学重难点

1.Learn the sentences:

①I have a new textbook/storybook. ②Can I see it ?

2.Act out and make up the dialogue. 三.学情分析:


喜悦。本课主要是有关学习用品的话题,学生耳熟能详,是贴近生活的话题。课堂教学中,只有学生乐于参与,主动参与,学生的思维才会处于活跃状况。 四.教学准备:

Tape, pictures, cards, objects and computer. 五.教学过程: 教学环节 一.复习导入 Step 1: Daily talks. again.” T: Hello, boys and girls. Glad/Nice to see you again. S: Glad/Nice to see you again. Greet each other one by one. S1: Hello, nice to see you again. S2: Hello, glad to see you again. 2.Sing the song together. 3. Review the words and letters. T: Look, what are they? (Show the pictures and cards) S: classroom. Step 2 Warming up. It’s 播放英语歌曲Nice 渲染课堂气氛, 让学生用学过的问候语Hello/Hi! Nice to see you again. 等进行相互问候,来复习上节学过的句型。 a 教学设计意图 二次备课 1.Sing the song “Nice to see you to see you again,T: What’s this? S: It’s a school. T: New term begins. We go to school 通过问:新学期开始again. What school things did you buy? 了,你们都买了什么S: Pen, pencil, ruler, glue, 学习用品?让学生用英语说出,复习旧单词,为本新课做铺垫。 show me your scissors …. T: Let’s play a game together.OK? S: OK. T: pencil/pen/pencil-box… S: Pencil/pen/pencil-box T: Who wants to say? S: Show me your … T: The teacher show the school things . And the last time show the storybook to the students. T: Wow, look ! How nice! 二.讲授新知 Step 3 Learn the new words. 1.T: Do you know what is it? S: It’s a book. who can say? Learn the word: storybook. T:I have a storybook. . 先由老师用实物教学的方法,让学生直观地理解new和have学生掌握后,让学生用自己的物品表达,锻炼学生的语言交际T: Yes, it’s a storybook. storybook, 在语境中的意思。待 Learn the sentence pattern: I have a… 能力。 2.T: Cool! Look! I have a new storybook. Do you want to open it and see? S: Yes. If you want to see it, you should praise it and say : Oh, good! Can I see it? Learn the sentence pattern: Can I see it? T: Sure. Here you are. Take out the things in it. What do you have? S: I have a new pencil-box….. T: Cool. Nice. Learn to say it. Write and spell it. Make up the new sentences with it. S: I have a new water bottle. Look at my water bottle. 利用游戏和扮演角色来巩固新知,让学生在玩一玩,演一演,唱一唱中体验学英语的喜悦。 T: I have a new ruler. I have a new pen. 3.The teacher shows a new water bottle. My water bottle is nice. 4.Show the storybook to the class. Learn to say it. Write and spell it. Make up the sentences with it. S: I have a new storybook. Look at my storybook. I like this storybook. T: Look!I have a textbook. Learn the word: textbook Listen to the tape and read after it. Guessing the meaning of text T: What does it mean? “Can I see it?” Can I see it? = 我能看看它吗? T: How to answer it? S: Sure. OK. Yes. Here you are. 三.复习巩固 Step 4 Time to play. Play this game :What is in the bag? The teacher put the storybook, water bottle and some school things in the bag. The students just guess. Game rules: The group which can say more words in 2 minutes will win the game. Step 5 Time to read and learn “just speak”. T: Are you happy? S: Yes . T: Yang Ming and Peter are very happy, too.What are they talking about? Let’s go and see. Listen and read the story. Step 6 Time to practice . “Who is the millionare ? “ by using the sentence pattern: I have a new … and “Can I see it ?” Step 7 Do some exercise. Introduce the ways to do the exercise book. Teach them how to do it one step by one step. Check the answer. 四.课堂反馈 请将方框内的英文填写在相应的中文后。 a nice storybook a new school go to school a new classroom go to the classroom 1一所新学校 2一间新教室 3一本漂亮的故事书 4去上学 5到教室去 五.课堂小结 作业布置: A级: 1. Make up a new dialogue in groups. 2. Write each letter and word one line B级:Ask your friends to use their school things in English after class. 六.板书设计 Lesson Two I have a new _________. textbook storybook 课后反思:

【精品】三年级下册英语教案:Unit 1《Let’s go to school》(Lesson2)人教精通版


