Sellers: China National Native Produce & Animal By-Products Import & Export Corporation, Shandong
Branch.(卖方):(中国土产畜产进出口总公司山东分公司) Buyers: Smith & Co. Ltd.(买方): (史密斯有限公司)
The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have agreed to close the following transaction according to the terms and
conditions stipulated below:(兹经买卖双方同意达成下列商品交易,订立条款如下:) Name of Commodity: Chinese Sweet Potato Slices, FAQ(商品): ( 干薯片,大路货) Specifications: Moisture: 16% max.(规格):( 水分最高16%)
Quantity: 18,000 metric tons with 5% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the Sellers’ option.
(数量):(18,000 公吨,数量及总值均允许有5%的增减,卖方决定) Unit Price: US$ 180.00 per metric ton CIF Singapore
THOUSAND ONLY)(总值):(324万美元) Packing: All in bulk(包装):(散装)
Time of Shipment: During December, 20… and January, 20…(装运期):(20…年12月 及 20…年元月) Port of Shipment & Destination: From China ports to Singapore, transshipment & partial shipments allowed (装运港及目的港):(中国港口至新加坡,允许转船及分运)
Insurance: To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value against ALL RISKS and WAR RISK (保险):(由卖方按发票金额110%投保一切险及战争险)
Terms of Payment: By Confirmed, Irrevocable, Transferable, and Divisible Letter of credit to be available by
sight draft, to reach the Sellers before November 30,19__ and to remain valid for negotiation in China until the 20th day after the aforesaid time of shipment.
信用证议付有效期至上列装运期后20天在中国到期。) Shipping Mark: At the Sellers’ option(唛头): (由卖方选定)
Quality, quantity and weight certified by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau or the Sellers, as per the
former’s Inspection Certificate or the latter’s certificate, are to be taken as final. (品质、数量、重量,以中国商品检验局检验证或卖方出具的证明书为最后依据)
1. Reasonable tolerance in quality, weight, measurements, designs and colors is allowed, for which no claims will be entertained.质地、重量、尺寸、花型、颜色等均允许合理差异,对合理范围内差异提出的索赔,概不受理. 2. Buyers are to assume full responsibilities for any consequences arising from A:the use of buyer's special demands; B:late dentetion of specification or any details necessary for the execution of this Sales Confirmation C:any act against payment; 买方对下列给点所造成的后果承担全部责任A:使用买方的特定要求;B:不及时提生产需要的规格及其他细则;C:违反付款条件;
3. Sellers are not responsible for late or non-delivery in the event of force majeare or any contingencies beyond Sellers' control; 人力不可抗拒的事故造成延期或无法交货,卖方不负任何责任。
4. Claims, if any, concerning the goods shipped should be made within 30days after arrival at destination; 凡对装运的货物质量提出索赔者,必须在货物到达目的港后30天内提出;
5. Buyers should sign one copy of this Sales Confirmation and return it to Sellers within 10days after receipt. If nothing is proposed to the contrary within that time, this Sales Confirmation will be effective. Sales confirmation, issued on the
strength of Buyers' order or earlier confirmation is effective immediately on its issuance and subject to neither modification nor cancellation, unless agreed upon by both parties.
No. Date:
Signed At
Sellers: China National Native Produce & Animal By-Products Import & Export Corporation, Shandong Branch.
Address: Telex:
Buyers: Buyers: Smith & Co. Ltd.
Address: Telex:
The undersigned Sellers and
Buyers have agreed to close the following transaction according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:
1. Name of Commodity: Chinese Sweet Potato Slices, FAQ
2. Specifications: Moisture: 16% max. 3. Quantity: 18,000 metric tons with 5% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the Sellers’ option.
4. Unit Price: US$ 180.00 per metric ton CIF Singapore
6. Packing: All in bulk
7. Time of Shipment: During December, 20… and January, 20…
8. Port of Shipment & Destination: From China ports to Singapore, transshipment & partial shipments allowed 9. Insurance: To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value against ALL RISKS and WAR RISK.
10. Terms of Payment: By Confirmed,
Irrevocable, Transferable, and Divisible Letter of credit to be available by sight draft, to reach the Sellers before November 30,19__ and to remain valid for negotiation in China until the 20th day after the aforesaid time of shipment.
11. Shipping Mark: At the Sellers’ option 12. Quality, quantity and weight certified by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau or the Sellers, as per the former’s Inspection Certificate or the latter’s certificate, are to be taken as final. 13. Other terms: … 14. REMARKS:
(1) Reasonable tolerance in quality, weight, measurements, designs and colors is allowed, for which no claims will be entertained;
(2) Buyers are to assume full responsibilities for any consequences arising from A:the use of buyer's special demands; B: late detention of specification or any details necessary for the execution of this
Sales Confirmation; C: any act against payment;
(3) Sellers are not responsible for late or non-delivery in the event of force majeare or any contingencies beyond Sellers' control;
(4) Claims, if any, concerning the goods shipped should be made within 30days after arrival at destination;
(5) Buyers should sign one copy of this Sales Confirmation and return it to Sellers within 10days after receipt. If nothing is proposed to the contrary within that time, this Sales Confirmation will be effective. Sales confirmation, issued on the strength of Buyers' order or earlier confirmation is effective immediately on its issuance and subject to neither modification nor cancellation, unless agreed upon by both parties.
Please sign and return one copy