摘 要
Embedded WEB server
The Linux operate system is a free operate system which opens asource code.Not only it has characteristics such as safe,stability,and the low cost,but also it seldom dissemiantes the Virus. In recent years,along with the Linux operatesystem in our country makes widely available continuously,more and more servers,work stations and personal computer start using Linux software.As the Linux operting system has the function of stable reliable,safe and formidable network,to realize a Web server in the Linux environment is the best choice.
This paper introduces design and implement of Web server in Linux operating system. The problem of how to realize data transmission by HTTP protocol which based on Linux is valuable to research. This paper expounds realizing scheme for HTTP protocol, and gives out protocol communication module,wih the method of Linux socket programming intefface, and analyze the communication process between client and server. This paper realizes a Web server procedure in Linux operating sysytem.In the local area network, if this server procedure runs on a computer, which can realizes the function that the client requests and the server responds by HTTP agreement, when other computers in the net visit it.
The complete code of the Web server’s realization uses the C language programming in Linux operating system,which may further enhance the running rate,and strengthened the security and reliability of the system. The code of Web browser’srealization uses The C++ language and Qt,
Key words: Embedded ;Linux operating system;HTTP protocol;Web server ;Socket;
目 录
摘 要 ....................................................... I
ABSTRACT .................................................... II
1 绪论 ...................................................... 1 1.1 课题的研究意义 .......................................... 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 .......................................... 1 1.3 论文研究内容和主要工作 ................................... 2
2 相关理论与知识 ............................................ 3 2.1 Linux操作系统简介 ....................................... 3 2.2 Web服务器的概念 ......................................... 3 2.3 WEB服务器基本构架 ....................................... 4 2.3.1 WEB服务器和浏览器 .................................... 4 2.3.2 WEB页面 ............................................. 6 2.4 WEB系统的基本原理是请求/响应 ............................ 6 2.5 WEB B/S的通信 ........................................... 7 2.5.1 分析请求 ............................................. 8 2.5.2 构造响应 ............................................. 8