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(完整)初中英语优秀教学设计 - 图文

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章节名称八年级下 Unit5(SecitonA1a — 2c)




Unit5 If you go to the party,you?ll have a great time! 的第一课时。


汇,新的表达方式呈现在人物头上的气泡中,从而使学生很容易理解和练习新语言。用 ”If you do, you 定从 e,句Dcw并,et立i对掌ci,在l这握i结o各种可能的时间举行一次班级聚会会出现的各种结果。话题三:在参加 End of Year Party 时如果不遵守 l一用对snS 或决 聚iAe?组教会定bo c 成材规为本单元的知识扩展和语言综合运用奠定基础。 所en部t小Y则分带 分i组会o析来gm以o种出学u 的oa一练n现习从 状结ik副习的A时者学s语果ni。在各 和分生复hTeaching aims(教学目标) 过g “Talk about consequences 来”学习 if 引导的条件 n种实一中析的合o使 结g际般,1.Words and expressions in this unit . 句角u学果t 现生涉的句度l生。o在为活2.Target language : 及学等思在d本时 话中到习完形考课 态Are you going to the party ? 来题的了奠成时式。?也表 图任定三是Yes , I am . I?m going to wear my jeans . 。在 示,画务一基个首口句将从的教学目标 If you do , you?ll have a great time . 为般础话次语”来同学将开,题接运型Teaching Aims and You should wear your cool pants . 时的来生篇具:触用及学时熟。有话 (Present progressive as future ). Demands 3.掌握现在进行时态表示将来if 条件句的主句、从句也许会存在一定的困难。在运用一般将来对习态悉该题八i承语话的4.学习条件状 语从句 : if + will . ,的前图一年言f延来正 启引级:,续 谈Language points(语言点) 确p后出学 以,引论词 should。 a的生了并为不语言技能目标导学已作r培学正同的生经用养t确(1)能用 if 引导的条件状语从句来作出假设,用 will 来谈论结果,如: If you do, you?ll be late. 生的条熟学;运y在方件悉过(2)能用 “Ithink I?m going to ? ”来表达作出的决定, 如:I think I,m going to the party with Karen and Ann.生就用 练式状一的树这整出习去般语立 个个发新参将正从景,也为条件 p单到语来加确句a元对要时的聚,r来于态用。 会在t说和未点词 会接y它一 鼓励学生做出自 出受,既般现上是 现的会本在接各时单有下种态元一来,结的些是已果基难几了。本度个解容,又 :在 ,循了


时求的定教练定师,学生独 句要多





(1)正确运用 if 引导的条件状语从句,如: (2)正确运用表示将来时态的句型,如 am.

(3)运用 what 对 if 引导的句子所产生的结果进行提问, Emotion & attitude

(1)本单元Section A 主要围绕party ”展开话题,贴近学生实际生活,可以提高他们“的学习兴趣,用 英语来表达自己的意愿;

(2)了解国外学生在开 party 时应遵守的规则,同时和国内的规则进行比较,了解中西方文化之间的差 异。

学习运用 be going to 和 will 构成的一般将来时。 Teaching Important and difficult points if 引导的条件状语从句。


设言情信息技术应用 录音,多媒体课件 环境受if 条件状语从句的用法。

教学过程 法



容际T: Hello ,everyone! Today is Friday, What will you do this Sunday? 意图 法

、 Ss:I will ? ? ? P

T: This Sunday is my friend?s birthday, a


I will go to the party this sunday.

rwI will have a good time this sunday o

I think if I go to the party, I ’ ll have a good time. r


贴近学生生活,容易激 StepOne: Leading-in 通过创设开放式教学情境,两T: Today we are going to learn Unit 5 If you go to the party, you 人

have a great time! 一

组合作Step Two: 交Step 2 Pre-task T: What will happen tomorrow ? 流,SB Page 34 , 1a . 使学

体的 Teaching Method

如:What will happen if they have a party tonight?

If you do, you will have a great time.

:I?m going to wear my new jeans.Are you going to the party? Yes, I

由师课。 生对



’ ll




①If you have some money, what will you buy?

②You go to school by bike because your home is very far from the school. If you walk to school, what will happen? ③If you are late for school , what will happen?


④There is going to be a party in our school next week. I will go to the party. If I go to the party, I will have a good time. How about you? Help students answer If I go to the party, I will have a great time too. T: if 引导一个条件状语从句

当主句是一般将来时时, if 引导的从句必须用现在时来表示将来 可能发生的动作或存在的状态。

通过谈论图片学习 if 条

T: ①First, look at the four pictures ,what the pictures are about.

件句,留下直观印象。 以看图对话形式操练语 法。


②Second, ask two students to read the conversation in the first picture.

S1:I think I?m going to go to the party with Karen and Ann. S2:If you do, you?llhave a great time. ③vaction



a pair of jeans 一条牛仔裤

let sb in 允许参加;允许加入其反义词为let sb out

Have Ss match the statements and responses

④T: Karen and Ann also want to go to the party with me. If we go the party, what will happen? Please look at the picture and match the statements with responses below. Ss: ? .

T: Are they right? Please listen and check your answers.

Step 3 While-task

通过听力练习, 巩固新

SB Page 34 , 1b .

句型的使用,并对检验 答题结果。


以小组的方式, 学生自 T: Please look at the picture and make conversations in pairs.


(The students ask and answer in pairs according to the picture.)


Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class .

SB Page 34 , 1c .

拓展巩固 if 条件句结构和用法



利用 chant 突出本节课 的重点。

①给出话题(get up late; eat too much; help others; watch too much TV; get enough exercise) ②给出例子:

例如: A: I think I?m going to ...

B: If you

? , you?ll


两④表演对话。 人一If he ____(go) t o the movies, he won ’ t finish his work. 组用If he ________(become) a doctor, he can help others. 。

If you __(have )time, we will go to the park tomorrow.

T: Is it easy to organize a party?Andrea is a monitor. She will have a class party. But he doesn?t decide when to have the party and what to do at the party. Now Andrea and Mark are talking about it. Do you know what they are talking about?

Please listen and number the phrases in the order you hear them.

SB Page 35 , 2a & 2b

S1: ? .

T: Listen again and answer the following questions. S1: ? .

(Ask some more students to tell their answers.)


(完整)初中英语优秀教学设计 - 图文


