高凯,男,1968年11月出生,汉族,毕业于上海交通大学计算机应用技术专业,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,河北科技大学教学名师,校聘三级教授,河北省重点学科“计算机软件与理论”中“信息检索与云计算”方向学术带头人;中国计算机学会会员,中文信息处理学会会员,多个学术期刊审稿人,IEEE 5th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control程序委员会委员;现任信息科学与工
一.主要招生专业及研究方向 1.自然语言处理 2.网络信息检索 3.社会网络计算 4.大数据搜索与挖掘 二.主要科研成果
5.获准登记的计算机软件著作权8个(详情略),均排名第1。 三.近年发表的代表性学术论文和专著
1. Kai Gao, Hong-xia Ma, Radha Ganesan. Modelling on Web Summarization
Based on Structure Analysis and Vectorization Similarity, International Journal on Modelling, Identification and Control, 2013, 20N4 (12). EI will index.
2. Kai Gao, Hua-ping Zhang, Sheng-wang Li, Wei Wang, Jing Qiu. Research
on Classification Algorithm and its Application in Cased-Based Reasoning, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2013, 48(9). EI will index.
3. Kai Gao, Hua-ping Zhang, Yun-feng Xu, Guo-jiang Gao, Yang-jie Li.
Design and Analysis of Genetic Algorithm Based Chinese Keyword Extracting, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2013, 47(7). EI will index.
4. Kai Gao. The Strategy on Replicate and Similar Web Collections’ Detecting
and Clustering, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 2012, 20(2): 221-231. SCI indexed.
5. Kai Gao. Presenting Implicit Relevance Feedback in Educational Search
Engine, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 2011, 19(2): 294-304. SCI indexed.
6. Kai Gao, Yang-jie Li. Modelling on Chinese Subject-Term Extracting
Algorithm, International Journal on Modelling, Identification and Control, 2011, 13(3): 202-208. EI indexed.
7. Kai Gao, Sheng-wang Li. The Cooperation Model for Multi Agents and the
Identification on Replicated Collections for Web Crawler, International Journal on Modelling, Identification and Control, 2010, 11(3-4): 224-231. EI indexed.
8. Kai Gao, et al. Web Information Processing and Extracting, Proceedings of
the 9th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2010: 2350-2355. EI indexed.
9. 高凯. 基于句模的归约算法在自然语言检索中的应用, 情报学报, 2010,
29(1): 22-31.
10. Kai Gao, Hui-cong Wu. Detecting and Clustering Similar Results of Search
Engine by Exploiting Web Page’s Contents, Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2008, P4680737, EI indexed.
11. Kai Gao, Yong-jun Miao. Tolerant Retrieval and Query Processing in Search
Engine, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, CSSE 2008: 593-596, EI indexed.
12. 高凯. 搜索引擎中信息动态采集策略的研究, 电子学报, 2007, 35(10):
1984-1988. EI indexed.
13. Kai Gao. Effective Page Refresh Policy. Computer Applications in
Engineering Education, 2007, 15(3): 240-247. SCI indexed.
14. 高凯, 仇晶, 张晓明, 王伟. 信息检索与智能处理,国防工业出版社,
15. 张华平,高凯,黄河燕. 大数据搜索与挖掘,科学出版社,2013. 16. 高凯, 郭立炜, 许云峰. 网络信息检索技术与搜索引擎系统开发, 科学出版社, 2010.