路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 - 百度文库
Unit 10 The Idiocy of Urban Life Text comprehension I. B II. Judge
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T III.
IV. Explain
1. Rats make city life courteous and refined when they dominate the city deep at night.
2. City dwellers create all kinds of city vogues in the country, for they will not live without
these fashionable things.
3. These windows are disgraceful because they put the lives of office workers in danger if a
fire should occur.
4. A lawn in the backyard and a few spindle-shaped trees struggling for life are not enough
to give the dweller any true sense of the season changes.
Vocabulary I.
1. doing propaganda work \\ printing lies on paper 2. fierce competition among people 3. foolishness \\ stupidity 4. senseless turmoil 5. something disgraceful 6. people with bent shoulders II.
1. knowledge 2. simulation 3. insolence 4. urban 5. scurry
6. congregation 7. compensate 8. rat race III.
1. idiotic 2. urbanity 3. solitary 4. exerted 5. insolent 6. grieved 7. lunatic 1
路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 - 百度文库
8. habitat IV.
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B V.
1. bearing \\ stance
2. impolite \\ rude, ill-mannered 3. friendly \\ social \\sociable 4. modestly \\ timidly \\ gently
5. smelly \\ stinking \\foul \\malodorous 6. thin \\ lanky 7. accept \\respect 8. strangely VI.
1. somewhere away from a studio, office, library or laboratory where practical work is done
or data is collected 2. support 3. seemingly 4. unconscious 5. very happy 6. ask for Vocabulary I.
1. It was Harry who told the police 2. It was I who told him the news.
3. It was Susan who would like to read some detective stories. It was some detective stories that Susan would like to read. 4.It is only when one is ill that one realizes the value of health. 5. It was John who painted a lovely picture. It was a lovely picture that John painted. 6. It was Galileo who invented the telescope. It was the Telescope that Galileo invented.
7.It was Tom’s mother who threw an egg at the minister yesterday. It was an egg that Tom’s mother threw at the minister yesterday. It was at the minister that Tom’s mother threw an egg yesterday. It was yesterday that Tom’s mother threw an egg at the minister.
8.It was Bill who released the chairman’s illness to the reporters at the party last night. It was the chairman’s illness that Bill released to the reporters at the party last night. 2
路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 - 百度文库
It was at the party that Bill released the chairman’s illness to the reporters last night. It was last night that Bill released the chairman’s illness to the reporters at the party. II.
1.Do be civil this time.
2.Even the victims themselves can’t explain how the accident occurred. 3.John I can comprehend; but the others speak gibberish.. 4.Ambitious she must have been, or she wouldn’t have come.
5.His face not many admired, while his character still fewer could praise. 6.They have promised to finish the work, and finish it they will.
7.Hidden in the cellar were several barrels of wine. \\ It was several barrels of wine that were hidden in the cellar.
8.What he was doing was making a plan. III.
1.No, what I said was that I wanted you to fill the boxes with these books. 2.No, what I did was to invite her to my house instead. 3.No, what I thought was that he was going on his own. 4.No, what I did was to repair the old one.
5.No, what I did was to phone the managing director directly. 6.No, what I’d like you to work on is Exercise Two.
7.No, what I meant was that I will text-message you when I get there. 8.No, what I did was to send them some home-made cakes. IV.
1. People say that Byron lived on vinegar and potatoes.
2. They were towing the damaged ship into harbour when the towline broke. 3. They are lengthening the runways at all the main airports. 4. Experts have proved that this scientific theory is false.
5. Get a builder to put in a lift and then you won’t have to climb up all these stairs. 6. Our opponents must have started this rumour.
7. The authorities put this sip into quarantine and forbade passengers and crew to land. 8. People say that early Egyptian and Greek soldiers used carrier pigeons. V..
1. The door won’t lock.
2. the door hasn’t been locked. 3. His new novel sells well.
4. the girl doesn’t photograph well.
5. he has not been photographed well. 6. this material doesn’t dye well. 7. The flat is to let.
8. the railway divides here into two lines. Translation
1.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
1. 偶尔从寂静中开来一辆汽车, 在闪烁的交通灯下轻巧地驶过。
2. 他们不遗余力地让城里人想象自己现在住的地方决不是城市:在较为现代化的城郊铺3