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优化方案2017高考英语总复习 第1部分 基础考点聚焦 unit 5 learning to k

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Unit 5 Learning to Know


1.She was on a diet,but she couldn’t resist eating sweet food.Consequently,her weight was (gain) again. 答案:gained

2.They’re not welcome here.We made it (perfect) clear. 答案:perfectly

3.In recent years global (warm) is becoming a concern for people all over the world. 答案:warming

4.Hearing this,tears came to my eyes as I realized what a fool I had been to judge Jim’s father as a (fail). 答案:failure

5.As for me (strength) my legs is extremely important. 答案:strengthening

6.Sometimes you can see beggars take advantage people’s kindness to make money. 答案:of

7.The (survive) of the crashed plane had no food or water and were at the mercy of the extremely cold weather. 答案:survivors 8.To avoid being (see) by the teacher,Tom got into the classroom from the back door quietly. 答案:seen

9. He has a large house and an expensive car,not (mention) his villa in France.

答案:to mention

10. The little boy panicked when thinking about the (punish) he might get from his master. 答案:punishment Ⅱ.阅读理解

(2016·江西南昌模拟)Bullfighting has been a Spanish culture symbol for hundreds of years.At first,bullfighting was used to test bravery and manhood.Later,bullfighting was spread to Rome.My question is:how can some people view this as an art form and a tradition?

The big controversy over bullfighting is whether or not it is ethically right.There are a lot of arguments on both sides debating whether it is right or wrong.Even though some people see this as an art form or a tradition,a recent study showed that 68.8% people had no interest in bullfighting,20.6% had some interest and 10.4% had a lot of interest. A lot of people say that it is a bloody sport that results in the suffering of bulls.A

lot of bullfighters like to shave the bull’s horns.That gives the bull a disadvantage.The horns of the bull help it judge distance and maintain its balance.Even though shaving is physically harmless to the bull,the shave is very traumatic to the bull as it is often psychologically beaten.

I was looking at a website that was discussing whether bullfighting is a sport.Someone said,“Bull-fighting is not a sport.It is not an equal contest between a bull and a man.It is a tragedy;the death of a bull is played by the bull and the man involved.”

The people who are for the bullfighting say that it is culturally important and is an art form just like painting,dancing,and music.They say bullfighting is the only art where the artist is in danger of death.It demonstrates the artist’s courage.It has been compared to circus art,but circus artists do not kill an animal to achieve their effect.

In conclusion,bullfighting is a cruel event.The bull has a disadvantage and is tortured in front of thousands of people. 【文章大意】 文章主要介绍了西班牙斗牛运动对公牛本身和对斗牛士等的不利因素,由此告诉我们斗牛运动是一种残酷的事件。

1.How many people in the study were not interested in bullfighting? A.20.6%. B.31.2%. C.10.4%. D.68.8%.

D 解析:细节理解题。根据题干关键词“were not interested in bullfighting”与文章第二段的“a recent study showed that 68.8% people had no interest in bullfighting”相吻合。故选D。

2.What does the underlined word“traumatic”in Paragraph 3 probably mean? A.Strange. B.Beneficial. C.Pleasant. D.Harmful.

D 解析:词义猜测题。strange奇怪的,不可思议的;beneficial有益的;pleasant宜人的;harmful有害的。根据画线单词前面从句中的even though和harmless判断应是harmful。故选D。

3.What was the website mentioned in Paragraph 4 discussing? A.How to change bullfighting into a sport. B.The meaning of watching bullfighting. C.Whether bullfighting is a sport. D.The traditional art of bullfighting.

C 解析:细节理解题。根据题干关键词in Paragraph 4,website,找到文章第四段的第一句话“I was looking at a website that was discussing whether bullfighting is a sport.”与选项C吻合。故选C。

4.The writer wrote the passage mainly to . A.raise people’s interest in bullfighting B.show the disadvantages of bullfighting C.introduce rules of bullfighting D.prove that bullfighting is an art form

B 解析:写作意图题。通读全文,并根据文章最后一段的“In conclusion,bullfighting is a cruel event.”判断与B项吻合。故选B。


(2016·淄博模拟)One of my fondest Christmas memories was also one of our family’s bleakest(最令人沮丧的).We were just little kids,and on Christmas Day my mom 1 us all around her to tell us, 2 ,that there would be no presents because all we really wanted was to 3 for our daddy.He was very sick.I don’t remember anything else except four little girls surrounding my mother,crying 4 a miracle(奇迹). At that very moment,someone 5 loudly on the door. 6 behind him was a merry group of soldiers from the Army base where my father 7 as a minister.News had 8 that we were in trouble,and his colleagues knew we needed some 9 .With all the excitement,even my dad, 10 in a blanket to keep warm,came down and sat in front of a roaring fire in our room to watch his children be 11 by good Samaritans(乐善好施的人).The presents were wrapped,and we girls 12 packages and found a doll each and four board games.

What is 13 to me is that I don’t even remember what sickness my father was suffering from.I 14 remember an evening of laughter and 15 .There were no expensive toys but 16 moments of friendship and fun given by young men who knew that a family was having a(n) 17 time.They gave their time and their 18 to little children who needed to laugh.The most important things in life aren’t things.And what about the true 19 of holidays? I hope we all are able to remember a thing about the holidays that stirs(搅动) our hearts,that isn’t really a thing at all,but the smile on a child’s face because we take a moment to hug or 20 a tear.

【文章大意】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。在遭遇困难的一个圣诞节,作者得到了一群热心人的帮助,从而使作者明白节日的真正含义是关注孩子,关注弱势群体。 1.A.requested B.commanded C.gathered D.recommended

C 解析:request要求;command命令;gather召集,收集;recommend推荐。根据后文four little girls surrounding my mother可知,妈妈将孩子们召集到自己周围。故选C。 2.A.in tears B.in doubt C.in silence D.in surprise

A 解析:in tears泪流满面;in doubt怀疑;in silence沉默;in surprise吃惊。根据下文中He was very sick.说父亲生了很重的病,可知母亲是含着泪说的。故选A。 3.A.apply B.pray C.pay D.ask

B 解析:apply应用;pray祈祷;pay付钱;ask询问。根据He was very sick.可知,母亲让“我们”为父亲祈祷。故选B。 4.A.to B.with C.for D.in

C 解析:to去;with和……在一起;for为了,因为;in在……里面。根据文章可推测,孩子们哭着希望奇迹发生。此处用for表示“为了”。故选C。 5.A.knocked B.beat C.tapped D.struck

A 解析:knock敲;beat打;tap敲打;strike打。根据下文中说有朋友来访,可知应该是有人大力地敲门。故选A。

6.A.Fighting B.Shooting C.Running D.Following

D 解析:fight战斗;shoot射击;run跑;follow跟随。根据下文可知,一群士兵跟在这个人的后面,follow 表示“跟随”。故选D。 7.A.charged B.existed C.governed D.worked D 解析:charge指控;exist存在;govern统治;work工作。根据下文中的his colleagues可知此处表示“工作”。故选D。 8.A.expanded B.spread

C.distributed D.disappeared

B 解析:expand扩展;spread传播;distribute分发;disappear消失。根据上文有同事来访,可知该消息传播到了父亲曾工作的地方。故选B。 9.A.confidence B.cheer C.trust D.wisdom

B 解析:confidence信心;cheer快乐;trust信任;wisdom智慧。这些人知道“我”们需要一点快乐的事情,cheer表示“快乐”。故选B。 10.A.dressed B.attached C.trapped D.wrapped

D 解析:dress穿衣;attach粘上;trap困住;wrap裹住。从后文to keep warm可知父亲裹在毯子里。be wrapped in表示“包裹在……”。故选D。 11.A.persuaded B.saved

C.taught D.entertained

D 解析:persuade说服;save挽救;teach教给;entertain逗乐。根据文意可知这些人来逗孩子们高兴。故选D。

12.A.discovered B.sought C.unfolded D.packed C 解析:discover 发现;seek追求;unfold展开;pack打包。从后文中found a doll each and four board games可知孩子们打开了包裹。故选C。 13.A.strange B.frightening C.useful D.encouraging

A 解析:strange奇怪的;frightening令人害怕的;useful有用的;encouraging感到鼓励的。经历了这些,作者却不记得父亲患过何种疾病,因此是奇怪的。故选A。 14.A.seldom B.just C.even D.hardly

B 解析:seldom很少,不常;just仅仅;even甚至;hardly几乎不,简直不。根据上文“我”不记得父亲患过何种疾病,可知此处表示“我”只记得……故选B。 15.A.happiness B.surprise C.doubt D.anxiety

A 解析:happiness幸福;surprise吃惊;doubt怀疑;anxiety焦急。根据laughter可知此处要填一个相似意义的词,故填happiness。所以选A。 16.A.shocking B.priceless C.worthless D.beneficial

B 解析:shocking令人震惊的;priceless无价的;worthless不值钱的;beneficial有益的。根据前文的no expensive toys but...可知,礼物不贵,但情谊无价。故选B。

17.A.relaxing B.great C.ordinary D.tough

D 解析:relaxing感到放松的;great伟大的;ordinary普通的;tough艰苦的。从前文作者家庭的经历,可知是处于困难时期,故使用tough。所以选D。 18.A.praise B.treatment C.attention D.response

C 解析:praise表扬;treatment对待,治疗;attention注意,关心;response 反应。综合上文可知,这些人表达了对孩子们的关心。故选C。 19.A.theme B.spirit C.principle D.theory

B 解析:theme主题;spirit精神;principle原则;theory理论。根据前文The most important things in life aren’t things.可知,作者想表明生活中重要的并非物质,那么节日的真谛(精神)到底是什么呢?故选B。 20.A.wipe away B.deal with C.write about D.burst into

A 解析:wipe away扫走;deal with对付,谈及;write about写关于……;burst into突然爆发。激动人心的并非事物,而是因为我们拥抱或者擦去孩子泪珠时他们脸上显现的笑容。故选A。 Ⅳ.短文改错

(2016·德州高三质检)Childhood is a time when there are little duties.If a child has good parents,he is fed,looked after,and loved no matter when he may do.It’s impossible for him to be given such much again in his later life.But a child is not so free to do as he wishes it.He is continually being told not to do this,not to do that,or being punished for what he had done wrong.

When the young man starts to make their own living,he becomes free from the rules of school and parents.Therefore,he can no longer expect others to pay his food,his clothes,and his room.He has to work hard to live comfortable.If so,he can have the great happiness of build up his own position in society. 答案:


Childhood is a time when there are duties.If a child has good parents,he


is fed,looked after,and loved no matter he may do.It’s impossible for him


to be given much again in his later life.But a child is not so free to do as

sohe wishes it.He is continually being told not to do this,not to do that,or being had

punished for what he done wrong.



When the young man starts to make own living,he becomes free from the rules


of school and parents.,he can no longer expect others to pay his food,


优化方案2017高考英语总复习 第1部分 基础考点聚焦 unit 5 learning to k


