中华人民共和国森林法 Forest Law of the People’s Republic of China
风景名胜区管理条例 Regulations on the Management of Landscape and Famous Sceneries
待霜亭 the Orange Pavilion 雪香云蔚亭 the Prunus Mume Pavilion
柳阴路曲 the zigzag pathway with willow shade
绣绮亭 the Peony Pavilion 见山楼 the Mountain in View
Regulations on the Nature Protection Regions of the People’s Republic of China Tower
中华人民共和国野生动物资源保护条例 别有洞天 the Moon Gate Regulations on the Protection of Wild Plants of the People’s Republic of China
中国古典园林classical Chinese gardens 苏州园林 Suzhou Gardens
拙政园 The Humble Administrator’s Garden
塔影亭 the tower shadow Pavilion 留听阁 the Stay and Listen Pavilion 浮翠阁 the Floating Green Pavilion 笠亭 the Li Pavilion
与谁同坐轩 the “With Whom Shall I Sit?”Pavilion
宜两亭 Both Families Pavilion 三十六鸳鸯馆
the 36 Pairs of Mandarin Ducks’ Hall 十八曼陀罗花馆
the 18 Stramonium Flowers’ Hall 枇杷园 Loquat Garden 海棠春坞 Malus spring castle 听雨轩 the “Listen to the rain” Pavilion 玲珑馆 Exquisite Hall 小飞虹 the Small Flying Rainbow 得真亭 the Get Reality Pavilion 小沧浪 The small Pavilion of Quiet Meditation 听松风处
the place for listening to the pine wind
香洲 the Boat-like Structure 玉兰堂 the Magnolia
远香堂 Drifting Fragrance Hall
荷风四面亭 the Pavilion in the Lotus Breezes
倚玉轩 the Listening on Jade Pavilion
留园 The Lingering Garden
华步小筑 A Scene in the Lingering Garden
绿荫 the Green Shade Pavilion
小蓬莱 the Samll Fairy Isle 舒啸亭 the Shuxiao Pavilion 浣云沼 the Huanyun Billabong 明瑟搂 the Pellucid Tower 涵碧山房 Hanbi Mountain Villa 可亭 Ke Ting Pavilion
五峰仙馆 the Celestial Hall of Five Peaks
林泉耆硕之馆 the Old Hermit Scholars’ House
闻木樨香轩 the Osmanthus Fragrance Pavilion
揖峰轩 the Yifeng Pavilion 又一村 “another village” 冠云峰 the Cloud Capped Peak 冠云台 the Cloud Capped Terrace
冠云亭 the Cloud Capped Pavilion
曲溪楼 the Zigzag Stream Tower
濠濮亭 the Haopu Pavilion 曲廊 the Zigzag Walkway 清风池馆 the Refreshing Breeze Pavilion by the Lake
活泼泼地 the Place of Liveliness
网师园 The Master-of-Nets Garden
小山丛桂轩 the Small Hill and
Osmanthus Fragance Pavilion 云窟月洞门 the Yunku Moon Gate 看松读画轩 the Watching Pines and Appreciating Paitings Studio
射鸭廊 the Duck Shooting Corridor
月到风来亭 the Moon Come with Breeze Pavilion
冷泉亭 the Cold Spring Pavilion
殿春簃 the Peony Study 万卷堂 the Hall of Scrolls 撷绣楼 the Bueaty Within Reach Tower
五峰书屋 the Five Peaks Library 真意门 the True Feeling Gate 环秀山庄 The Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty
问泉亭 the Putting a Question to the Spring Pavilion
飞雪泉 the Spring of Flying Snow
水涧 the Gully
边楼 the Side Tower 补秋山房 the Make-up Autumn Gallery 狮子林 The Lion Forest Garden 燕誉堂 the Yan Yu Hall 海棠门洞 the Chinese Flowering Crabapple Gate
指柏轩 the Zhi Bai Pavilion 九狮峰 the Nine Lions Peak 古五松园 the Ancient Five Pines Garden
花篮厅 the Flower Basket Hall 真趣亭 the True Delight Pavilion
石舫 the Stone Boat-Like Structure
湖心亭 the Mid-Lake Pavilion 问梅阁 the Putting a Question to the Wintersweet Pavilion
文天祥碑亭 Wen Tianxiang Stele Pavilion
扇面亭 the Fan-Shaped Pavilion
修竹阁 the Practising Buddhism Pavilion
立雪堂 the Li Xue Hall 艺圃 The Garden of Cultivation 博雅堂 the Bo Ya Hall 乳鱼亭 the Fry Pavilion
香草居 the Sweetgrass House 响月廊 the Sound of Moon Verandah 耦园 The Couple’s Garden Retreat 吾爱亭 the Wu Ai Pavilion 听橹楼 the Ting Lu Tower 城曲草堂 the Cheng Qu Thatched Cottage 载酒堂 the Carrying Wine Hall 还砚斋the Giving Back Inkstone Studio 沧浪亭 Surging Waves Pavilion 明道堂 the Ming Dao Hall 看山楼 the Looking at Mountains Tower 翠玲珑 the Jade and Exquisite Study 清香馆 the Prue Fragance Hall 康熙御碑亭 the Kangxi Imperial Stele Pavilion
退思园 The Garden of Quiet Meditation 揽胜阁 the Viewing Landscape Pavilion 水香榭 the Water Fragance Pavilion 退思草堂
the Thatched Cottag of Quiet Meditation 闹红一轲
the Boat-Like Structure with Goldfish 菰雨生凉 A Tower View by the Water 眠云亭 the Sleeping Cloud Pavilion 畹香楼 the Wan Xiang Tower 怡园 The Garden of Pleasant
岁寒草庐 the Sui Han Thatched Cottage
四时潇洒亭 the Four Seasons Fine Pavilion
石轩 the Bai Shi Pavilion 石听琴 the Shi Ting Qin Music Studio
小沧浪亭 the Small Surging Waves Pavilion
锁绿轩 the Locking Green Pavilion
云墙 the Cloud Wall
画舫斋 the Painted Boat Studio 螺髻亭 the Luo Ji Pavilion 碧梧?风 the Bi-Wu-Qi-Feng Pavilion 北京故宫former imperial palace 北海beihai lake
濠濮涧Pavilion for quiet meditation 画舫斋painted boat studio 五龙亭five-dragon Pavilion 琼华岛qionghua isle 九龙墙nine-dragon wall 静心斋tranquil heart studio
圆明园the yuanmingyuan(garden of gardens) 玉泉山jade spring(yuquan hill)
方壶胜境Wonderland on Fanghu Ishand 三潭印月Three Pools Mirroring the Moon 西洋楼景区European Palaces 黄花阵The Labyrinth
谐奇趣Harmonious Wonder 养 雀 笼Aviary
龙凤水法the Dragon-Phoenix Fountain 五 竹 亭Five Bamboo Pavilions 海晏堂 Hall of National peace 线法山 Hill of Perspective 方 河Square Lake
线 法 画Perspective Landscapes
蓬岛瑶台Pengdao Yaotai (Immortal Abode on Penglai Island)
正觉寺Zhengjue (Enlightenment) Temple 绮春园宫门Palace Gates of Qichunyuan 鉴碧亭Jianbi Pavilion(Pavilion in a Blue Mirror)
绮春园石残桥Remnants of a Stone Bridge 涵秋馆Three-Arch Bridge of the Hanqiu(Embracing Autumn)Study
仙人承露台Xianren Chenglu (Platform of Immortal Receiving Heavenly Dew)
浩 然 亭Haoran (Noble Spirit) Pavilion 会心桥Huixin Bridge (Bridge
别有洞天Bieyou Dongtian(Place of Unique Beauty)
含经堂 Hanjingtang(Tripataka Hall) 颐和园 the summer palace
苏州街 Suzhou Street
仁寿殿 the Hall of benevolence and longevity
德和园 the Garden of harmonious delights
排云殿 cloud dispelling hall
佛香阁 the tower of the fragrant buddha
万寿山 the Longevity Hill 昆明湖 kunming lake 长廊 the long corridor 十七孔桥 a 17-span bridge
听莺阁 Pavilion for listening to orioles
恭王府花园the mansion of the prince of gong 景山公园Jingshan Park
观妙亭 the Guanmiao Pavilion
南京瞻园the zhanyuan garden in nanjing 花竺厅 Hall of flower and bamboo 静妙堂jingmiao hall
南京煦园the xiyuan garden in nanjing 夕佳楼 Xijia Pavilion 不系舟anchor less boat
承德避暑山庄the summer mountain resort at chengde
上帝阁 Pavilion of God
芳洲亭 the Fangzhou Pavilion 水心榭shuixin chamber
淡泊敬诚厅the Danbojingcheng Hall 烟雨楼Pavilion of mist and rain 园林专业外语词汇6 金山寺jinshan temple
上海豫园yuyuan garden in shanghai 玉玲珑yulinglong rock 殿春堂the dianchun Pavilion 龙墙the dragon wall
万花厅the ten thousand flower Pavilion 香山公园xiangshan park 古漪园guyi garden 艺圃yipu garden 虎丘tiger hill 瘦西湖slim west lake 个园geyuan garden 鹤园heyuan garden
天坛 the temple of heaven
西湖west lake
沈园shenyuan garden
杜甫草堂du fu’s thatched hut
中国风景名胜区 scenic resort and historic site in China
五岳 Five Famous Mountains 佛教四大名山Four Buddhist Holy Mountains 岩洞风景 karst landescape 石林风景 forest of rock 太湖风景区 Taihu Lake scenic resort 杭州西湖 West Lake,Hangzhou 雁荡山风景区
Yandangshan Mountain scenic spot 黄山风景区
Huangshan Mountain scenic spot 武夷山风景区
Wuyishan Mountain scenic spot 庐山 Lushan Mountain 武当山风景区
Wudangshan Mountain scenic spot 桂林山水 landscape of Guilin 日月潭 Riyue Pool 国家公园 national park 休养胜地 place for resort 意大利传统园林 Traditional Italian garden 法尔奈斯庄园 Villa Palazzina Farnese 埃斯特庄园 Villa Deste 兰特庄园 Villa Lante 波波里花园 Boboli Garden 加尔佐尼庄园 Villa Garzoni 冈贝里亚庄园 Villa Gamberaia 阿尔多布兰迪尼庄园 Villa Aldoblandini 伊索拉\贝拉庄园 Villa Isola Bella 玛达玛庄园 Villa Madama 西赛罗 Marcus Cicero 小普林尼 C. Caecilius Plinius Secundus 科西莫\德\美第奇 Cosimo de Medici 罗伦佐\德\美第奇 Lorenzo de Medici 阿尔贝蒂 Leon Battista Alberti 多纳托\布拉曼特 Donato Bramante 拉斐尔 Raphael
吉阿柯莫\达\维涅奥拉 Giacomo da Vignola 利戈里奥 Pirro Ligorio
法国传统园林 Traditional French garden 谢农索庄园 Chenonceaux Castle 维兰德利庄园 Villandry Castle 卢森堡花园 Luxembourg Garden 沃-勒-维贡特庄园 Vaux-Le-Vicomte Castle 枫丹白露宫苑 Fontainebleau Palace 凡尔赛宫苑 Versailles Palace 丢勒里宫苑 Tuileries Palace 商蒂伊庄园 Chantilly Castle 索园 Sceaux Park 蒙梭公园 Moceau Park 肖蒙山丘公园 Buttes-Chaumont Park 皮埃尔\德\迈柯利阿诺 Pasello da Mercogliano
弗朗索瓦一世 Francois ler 杜塞尔索家族 Les Du Cerceau 莫莱家族 Les Mollet
雅克\布瓦索 Jacques Boyceau de la Baraudi 路易十四 Louis Xiv
安德烈\勒\诺特尔 Andre Le Notre 让\雅克\卢梭 Jean Jacques Rousseaux 吉拉丹侯爵
Louis-Rene,le marquis de Girardin
阿尔方 Jean Charles Adolphe Alphand 爱德华\安德烈 Edourd Andre
英国传统园林 Traditional English garden 查兹沃斯风景园 Chatsworth 布伦海姆风景园 Blenheim Palace 斯陀园 Stowe
斯托海德风景园 Stourhead 霍华德庄园 Castle Howard
皇家植物园邱园Royal Botanic Gardens Kew 尼曼斯花园 Nymans 汉普顿宫苑 Hampton Court 约翰\罗斯 John Rose 乔治\卢顿和亨利\怀斯
Gorge Loudon and Henri Wise
威廉\坦普尔 Willian Temple 约瑟夫\艾迪生 Joseph Addison 亚历山大\蒲柏 Alexander Pope 斯梯芬\斯威特则 Stephen Switzer 凡布高和查理\布里奇曼
John Vanbrugh and Charles Bridgeman 威廉\肯特 William Kent
朗塞洛特\布朗 Lancelot Brown 威廉\钱伯斯 William Chambers 胡弗莱\雷普顿 Humphry Repton
德国传统园林 Traditional Germany garden 慕尼黑宫廷花园 Hofgarten Muenchen 赫恩豪森 Herrenhausen 威廉山 Wilhelmshoehe 沃尔利兹园林群 Woerlitz 魏玛 Weimar 什未钦根 Schwetzingen 顺恩布什 Schoenbusch 英国园 Englischer Garten 纽芬堡 Nymphenburg 卡尔斯奥 Karlsaue 无忧宫 Sanssouci
孔雀岛和蒂尔加腾faueninsel and Tiergarten 慕斯考 Muskau 勃兰尼茨 Branitz
慕尼黑奥林匹克公 Olympiapark Muenchen 波恩莱茵公司 Rheinpark Bonn 慕尼黑西园 Westpark Muenchen 苏尔泽 J.G.Sulzer
斯开尔 Friedrich Ludwig von Sckell 莱内 Peter Josef Lenne 平克勒
Ludwig Heinrich Fuerst von Pueckler Muskau 西雅图自由大道公园 Freeway Park,Seattle 意大利广场 Plazzad Italia 威尔榭广场 Wilshire Plaza 派利公园 Paley Park 佩讯广场 Pershing Square 圣琼斯市广场公园 San Jose Plaza Work 墨西哥城新遗址公园
New Mexico City New Park
喷泉广场 Fountain Plaza
RIO购物中心 RIO Shoppong Center 太平洋贝尔公司行政中心
Pacific Bell Administration Center
油库公园 Gas Works Park 蟾蜍楼花园 Toad Hall 沃特里奇公司工业广场
Wateridge Corporate Business Park
罗宾逊广场 Robinson Square 哈乐昆广场 Harlequin plaza
冬园—尼亚加拉瀑布 Winter Garden-Niagara Fall 弗雷德里克奥姆斯特德
Fredrick Law Olmsted
罗伯 托伯利马克斯 Roberto Burle Marx 路易斯巴拉干 Luis Barragan 丹基利 Dan Kiley 佐佐木英夫 Hideo Sasaki 彼特沃克 Peter Walker 乔治哈格里夫斯 George Hargreaves 人类生态环 human ecological environment 自然系统 natural system 自然资源 natural resource
自然保护 conservation of nature 自然保存 natural preservation
环境保护 environmental protection 环境容量 environment capacity 环境适宜性 environment fitness
环境空气质量标准 ambient air quality 共生 symbiosis
互惠共生 mutualism
公害 public nuisance
生态绝灭 ecological extinction 生态系统 ecosystem 生态圈 ecosphere
生态灾难 ecological disaster 环境质量 environmental quality 环境压力 environment stress
生命维持系统 life-support system 反馈系统 feedback system 自养生物 autotroph 异养生物 heterotroph 食物链 foodchain 生物圈 biosphere
濒危植物 endangered plant, threatened plant 主体群落 major community 人工群落 artificial community
绿色革命 green revolution
户外娱乐资源 outdoor recreation resource 原始环境系统
wilderness environment system
近代环境系统 modern environment system 乡村生活模式 country life-pattern 烟害 smoke pollution, fume pollution
雾害 fog pollution
霜害 frost injury
水污染 water pollution
土壤污染 soil pollution, soil contamination 园林小气候 garden microclimate
环境保护植物 environmental conservation plant
引气候调节 climatic regulation 自动调节机能 homeostasis 生态平衡 ecological homeostasis 森林生态系统 forest ecosystem 草原生态系统 prairie ecosystem 滞尘植物 dust holding plant