园林区划 Garden area division 园林分区规划 Garden block planning 庭院花园 Courtyard garden 前庭 Front yard, forecourt 后庭 Back yard, rear yard 中庭 patio
厨园 Kitchen yard
沉[床]园 Sunken garden 窗园 Window garden 墙园 Wall garden 宅园 Home garden 台地园 Terrace garden 冬园 Winter garden 切花园 Cut flower garden 屋顶花园 Roof garden 后花园 Back yard garden 园林地形改造
Topographical reform of garden
土山 Earth piled hill, mound artificial 假山 rockery, artificial rockwork
太湖石 Taihu Lake stone, water modelled stone
黄石 Yellowish brown stone
人造假山石Artificial stone, man-made stone 孤赏石 monolith, standing stone 掇山 Piled stone hill, hill making 叠石 Stones laying 板石 Flag stone 散点石 Scattered stone 抱角石 Corner stone 屋基石 Foundation stone 排衙石 Guard stone 屏石 Screen stone 石岸 Rock bank
石阶 Stone steps
汀步 Stepping stone on water surface 附壁石 Stone appended to wall 石花台 Stone flower bed 石凳 Stone bench
假山石挡土墙 Rock retaining wall 干砌石 Dry stone wall
假山石楼梯 Rock Stairway 石亭 Stone Pavilion 石洞 Stone cavern
石窟 grotto
置石 Stone arrangement, stone layout 拱石 Arch stone 拱顶石 Key stone
园林水景 Water scenes of garden 水体 Water body 水面 Water surface 水池 pool 水塘 pond 喷泉 fountain 喷水池 Fountain pool 涉水池 Wading pool
倒影池 Mirror pool, reflecting pool 睡莲池 water-lily pool 喷水管布置 Piping schema 钓鱼塘 Fishing pond
高水位池塘 High water table pond 池边坐人矮墙 Seat wall surrounded pool 隐头喷泉 Secret fountain 岛园 Island garden 半岛园 Peninsula garden 小岛 isle
瀑布 waterfall 小瀑布 cascade 湖 lake
矶 Rock projecting over water 水帘洞 Water curtain cave 园桥 Garden bridge 拱桥 Arch bridge
石板桥 Stone slab bridge 木板桥 Plank bridge 圆木桥 Log bridge 亭桥 Pavilion bridge 曲桥 Zigzag bridge
壁泉 Wall fountain
饮水喷头 Drinking fountain 植物配植 Plant arrangement 树木配植Arrangement of trees and shrubs 群植 Group planting, mass planting 孤植 Specimen planting, isolated planting 丛植 Clump planting 组植 Group planting 林植 Forest planting 列植 Linear planting
对植 Opposite planting, coupled planting 环植 Circular planting 带植 Belt planting
散植 Scattered planting, loose planting 边缘种植 Edge planting 边界种植 Boundary planting 整形种植 Architectural planting 基础种植 Foundation planting 角隅种植 Corner planting 景框种植 Planting as enframent 门卫种植 Guard planting 篱恒种植 Fence planting 障景种植 Screen planting
背景种植 Background planting 林下种植 Underwood planting 路边种植 Roadside planting 绿篱 hedge 树墙 espalier 庭荫树 Shade tree
园景树 Specimen tree
风景林 Amenity forest,ornamental forest 行道树 Avenue tree, street tree 纪念林 Memorial forest 整型树 Topiary tree 花篱
Flower hedge'
刺篱 Thorny plants hedge
常绿绿篱 Evergreen hedge 落叶绿篱 Deciduous hedge 高篱 High hedge
沟中边篱 hah-hah fence 图案矮篱 Pattern dwarf hedge 迷宫绿篱 Labyrinth hedge 整剪绿篱 Clipped hedge
自然式花篱 Natural flowering hedge 边篱 Boundary fence
园篱 Garden fence, garden hedge 纯林 Pure forest
混交林 mixed forest
林间隙地 open space in woodland 杂木林 spinney
树冠覆盖面 tree canopy 草坪 lawn
整形草坪 formal lawn 开花草坪 flowering lawn
牧场草坪 meadowy land 花坛 flower bed
路边花坛 roadside flower bed 带状花坛 ribbon flower bed 时钟花坛 flower clock
盆栽花坛 potted flower bed, basined flower bed
高设花台 Raised flower bed 毛毡花坛 carpet bed 镶嵌花坛 mosaic bed 铺石花坛 paved bed 灌木花坛 shrub bed
图案花坛群 parterre
草药花坛 herbaceous flower bed 花结花坛 knot bed
整形花坛 formal flower bed 花境 flower border 花桶 Flower tub 植树箱 Planting box
活动花坛 Movable flower bed 瓶饰 Garden vase
灌木花境 Shrub border 混合花境 Mixed border
园林道路设计 Garden road design, garden path design
漫步路 trail, footway 小径 alley, path 川草坪岛 Lawn island
安全岛 Traffic island, refuge island 转弯曲度 Turning curvature 转弯半径 Turning radius 踏面 Landing pitch 步石 Stepping stone
涉水踏步 Wading step
错铺路 Crazy paving path
随意组合方石板路 Flag stone path paved at random
花纹路 Pattern path 林荫路 mall
林荫大道 boulevard 花园路 parkway
林间小道 Path in woodland 种植池 Planting bed
树池保护格栅 Tree grate
树干保护套栏 Tree guard
树池坐凳矮墙seatwall-surrounded planting 路面线纹 Score line
传统园林建筑 traditional garden building 凉亭 summer shelter 活树亭 arbor, tent arbor 蘑菇亭 mushroom Pavilion 茅亭 thatched Pavilion 竹亭 bamboo Pavilion 茶亭 tea booth, tea kiosk 回廊 cloister
水廊 corridor on water 曲廊 zigzag veranda 扒山廊 sloping gallery 楼廊 two-storied gallery 画舫 painted pleasure boat 石舫 stone boat
不击舟 immovable pleasure boat 诗条石 poem-engraved stone slab 月洞门 moon gate
扶手栏杆 handrail 坐凳栏杆 seat rail
石碑 stone tablet, stele 园林露天剧场 open garden theater
open garden dancing place
露天音乐台 outdoor music stand 眺望台 prospect deck
繁殖温室 plant propagation greenhouse
展览温室 public conservatory 月池 new-moon pool 园林小品 small garden ornaments 磁砖壁画 painted tile mural tablet 园椅 garden chair, garden seat 园凳 garden bench 园桌 garden table 园灯 garden lamp 日规 sundial
鸟浴 bird bath
鸟舍 bird cottage, nestle box 鸟笼 bird cage, bird coop 悬篮 hanging basket
野鸟喂食器 bird feeder
额匾 horizontal inscribed board 楹联couplet written on scroll, couplet on pillar
引露天烤炉 open barbecue 树棚 living-tree pergola 花架 pergola 花格架 trellis, treillage
点景牌楼naming pailou, decorated archway 园林施工 garden layout, garden construction 种植工程 planting engineering 大树移植 big tree transplanting 裸根移植 bare root transplanting 土球移植 ball transplanting 沟植 trench planting 假植 heeling in, temporary planting 播种草坪 seeding lawn 铺草皮块草坪 sodding lawn
假山工程 rockery engineering 掇山五法 five methods” of rock piling 等分平衡法 method of making the rock equa-tional and balanced
前轻后重法 method of making the front part of rock lighter than the back part
上轻下重法 method of lowering the center ofgravity of rocks
纹理统一法 method of unifying the rock veins
石料统一法 method of unifying the rock mate-rials
观赏树木 ornamental tree and shrub 观叶植物 foliage plant 观果植物 fruit-effect plant
观枝干植物 plants with ornamental trunks and branches
指示植物 indicating plant 主景植物 accent plant 耐湿植物 damp tolerant plant 抗风植物 wind-resistant plant
耐盐碱植物 saline-alkali tolerant plant 市花 city flower 市树 city tree
国花 national flower 国树 national tree
芳香植物 fragrant plant
抗污染植物 pollution resistant plant 环保植物 environment protecting plant 高山植物 alpine plant 岩生植物 rock plant
攀缘植物 climbing plant, climber 地被植物 ground cover plant 阴生植物 shade plant 装饰植物 decorative plant 装缘植物 edging plant 绿蓠植物 hedge plant
草坪植物 lawn plant, lawn grass 花坛植物 bedding plant
球根植物 bulbous plant
宿根植物 perennial plant, perennial 水生植物 aquatic plant, hydrophyte 旱生植物 xerophyte
沼泽植物 bog plant, swamp plant 室内装饰植物 indoor decorative plant, house plant
切花 cut flower
垂枝植物 pendulous plant, weeping plant 缠绕植物 twiner, twinning plant 针叶植物 needle-leaved plant 阔叶植物 broad-leaved plant 斑叶植物
variegate-leaved plant
松柏植物 conifer
常绿植物 evergreen plant 半常绿植物 semi-evergreen plant 不耐寒植物 tender plant 半耐寒植物 half-hardy plant 耐寒植物 hardy plant
耐旱植物 drought enduring plant 山石材料 stone material 昆山石 Kunshan stone 钟乳石 stalactite 灵壁石 Lingbi stone 英德石 Yingde stone 青石 Qing stone 宣石 Xuan stone
房山石 Fangshan stone
观赏动物 ornamental animal 观赏鸟类 ornamental bird 观赏兽类 ornamental beast 观赏昆虫类 ornamental insect
园林机械 Garden machine
园林工具 Garden instrument,garden implement
园林设备 Garden equipment 花坛分界隔板 Plastic bed divider 种植容器 Planting container 圆木桩 Log peg
喷射装置 Jet bubbler
滴灌 Trickle irrigator,drip irrigator 环动喷灌器 Circle sprinkler 圆筒喷灌器 Totor sprinkler 自控器 Automatic controller 管端喷灌器 Hose end sprinkler 固定喷灌器 Stationary sprinkler 喷雾喷灌器 Mist sprinkler,spray head sprinkler
喷灌覆盖面 Sprinkler coverage 草坪加肥器 Lawn feeder
施肥喷灌器 Combined feeder and sprinkler
液肥混合调配器 Liquid fertilizer mixer-proportioner
滴水喷头 Emitter,dripper
水土保持塑料网 Erosion control plastic net 苗木包装材料 Nursery stock package material
麻布袋 Burlap bag
铁丝篮 Wire basket
篮状种植器 Basket container 塑料苗木桶 Plastic nurserican 播种盘 Seed tray 网孔盆 Mesh pot
含肥泥炭盆 Fertile peat pot 盆栽机 Potting machine
换盆机 Repotting machine
再生纸种植器 Reclaimed paper container 纤维育苗器 Wood fiber plant grower 泥炭压制播种机 Peat seeding pellet ,peat seeding starter
松土除草机 Cultivator 旋转锄 Rotary hoe 切叶机 Foliage cutter
翻地犁 Uncovering plough 盖土机 Mounted spreader
前悬装土机 Front mounted loader 后缀装土机 Rear mounted loader 旋轴剪草机 Spindle mower 栽植机 Planting machine
植物覆盖 Plant mulching 覆盖物分散机 Mulch spreader 种子液肥喷洒机 Hydro seeder 修枝剪 Pruning shear 播种器 Garden seeder 球根种植器 Buld planter 土壤酸度探测器 pH-value computer 肥效分析器 Fertilizer analyzer 嫁接刀 Grafting knife
温室设备 Greenhouse equipment 盆栽灌水系统 Pot watering system
温室气候控制器 Greenhouse climate controller
温室覆盖 Greenhouse covering
喷雾自控系统 Automatic mist control system
二氧化碳发生器 CO2 generator 温度警报钟 Temperature alarm 游览车 Park sightseeing bus 剪草机 Lawn mower
动力剪草机 Power lawnmower 畜力剪草机 Horse lawnmower 手推剪草机 Hand lawnmower
游人调查 Visitors investigation 游人统计 Visitors statistics 游人分析 Garden visitors analysis 游人管理 Visitors management 导游图 Tourist map 导游解说 Tour description
劳动管理 Labour management
物资管理 Material handlingl,goods handling
设备管理 Equipment management,facility management
财务管理 Financial management 安全管理 Safety management 环境监测 Environmental monitor 植物养护管理 Plant maintenance and management
园林技术管理 Garden technical management
质量管理 Quality management
园貌维修 Garden feature maintenance
植物整形修剪 Plant trimming and pruning
植物病虫防治 Disease and insect control 园林管理规划 Management plan 游人意见处理 Treatment of visitors opinions
游人规则 Visitors regulation 园内交通管理 Traffic control in park 园外交通管理 Traffic control put of park entrance
汽车停车规则 Parking rules
自行车停放规则 Bicycle parking rules 开放时间 Opening time
日常清理卫生管理 Daily sanitation and hygiene management
盆景配件 Penjing accessories 盆景植物 Penjing plant
水石盆景 Rock and water penjing 树桩盆景 Penjing planted with old dwarf trees
垂枝盆景 Penjing planted with pendulous
盆景艺术 Penjing art 盆景土 Pot mixture for penjing 盆景盆体 Penjing pot
日本式盆景 Japanese style penjing,bonsai
盆景花坛 Penjing flower bed 国际自然及自然资源保护联合会
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Nature resources,IUCN
国际园林师联合总会 International Federation of Landscape Architects,IFLA
中国风景园林学会 Chinese Society of Landscape Aarchitecture,CSLA
中华人民共和国环境保护法Law of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China